

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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Move to v05

v05_00_00 is a major change

Pass 1 - refactor


Pass 1 notes

user scripts

known issues

branches and tags

Pass 2 - Core Service changes

Now merge v05_00_00_rc with v05_00_branch.
Requires careful checking.

Summary of the branches:

develop based on v04_36_01 it contains “all the new commits”
v05_00_branch based on v04_36_01 it contains “all the new commits” and the refactoring
v05_00_00_rc based on v04_30_00 has core service changes
v05_00_refactor based on v05_00_branch has a bad name; and will have core service changes

This pass 2 is about creating the branch v05_00_refactor.
Once created, the v05_00_refactor branch was merged with v05_00_branch and removed.

Basic steps

 working area set up with package @larXXX@ and its dependencies only (first just @larcore@, then @larcore@ and @lardata@, etc.):
 add new package
 mrb uc
 cd "${MRB_SOURCES}/larXXX"
 git checkout v05_00_branch      # has latest and greatest commits from LArSoft community, plus refactoring
 git checkout -b v05_00_refactor # new (target) branch based on @v05_00_branch@: has a bad name
 git merge v05_00_00_rc          # merge in the core service changes
 git status                      # admire the (unnecessarily large) number of unresolved conflicts

First thing: restore the product_deps file from v05_00_branch: it’s newer, and v05_00_00_rc is not supposed to have touched dependencies anyway

git checkout v05_00_batch -- ups/product_deps

The last step should work seamlessly.
Interpretation of git status (the example is from the merge of lardata):

modified: lardata/AnalysisAlg/CalorimetryAlg.cxx core service changes happened on top of the refactored file: this implies the file has not changed since v05_00_00_rc used it to apply core service changes
new file: lardata/DetectorInfo/DetectorClocksException.h the file was added by the core service changes (or moved by them, that for git is a new file and a file detection; see next item)
both deleted: Utilities/timeservice.fcl the file was deleted in both branches, likely an effect of the refactoring (or moved: as above)
both modified: lardata/AnalysisAlg/CMakeLists.txt a conflict on an existing file: file needs editing
both added: lardata/CMakeLists.txt a conflict on a “new” file: file needs editing
added by them: lardata/DetectorInfo/ClockConstants.h added (or moved) by the core service changes; see lessons learned!
added by us: lardata/DetectorInfo/DetectorPropertiesStandard.h new file, likely from addition to develop after v04_30_00

Sometimes there will be pairs of untracked files (e.g., timeservice.fcl~HEAD and timeservice.fcl~v05_00_00_rc), that seems to be the case where git does not really know what to do.

  1. it’s time to fix CMakeLists.txt files.
    • Usually the content from v05_00_00_rc is correct, but in most of the cases v05_00_branch differs from it only by the removal of unused/unnecessary libraries (e.g., LArProperties_service/@LArPropertiesService_service`).

      remove all the files that %{color: red}both deleted% and the files among %{color: red}added by us% and %{color: red}added by them% that should actually be deleted. Use `git rm File@ for that purpose

  2. at this point, mrb build -C should succeed, with cmake doing all the right things
  3. then, time to resolve the conflicts where both modified or added files; most often, the conflict is just in #include directives.
  4. finally, address the hidden conflicts of files that git mistreated (see lessons learned below)

After conflict solution, the usual:

cd "$MRB_BUILDDIR" ; make -j41 # yes, I am using _that_ kind of machine
ctest -j41
git commit # (and accept the message, or add the explanation of what the branch names mean)

Not clear yet if the files modified are correct beyond doubt.

Lessons learned (ongoing)

Known shortcomings of the replacement script (larsoft/bin/

The replacement script (larsoft/bin/ is a dumb script that replaces text matching patterns.

Another known “feature” is that it can’t determine how to fix an expression like larprop->Efield(): Efield() belongs to DetectorProperties, but the script does not know if larprop points to an instance of DetectorProperties or not, and even less about what to replace larprop with (detp? detProp? detprop? foo?). The script will always warn when it sees these instances, and then one has to check manually (and remember it was fixed: the script will warn also on a fixed or correct source). That’s better than nothing.

A known bug is that sometimes substitutions to module sources in the “pretend” mode appear to be double, as in:

INFO:     pattern '\bUtilities/DetectorProperties.h\b' matched at larreco/TrackFinder/
    OLD| #include "lardata/Utilities/DetectorProperties.h"
    NEW| #include "lardata/DetectorInfoServices/DetectorPropertiesService.h"
INFO: Processor 'modules' would change file 'larreco/TrackFinder/'
INFO:     pattern '\bUtilities/DetectorProperties.h\b' matched at larreco/TrackFinder/
    OLD| #include "lardata/Utilities/DetectorProperties.h"
    NEW| #include "lardata/DetectorInfo/DetectorProperties.h"
INFO: Processor 'code' would change file 'larreco/TrackFinder/'
INFO: 2 file would be changed under 'larreco/TrackFinder/'

This happens because module source files are subject to a module-specific substitution first (that’s the first one in the example), and then to a more generic one. Both deal with some #include pattern. The second substitution would not happen because the pattern does not match any more after the first substitution is performed. But in the pretend mode that first substitution is not really performed, and so the second one is engaged (and it will not be performed as well, since it’s still pretend mode).