

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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For general information on LArSoft, including links to videos and presentations, start at

Introduction to LArSoft

The LArSoft Project is intended to include all functions necessary to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a common software infrastructure for the reconstruction and simulation of liquid argon (LAr) based detectors. The effort needed to develop the software is provided by the stakeholder experiments. This section provides background and History of the Liquid Argon Software (LArSoft) project.

Using LArSoft

This covers the preliminaries needed to get started, where to find releases, using LArSoft with your experiment and where to find the software.
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Developing With LArSoft

Developing LArSoft code itself. Using LArSoft to write experiment-specific code against an existing LArSoft release.

Getting LArSoft

Local installation of LArSoft, and builds.

LArSoft Internals

Topics of interest to people supporting LArSoft.