Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers
Sub-package | Repository location |
AnalysisAlg | lardata |
AnalysisBase | lardata |
AnalysisExample | larexamples |
CalData | larevt |
CalData | dunetpc/lbne (*) |
Calorimetry | larana |
ClusterFinder | larreco |
DetSim | larsim |
DetSim | dunetpc/lbne (*) |
EventDisplay | lareventdisplay |
EventFinder | larreco |
EventGenerator | larsim |
EventGenerator | dunetpc/lbne (*) |
Filters | larevt |
Genfit | larreco |
Geometry | larcore |
Geometry | dunetpc/lbne (*) |
HitFinder | larreco |
LArG4 | larsim |
LArG4 | dunetpc/lbne (*) |
LArPandoraAlgorithms | larpandora |
LArPandoraInterface | larpandora |
MCCheater | larsim |
Monitoring | lardata |
OpticalDetectorData | lardata |
OpticalDetector | larana |
ParticleIdentification | larana |
PhotonPropagation | larsim |
PhotonPropagation | dunetpc/lbne (*) |
RawData | lardata |
RecoAlg | larreco |
RecoBase | lardata |
RecoObjects | lardata |
ShowerFinder | larreco |
SimpleTypesAndConstants | larcore |
Simulation | larsim |
Simulation | dunetpc/lbne (*) |
SummaryData | larcore |
TrackFinder | larreco |
TriggerAlgo | larsim |
Utilities | lardata |
Utilities | dunetpc/lbne (*) |
VertexFinder | larreco |
(*) Note that DUNE/LBNE code committed prior to Aug 16, 2015 was moved from the lbnecode repository to the dunetpc repository. Revision histories are preserved for all files that were moved.