

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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Developing LArSoft with Containers


Fermilab currently supports SL7 builds in apptainer. Note that the ups flavor must be specified. Any number of disk directories may be specified after the -B option.

apptainer shell -s /bin/bash -B /cvmfs,$PWD /cvmfs/

export UPS_OVERRIDE='-H Linux64bit+3.10-2.17'

Jenkins with apptainer

For Jenkins build jobs, we start the apptainer and run the job in the same command. The build script then must set UPS_OVERRIDE.

# start the container and run the build
    /cvmfs/ exec \
    --pid --ipc \
    -B /etc/hosts,/tmp,/cvmfs/,${WORKSPACE} \
    --pwd ${WORKSPACE} \
    /cvmfs/ /bin/bash ./larutils/buildScripts/


Docker is no longer a recommended container. However, the instructions are here for a Docker container approach.