Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers
TVector3, TLorentzVector, TMatrixD and such have a large overhead in both memory usage and CPU usage
contain data members that are useful only for ROOT I/O and other ROOT magics (like TRef)
use virtual functions
perform additional operations on construction and destruction related to ROOT but not to their data
the overhead is (relatively) worse for TLorentzVector and TVector2
they are bound to double precision floating point numbers only
These classes have their use: it’s easy to write them directly in a ROOT tree, even on command line, and they can be a target of TRef. But unless these features are explicitly needed, their use is suboptimal.
The vectors in GenVector library are template based and have fixed dimensionality, each one with an independent interface:
Each vector can use an internal representation in different coordinate systems:
For 2D and 3D vectors, the library distinguishes between two concepts:
The two types of vector have different properties and do not share the full range of operations. By comparison, TVector3 is effectively a displacement vector.
While TVector3 is quite monolitic, GenVector vectors give us tons of possibilities. Which most of the time we don’t need.
An old 3D vector with representation of double could be used as:
#include "TVector3.h"
TVector3 v;
The equivalent object in GenVector is a either a position or a displacement vector in cartesian “global” coordinates.
#include "Math/GenVector/Cartesian3D.h"
#include "Math/GenVector/PositionVector3D.h"
#include "Math/GenVector/DisplacementVector3D.h"
using Point_t = ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>>;
using Vector_t = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>>;
Vector_t v;
Point_t p;
The declaration of the type is long enough that it deserves an alias. For example, recob::Track uses two aliases defined in lardataobj/RecoBase/TrackingTypes.h: recob::tracking::Point_t and UUrecob::tracking::Vector_t** (also available as recob::Track types).
For 2D vectors, the syntax is exactly the same, just with “2D” in place of “3D”.
For 3+1 (“Lorentz”) vectors, the old:
#include "TLorentzVector.h"
TLorentzVector cp;</code></pre>can be replaced by<pre><code class="cpp">#include "Math/GenVector/PxPyPzE4D.h"
#include "Math/GenVector/LorentzVector.h"
using Position4_t = ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>;
Position4_t x;</code></pre>which is a cartesian-like representation.
The (incomplete) list of interface changes:
It is likely that when you start using GenVector classes you will have to add to the link list of your module or library in CMakeLists.txt the line:
The interface to create a GenVector 3D object is similar to TVector3, by component:
geo::Point_t point { 1.0, 2.0, 0.0 }; // point at the specified coordinates
geo::Vector_t x { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; // unit vector describing the y axis
These vectors can be also copied from any vector class supporting X(), Y() and Z() accessors.
Given that the mutable access by operator[] is not supported, code like
v[0] = 5.0;
v[1] *= 2.0;
std::cout << "(" << v[0] << "; " << v[1] << "; " << v[2] << " )" << std::endl;
v.SetY(v.Y() * 2.0);
std::cout << "(" << v.X() << "; " << v.Y() << "; " << v.Z() << " )" << std::endl;
For output, LArSoft will also provide direct output support: std::cout « v « std::endl;.
Simply put: it’s not supported any more. There are rare cases where this is really needed, e.g. if the component to operate on is decided at run time. If the need arise, please open a LArSoft feature request explaining your use case.
The simple operation $vec{x} = frac{sum_{k=1}^{N} vec{x}_{k}}{N}$)
is not as simple any more for position vectors, which can’t be added nor scaled. An utility has been provided in the form of a function.
At a certain point, viod recob::Track::Extent(TVector3&, TVector3&) const was deprecated, and a replacement std::pair<Point_t, Point_t> recob::Track::Extent() const was suggested instead. Here is an example of code update: larana/T0Finder/ Note that the headers were not changed because the data types we use are already defined in Track.h. The old code was:
std::vector<double> trackStart;
std::vector<double> trackEnd;
// ...
std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::Hit> > allHits =;
size_t nHits = allHits.size();
trkTimeStart = allHits[nHits-1]->PeakTime() / timeservice->TPCClock().Frequency(); //Got in ticks, now in us!
trkTimeEnd = allHits[0]->PeakTime() / timeservice->TPCClock().Frequency(); //Got in ticks, now in us!
TrackProp ( trackStart[0], trackEnd[0], TrackLength_X, TrackCentre_X,
trackStart[1], trackEnd[1], TrackLength_Y, TrackCentre_Y,
trackStart[2], trackEnd[2], TrackLength_Z, TrackCentre_Z,
trkTimeStart , trkTimeEnd , trkTimeLengh , trkTimeCentre, // times in us!
and the updated code is:
auto const& [ trackStart, trackEnd ] = tracklist[iTrk]->Extent(); // both recob::Track::Point_t
std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::Hit> > allHits =;
size_t nHits = allHits.size();
trkTimeStart = allHits[nHits-1]->PeakTime() / timeservice->TPCClock().Frequency(); //Got in ticks, now in us!
trkTimeEnd = allHits[0]->PeakTime() / timeservice->TPCClock().Frequency(); //Got in ticks, now in us!
TrackProp ( trackStart.X(), trackEnd.X(), TrackLength_X, TrackCentre_X,
trackStart.Y(), trackEnd.Y(), TrackLength_Y, TrackCentre_Y,
trackStart.Z(), trackEnd.Z(), TrackLength_Z, TrackCentre_Z,
trkTimeStart , trkTimeEnd , trkTimeLengh , trkTimeCentre, // times in us!
The most important change in the use of vectors is that the new ones do not support the indexing operator[]. Instead, they support the methods X(), Y() and Z().