

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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Quick-start guide to using and developing LArSoft code

LArSoft is not a stand-alone product. It is intended to be used as part of an experiment, so the set-up instructions for the experiment you are working with is the best place to start. To find a specific project, first check the Quick Links, then look on your experiment’s wiki pages for instructions on installing LArSoft software. (If in redmine, go to: and search for your experiment. If on github, do a google search for your experiment getting started pages.)

The following is provided just to provide the general information that can be adapted by each experiment.
These instructions are for working with larsoft release v1_00_00 and later, and mrb v1_00_00 and later. The instructions assume that LArSoft is installed locally using the download and installation instructions linked from the download page, see Download instructions. Changes needed for off-site installations will be noted. This documentation is evolving as we receive feedback. Please open an issue ticket if you have suggestions or complaints.

Please note that all Fermilab repository names are lower case. See the LArSoft product list.

See The developer environment page for important information about the git branching model that should be used when developing LArSoft code.
Detailed information about mrb is available from the mrb reference guide. Information about UPS is available from getting started using UPS

Before you start

The ultra-quick-start guide:

More detailed explanations of what is happening during each of these can be found in the annotated portion of this guide below.

Initial setup of the working environment (starting from a fresh login):

Run experiment-specific setup script:

source /cvmfs/


source /cvmfs/

(*.csh versions may also be available for csh/tcsh users)

If off-site, the appropriate script should be modified to reflect the locations of local product installations.

Run non-DUNE or non-uBoonE jobs using only a frozen LArSoft release

setup larsoft <version> -q e7:debug    # (or -q e17:prof)
lar -c <job fcl file> ...

That’s it. You’re set up.

To build experiment-specific code for DUNE or uBooNE against an existing LArSoft release

Build uboonecode or dunetpc

export GROUP=dune # (or uboone)
source /grid/fermiapp/$GROUP/software/setup_$
mkdir <working_dir>
cd <working_dir>
mrb newDev -v vxx_yy_zz -q e17:prof    # (or -q e17:debug)
source ./localProducts_vxx_yy_zz_e17_prof/setup # depends on the version abo
cd srcs
mrb g <uboonecode|dunetpc>
<work on code...>
cd ../build_*
mrb i -j4     # (if the machine has enough cores)

“<xxx|yyy>” is intended to denote selecting one or the other of xxx or yyy.
To work with an existing work area, omit mkdir and mrb newDev steps above.

Run the software you just built


setup <uboonecode | dunetpc> <version> -q <qualifiers> 
  • Note that the build procedure will un-setup any products that are being built, so those
    need to be set-up again before they can be used.
  • The version of uboonecode and dunetpc is set in the associated ups/product_deps file. See
    the list of releases for the most current version, or use @ups list -aK+ <dunetpc | uboonecode>

To build and work with larsoft itself

Create a working area

After you have performed the initial setup:

mkdir <working_dir>
cd <working_dir>
mrb newDev -v vx_yy_zz -q e7:prof    # (or -q e7:debug)
  • where ‘vx_yy_zz’ is the base version for the release you are working with.
  • Select from the list of releases, or use ‘ups list -aK+ larsoft’ to get a complete list of available releases.
  • Current release is v04_06_00 (See LArSoftWiki for most recent release)
  • Alternatively, you can ‘setup larsoft -q \<e7:debug\|e7:prof\>' before running 'mrb newDev', in which case you can omit the '-v' and '-q' from the 'mrb' command.

Check out, develop and build LArSoft code

After performing the initial setup and creating the working area, from <working_dir>:

source ./localProducts_XXX/setup
cd srcs
# This next command checks out everything. You can also use single repository
# names as the last argument if that is all you need. 
# Abbreviates to mrb g <repo>
mrb gitCheckout larsoft_suite    
<work on code...use git flow branching scheme if introducing changes to LArSoft code>
cd ../build
mrb install -j4    # -jN => N parallel processes for the build (if the machine has enough cores)
  • mrb install (abbreviates to mrb i) will build then install results in localProducts_XXX. This
    is the preferred command if you need to run what you are building.
  • You can also use mrb build (or mrb b) if you just want the build with no install. Be aware, however, that you cannot run using the resulting build products.

The list of repositories and their contents can be found on this page .

Run the software you just built

Starting from the build directory immediately after running mrb build:

mrb install  # if this was not run previously
cd ..        # should now be in the top-level directory of working area
# The next line is needed if 
# a) larsoft was set up prior to the build, and
# b) any larsoft sub-products were built, and
# c) you are going directly from having built to wanting to run in the same login session
unsetup larsoft
# The next line is needed if any experiment code was built or if in a new login
# session where it has not already been set up.
# It will set up larsoft, so no need to do that up explicitly. 
setup <uboonecode | dunetpc> <version> -q <qualifiers>  

# If no experiment code was built, then comment out the line above and 
# run this one instead:
# setup larsoft <version> -q <qualifiers>

# Now run
lar -c xxx.fcl ...
  • Note that the build procedure will un-setup any products that are being built, so those
    need to be set-up again before they can be used.
  • The version of uboonecode and dunetpc is set in the associated ups/product_deps file. See
    the list of releases for the most current version, or use @ups list -aK+ <dunetpc | uboonecode>

Annotated quick-start guide

Initial setup

The first time you start a mrb project, you’ll need to define various things. (The setup for an existing working area is slightly different and is described below.)

There are experiment-specific setup scripts to perform setup. For example.




You are now ready to create a working area.

Create a working area

Everything (source code, , and build directory) in one directory tree

Case 1: you have setup (the recommended procedure)

mkdir <working_dir>
cd  <working_dir>
mrb newDev 
  • this creates /build, /srcs, and /localProducts*MRB_PROJECT\>*_
  • We refer to /localProducts… as

Case 2: you did not setup

mkdir <working_dir>
cd  <working_dir>
mrb newDev -v <version> -q <qualifiers>
  • this creates /build, /srcs, and /localProducts*MRB_PROJECT\>*_
  • We refer to /localProducts… as

Source code under your home directory

mkdir <working_dir>
mkdir <source_dir>
mrb newDev -T <working_dir> -S <source_dir>
  • this creates /build and /localProducts*MRB_PROJECT\>*_
  • We refer to /localProducts… as
  • Note that you may also need to specify -v and -q as above

Setup work environment for an existing working area from a fresh login

To set up the working environment for an existing working area, you need to source the setup script in the local products area created in the previous step. The local setup defines environment variables needed by mrb, and adds the local products area to the $PRODUCTS path so that ups can find local versions of products (created during the build/install step). The generic steps are the following:

Developing a package

Build code in your working area

Then start from the top of this section.

Running with the modifications made in your working area

The build/install procedure performs an unsetup of every product it builds. It does this to ensure that the build environment points only to the local code being built. It also ensures that if you run setup <product>... after the build and within the same login session, you get the locally installed version rather than the one you were pointing to at the beginning of the build/install procedure. (The setup command does nothing if the product is already set up.) After building and installing, you will therefore need to run setup for all the products that you just built.

This behavior results in the following curious complication. If you build only some of the larsoft sub-products, but not the “larsoft” product proper, then running setup larsoft... after the build is completed will not set up the sub-products that you just built. The solution is either to run setup <sub-product>... by hand for each product that was build, or to first run unsetup larsoft so that a subsequent setup larsoft... causes everything to be set up again.

Since all this seems complicated, we have introduced the mrb setup_local_products command (abbreviated to mrb slp) that will perform the proper setup.

So, assuming that the basic setup has been completed and the local products setup has been sourced, then starting from the build directory:

cd ..
unsetup larsoft   
# The next line is needed if any experiment code was built. It will
# set up larsoft, so no need to set that up explicitly
setup <uboonecode | dunetpc> <version> -q <qualifiers>  

# If no experiment code was build, then comment out the line above and 
# run this one instead:
# setup larsoft <version> -q <qualifiers>

# Now run
lar -c ...

You will also need to manually set up any other products that are installed in the local products area that are not already dependencies of either larsoft or the experiment-specific products.

Since all this seemed complicated, we have introduced the mrb setup_local_products command (abbreviated to mrb slp) that will perform the proper setup of all products in the local products directory, regardless of whether they are part of LArSoft. To use this command in the above example (where we am assuming that you had set up uboonecode, dunetpc, or larsoft going into the build):

cd ..

# Now run
lar -c ...

(Note that if this command is used, then you must run programs in the same shell)

If starting from a fresh login, then the usual setup procedure (setup <dunetpc | uboonecode | larsoft> is all that it needed.

Performing a clean build

mrb zapBuild
mrb install


rm -rf *
mrb install

You should perform a clean build whenever a product is added or removed. Cmake errors during the build may require that you start with a clean build.

Removing a package from a work area

rm -rf <repo-name>
mrb uc

The mrb uc command will update the top-level CMakeLists.txt file to take into account the newly removed package.

Creating an entirely new product within an existing work area

Assume that there is an existing repository with the same name that you want to attach to the newly created product.

mrb newProduct <new-prod-name>
cd <new-prod-name>
git remote add <alias> <new-prod-repo-url>
git pull <alias> <branch>

The new product template has two files that are important to know about and that you will almost certainly need to modify in order to create a new product (the only exception being the case that you are attaching to a repository that already has a working product in it): <new-prod-name>/CMakeLists.txt, and <new-prod-name>/ups/product_deps. In general, the CMakeLists.txt files control the build-time configuration and the items that get built, and specify what files in the product get installed where during the install phase. (See the cet-is-public:Cetbuildtools cmake modules and cet-is-public:Art cmake modules pages for information on writing CMakelists.txt files within our build system.) The product_deps file controls the run-time configuration via a ups “table” file (<new-prod-name>/ups/<new-prod-name>.table) that gets generated during the build and installation procedure. (See the cet-is-public:Defining products in the CET build environment page for details on the content of product_deps file.) More information on the build system can be found on the LArSoftWiki page.

Set the product version number in the <new-prod-name>/ups/product_deps file.

Then build as usual.

Comparison of mrb and SRT commands

The following table compares SRT commands with their approximate mrb analogs.
The equivalency is based entirely upon approximate parallel functionality within their respective frameworks.
HOWEVER, please see the instructions above since there is not a one-to-one translation and behaviors differ.

Legacy / SRT command Analogous mrb command The setup procedure above
newrel -t mkdir ; cd ; mrb newDev
addpkg_svn -h mrb gitCheckout [-t \]
newpkg mrb newProduct
srt_setup -a mrb setEnv
gmake all mrb install
rmpkg rm -r ; mrb uc

Using prebuilt releases

The new larsoft ups product and all its dependencies are installed in the /grid/fermiapp/products/larsoft product directory.
This directory is mounted on the relevant gpvm machines and Fermilab grid worker nodes.
In addition, a mirror of this directory is available on cvmfs at /cvmfs/
We encourage users to install and use a cvmfs client instead of installing the binary distribution wherever possible.

Binary distributions are available under

If you need to pull everything (LArSoft plus all external packages) in order to create a new installation of the software (for instance, for an off-site installation to support a local analysis group), we recommend using the download script available from SciSoft.

curl -O
chmod +x pullProducts
./pullProducts <product_dir> <slf6|d14|d13> larsoft-<version> s8-e7 <debug|prof>

Building the larsoft “suite”

In rare cases, you may need to build from scratch.

General Information about git and art