Special Instructions for Major Releases
See the LArSoft release naming policy
When making a major release upgrade, we make a final release in the current series and then build the new major release from the final tag of the old major release.
Simple cases
- This release has not required a release candiate branch.
- Tag and build the final major release (vMM_mm_pp)
- Start a completely new build
- tagLAr mkdir v(MM+1)_mm_pp
- cd
- source p/local*/setup
- tagLAr patch v(MM+1)_mm_pp vMM_mm_pp
- Once this is done, make the appropriate changes, test, tag, and build normally
Dealing with release candidate branches
- make a new build directory
- use tagLAr to checkout the release candidate branch
- tagLAr use vxx_yy_zz_rc (or other branch name)
- use tagLAr to create the release branch
- tagLAr patch v(MM+1)_mm_pp vMM_mm_pp
- at this point, you must merge the two branches
- this is done by hand in each repository
- resolve problems, build, and test
- if you have successfully merged the release candidate branch into the release/v(MM+1)_mm_pp branch, you can tag and build normally