Procedure to create a new version of larsoft_data, uboone_data, etc.
This procedure also works for uboone_data, or any similar product.
Only release managers will have the appropriate permissions for all steps.
If you are not a release manager, send email to the LArSoft team.
Work in a local product directory,
- make sure you have a good copy of the latest release
pullPackage noarch larsoft_data-vx_yy_zz
cd /larsoft_data
cp -r vx_yy_zz va_bb_cc
where vx_yy_zz is the existing version, va_bb_cc is the new
- add files in appropriate subdirectories of larsoft_data/va_bb_cc
- declare the new version
ups declare larsoft_data va_bb_cc -f NULL -m larsoft_data.table -r larsoft_data/va_bb_cc
- Create a new tarball
setup larutils
where is at least v1_00_01 va_bb_cc
this creates a tarball in /
- upload to the distribution server
- This step requires appropriate permissions.
copyToSciSoft //
- update cvmfs
- This step requires appropriate permissions.