

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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Installation procedures

Each release of LArSoft has a release page on SciSoft<version>/larsoft-<version>.html

Installing a binary distribution

The pull script, pullProducts, will pull any release of larsoft.
A link to this script, and any instructions particular to the release, will be found on the LArSoft release page.

./pullProducts -h

  -d    Debug network operations for tarball downloads.
  -f    Force pull of tarball if it already exists.
  -h    This help.
  -l    Use a local manifest.  This is for development, not for production.
  -M    Download manifest only.
  -p    Only check for existing products in product_topdir.
  -r    Remove tarballs after downloading and unwinding.
  -s    Stream tarballs instead of downloading (mutually incompatible with -r).
  -V    Print version and exit.

  -S <spack_topdir>  Top directory for spack buildcache installation
                     Must NOT be the same as product_topdir.


  product_topdir   Top directory for relocatable-UPS products area.
  OS               Supported os distributions: 
  bundle-spec      Bundle name and version, e.g., art-v1_12_04
  qual_set         Some possible qualifier sets: 
  build-spec       debug or prof
`./pullProducts [-f|-p|-S] <product_topdir> <OS> <bundle-spec>-<version> <qual_set> <build-spec>`

Old Download instructions