

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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Rerunning a job starting from its output

These instructions drive you to rerun a job when the input file was lost, but the output file is still available.
Let’s define:

Rerunning the job is quite simple, actually, but with one caveat: the process name must be different. In fact, art will not allow two jobs with the same process name to process the same file.
Therefore, a myjob_again.fcl file with content:

#include "myjob.fcl"

process_name: MyJobAgain

is all what’s needed1:

lar -c myjob_again.fcl -s myjob_output_SOMETIMESTAMP.root

will produce an output file myjob_output_SOMEOTHERTIMESTAMP.root will all the content of myjob_output_SOMETIMESTAMP.root and also the new one. Even better, the following jobs which specify input tags as “moduleName:instanceName” will still work: there may be two data products matching “moduleName:instanceName”, one produced by MyJob and another by MyJobAgain, but unless the process name is explicitly set (like in “MyJob:moduleName:instanceName”… but who does that?) art will silently select the most recent.

In general, additional configuration can be specified after those lines to change the details of the job, which may be quite useful. Note that no PROLOG can be opened after the inclusion of myjob.fcl, and for the same reason additional inclusions are typically valid only before that inclusion.

Optimisation: don’t keep the output from the original job

The configuration above will produce an output file with both MyJob and MyJobAgain output data products. While this does not any harm in common cases2, they have the potential to create confusion, they take disk space and they have no purpose. In short: we should get rid of them:

#include "myjob.fcl"

process_name: MyJobAgain

source.inputCommands: [ "keep *", "drop *_*_*_MyJob" ]

The file still remembers that MyJob was run and which data products it produced, but at least jobs will not be able to use that old data.

A failure: myjob.fcl does not ask for timestamp to be added to output file name

If the output file name does not include timestamps (e.g. myjob_output.root), rerunning the job will attempt to overwrite the input file. We definitely don’t want that.
A one-line fix is to explicitly specify the output file name on command line:

lar -c myjob_again.fcl -s myjob_output.root -o myjob_output_again.root

A more systematic approach is to have the new file name in the new FHiCL configuration:

#include "myjob.fcl"

process_name: MyJobAgain

output.out1.out.fileName: "%ifb_again.root"

(%ifb is replaced with the base name of the input file, myjob_output; another popular option is %ifb_%p-%tc.root, adding process name and timestamp at file closure).
Note that instead of out1 you will have to put the name of the RootOutput instance in myjob.fcl (find it with fhicl-dump myjob.fcl | less).

A failure: process name is explicitly specified in the configuration of modules or services

If downstream configuration explicitly specifies the process name (MyJob), that is going to cause trouble (typically, the old data is used instead of the new one).
It is quite uncommon for configuration to specify the process name in a input tag (as in the “MyJob:moduleName:instanceName” above).
More common is to have filters to the input or output. If a RootInput module specifies inputCommands: [ "drop *", "keep *_*_*_MyJob" ], it will remove anything that is not from MyJob from input, including MyJobAgain data (for example, if the MyJob data products were not dropped as recommended above, the job will silently process the old data). Whatever may happen then, it’s not what we want. Also RootOutput mirror configuration inputCommands: [ "drop *", "keep *_*_*_MyJob" ] will not give the desired result.
In these cases, those configuration lines need to be replaced, like in:

#include "downstreamjob.fcl"

source.inputCommands: [ "drop *", "keep *_*_*_MyJobAgain" ]

For questions or comments, contact Gianluca Petrillo .

  1. Nothing LArSoft-specific in this page: you can replace lar command with any other art-based executable or with art itself. 

  2. Exceptions apply: see below.