

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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Github labels used as status indicators

Labels on pull requests are used to indicate the status of the pull request within the approval workflow. The labels are automatically generated when the PR is created, and change in response to comments that trigger CI actions, indicate step approvals / rejections, or contain results from the CI system. Two special labels indicate the overall approval status, and third used to indicate that the PRs is linked to coordinated PRs in one or more other repositories. Such PRs are built and tested together.

The labels have the format <signature/process category prefix>-, and bear colors that reflect the status. The “category” or “process” values correspond to steps in the approval workflow., as described below. The overall status and linked PR labels do not conform to this format.

Process category labels

Signature category labels

Level 2 managers must sign-off on PRs with the L2 category label.

Level 1 managers sign off on all pull requests when they are ready to be merged. Coordinated PRs will be merged at the same time. In the case of breaking changes, the merge is done during the process of cutting a release.

Special labels

Two special labels/colors are added to a pull request to indicate the overall status.
|. label |. color |_. overall status |
| signatures-pending | orange | requires sign off by L1 and L2 managers |
| fully-signed | green | all categories and CI processes approved |

When the comment ‘trigger build with …’ is used, another special label “requires external” is added to indicate this PR requires a coordinated change
|. label |. color |_. status|
| requires external | blue | requires a PR from another LArSoft repo |