Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers
The LArSoft repositories must be cleaned up before they can be migrated to github. We are taking the opportunity to remove old history.
repo | before | after | before | after |
size | size | commits | commits | |
larana | 18M | 17M | 6521 | 1266 |
larcore | 27M | 27M | 6032 | 777 |
larcorealg | 29M | 18M | 903 | 732 |
larcoreobj | 2.3M | 2.2M | 163 | 163 |
lardata | 19M | 18M | 6893 | 1638 |
lardataalg | 99M | 99M | 416 | 416 |
lardataobj | 1.3M | 1.2M | 545 | 543 |
lareventdisplay | 17M | 16M | 6246 | 990 |
larevt | 17M | 16M | 5930 | 674 |
larexamples | 16M | 15M | 5786 | 530 |
larg4 | 0.4M | 0.4M | 151 | 150 |
larpandora | 19M | 18M | 6177 | 919 |
lareco | 31M | 30M | 11899 | 6629 |
larsim | 2000M | 86M | 7027 | 1770 |
larsoft | 19M | 18M | 6521 | 1263 |
larsoftobj | 0.6M | 0.5M | 297 | 297 |
larwirecell | 0.8M | 0.7M | 364 | 363 |