Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers
Algorithm | Repository | Thread-safe | Notes |
HitFilterAlg |
larreco |
Yes |
Module | Type | Repository | Flavor | Notes |
ADCFilter |
filter |
larevt |
Legacy |
APAHitFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
AggregateEvent |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
AggregateVertex |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
AggregateVertexAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
AnalysisExample |
analyzer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
AssnAnalyzer |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
AssnProducer1 |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
AssnProducer2 |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
AssnsChainClusterMaker |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
AssnsChainHitMaker |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
AssnsChainPFParticleMaker |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
AssnsChainShowerMaker |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
AssnsChainTest |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
AtomicNumberTest |
analyzer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
BackTrackerLoader |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
BeamFlashCompatibilityCheck |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
BeamFlashTrackMatchTagger |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
BezierCalorimetry |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
BezierTrackerModule |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
BlipMaker |
producer |
larwirecell |
Legacy |
BlurredClustering |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
BoDataFrameInput |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
CCTrackMaker |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
CRHitRemoval |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
CRHitRemovalByPCA |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
CalWire |
producer |
larevt |
Legacy |
CalWireAna |
analyzer |
larevt |
Legacy |
CalWireT962 |
producer |
larevt |
Legacy |
Calorimetry |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
CellTree |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ChargedSpacePointProxyInputMaker |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
ChargedSpacePointProxyTest |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
CheckAuxDetHit |
analyzer |
larg4 |
Legacy |
CheckBackTracking |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
CheckDataProductSize |
analyzer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
CheckMCParticle |
analyzer |
larg4 |
Legacy |
CheckSimEnergyDeposit |
analyzer |
larg4 |
Legacy |
Chi2ParticleID |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
Cluster3D |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ClusterAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ClusterCheater |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ClusterCrawler |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ClusterPCA |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ClusteringValidation |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
CollectionMerging |
producer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
CollectionSplitting |
producer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
ComputePi |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
ConsolidatedPFParticleAnalysisTemplate |
analyzer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
CornerFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
CosmicClusterTagger |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
CosmicPCAxisTagger |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
CosmicPFParticleTagger |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
CosmicRemovalAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
CosmicTrackTagger |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
CosmicTracker |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
CosmicsGen |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
CreateHybridLibrary |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
DBCluster3D |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
DBcluster |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
DBclusterAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
DPRawHitFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
DisambigCheater |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
Disturbance |
producer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
DumpChannelMap |
analyzer |
larcore |
Legacy |
DumpChargedSpacePoints |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpCheatTracks |
analyzer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
DumpClusters |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpGTruth |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
DumpGeometry |
analyzer |
larcore |
Legacy |
DumpHits |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpMCParticles |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
DumpMCShowers |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
DumpMCTracks |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
DumpMCTruth |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
DumpOpDetBacktrackerRecords |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
DumpOpDetWaveforms |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpPCAxes |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpPFParticles |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpRawDigits |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpSeeds |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpSimChannels |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
DumpSimPhotons |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
DumpSimPhotonsLite |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpSpacePoints |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpTracks |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpVertices |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
DumpWires |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
EMShower |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
EMShower3D |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
analyzer |
lareventdisplay |
Legacy |
EmTrackClusterId2out |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
EmTrackClusterId3out |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
EmTrackMichelId |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
EmptyFilter |
filter |
larevt |
Legacy |
EndPointModule |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
EventButcher |
producer |
larwirecell |
Legacy |
EventCheater |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
EventFilter |
filter |
larevt |
Legacy |
EventMaker |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
EventTimeFilter |
filter |
larevt |
Legacy |
EventWeight |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
Exploder |
analyzer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
FFTHitFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
FFTTest |
analyzer |
larevt |
Legacy |
FIFOHistogramAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
FeatureTracker |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
FeatureVertexFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
FeatureVertexFinderAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
FileMuons |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
FilterCryostatNus |
filter |
larsim |
Legacy |
FilterGenInTime |
filter |
larsim |
Legacy |
FilterNoDirtNeutrinos |
filter |
larsim |
Legacy |
FilterNoMCParticles |
filter |
larsim |
Shared |
with async event-level calls |
FilterPrimaryPDG |
filter |
larsim |
Legacy |
FilterSimPhotonTime |
filter |
larsim |
Shared |
with serialized event-level calls if debug set; otherwise async event-level calls |
FilterStoppingMuon |
filter |
larsim |
Shared |
with async event-level calls |
FinalStateParticleFilter |
filter |
larevt |
Legacy |
FinalStateSelectFilter |
filter |
larevt |
Legacy |
FlashClusterMatch |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
FlashHypothesisAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
FlashPurityCheckAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
FuzzyClusterMerger |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
GaisserParam |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
GausHitFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Shared |
with async event-level calls |
GausHitFinderAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
GeneralCalorimetry |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
GeometryIteratorLoopTest |
analyzer |
larcore |
Legacy |
GeometryTest |
analyzer |
larcore |
Legacy |
GraphCluster |
producer |
lareventdisplay |
Legacy |
HarrisVertexFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
HitAnaModule |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
HitCheater |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
HitCollectionCreatorTest |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
HitDataProductChecker |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
HitFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
HitFinderAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
HoughLineFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
HoughLineFinderAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ISCalculationAna |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
IntVectorProducer |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
LArG4 |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
LArG4Ana |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
LArG4ParticleFilter |
filter |
larevt |
Legacy |
LArPandoraEventDump |
analyzer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
LArPandoraExternalEventBuilding |
producer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
LArPandoraShowerCreation |
producer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
LArPandoraTrackCreation |
producer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
LArPropTest |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
LArSimChannelAna |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
LEDCalibrationAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
Landed |
analyzer |
lareventdisplay |
Legacy |
LightSource |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
LineCluster |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
LineMerger |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
MCBTDemo |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
MCHitAnaExample |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
MCHitFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
MCParticleHitMatching |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
MCParticleShowerMatching |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
MCParticleTrackMatching |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
MCReco |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
MCSFitProducer |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
MCTruthT0Matching |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
MagDriftAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
MergeEMShower3D |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
MergeSimSources |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
MergeWireCell |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
MultiEMShowers |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
MuonFilter |
filter |
larevt |
Legacy |
MuonTrackingEff |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
NDKGen |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
NeutrinoShowerEff |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
NeutrinoTrackingEff |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
NeutronOsc |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
NuShowerEff |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
NucleonDecay |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
OpDigiAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
OpFlashAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
OpFlashFinder |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
OpFlashMCTruthAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
OpFlashSimpleAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
OpHitAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
OpHitFinder |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
OpMCDigi |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
OptDetDigitizer |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
OpticalRawDigitReformatter |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
OpticalRecoAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
PFPAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
PFParticleAnalysis |
analyzer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
PFParticleCosmicAna |
analyzer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
PFParticleHitDumper |
analyzer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
PFParticleMonitoring |
analyzer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
PFParticleTrackAna |
analyzer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
PFParticleValidation |
analyzer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
PIDAAnalyzer |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
PMAlgTrackMaker |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
PMAlgTrajFitter |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
PMTAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
ParticleDecayId |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ParticleMaker |
producer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
PhotonBackTrackerLoader |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
PhotonCounterT0Matching |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
PhotonLibraryAnalyzer |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
PhotonLibraryPropagation |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
PlotSpacePoints |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
PointIdEffTest |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
PointIdTrainingData |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
PrimaryVertexFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
PrintCalorimetry |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ProxyBaseTest |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
PtrMakerAnalyzer |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
PtrMakerProducer |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
PtrMakerProducer2 |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
RFFHitFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
RadioGen |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
RawHitFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
RecoCheckAna |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
RecoProxyUsageExample |
analyzer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
RecompressRawDigits |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints |
producer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
SNNueAr40CCGen |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
SeedAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
SeedFinderModule |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ServicePackTest |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
ShiftEdepSCE |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
ShowerCalibrationGaloreTest |
analyzer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
ShowerCheater |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ShowerFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ShowerQuality |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ShowerReco |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
ShowerReco3D |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
SimDriftElectrons |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
SimPhotonCounter |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
SimWire |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
SimWireAna |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
SimpleChannelStatusTest |
analyzer |
larevt |
Legacy |
SimpleClusterMerger |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
SimpleLineCluster |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
SingleGen |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
SmallClusterFilter |
filter |
larevt |
Legacy |
SmallClusterFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
SpacePointAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
SpacePointCheater |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
SpacePointFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
SpacePointMaker |
producer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
SpacePointSolver |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
SpacePts |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
StandardPandora |
producer |
larpandora |
Legacy |
TCShower |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TCShowerAnalysis |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TCShowerElectronLikelihood |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TCShowerTemplateMaker |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TCTrack |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TTHitFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TTSpacePointFinder |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TestGeneratedEventTimestamp |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
TextFileGen |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
TotallyCheatTracker |
producer |
larexamples |
Legacy |
ToyOneShowerGen |
producer |
larsim |
Legacy |
Track3DKalman |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
Track3DKalmanHit |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
Track3DKalmanSPS |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
Track3Dreco |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackAna |
analyzer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackCalorimetry |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackCheater |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackContainmentAnalyzer |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
TrackContainmentTagger |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
TrackKalmanCheater |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackPFParticleMatch |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
TrackProducerFromPFParticle |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackProducerFromTrack |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackProducerFromTrackTrajectory |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackProxyHitMaker |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
TrackProxyTest |
analyzer |
lardata |
Legacy |
TrackProxyTrackMaker |
producer |
lardata |
Legacy |
TrackShowerHits |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackStitcher |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
TrackTimeAssoc |
producer |
larana |
Legacy |
TrackTimeAssocAna |
analyzer |
larana |
Legacy |
TrajCluster |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
VertexCheater |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
VertexFinder2D |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
VertexFitter |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
VertexMatch |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
WienerFilterAna |
analyzer |
larsim |
Legacy |
WireCellNoiseFilter |
producer |
larwirecell |
Legacy |
WireCellToolkit |
producer |
larwirecell |
Shared |
Serialized on each event |
fuzzyCluster |
producer |
larreco |
Legacy |
larg4Main |
producer |
larg4 |
Legacy |
Service | Repository | Scope | Notes |
AnalysisDrawingOptions |
lareventdisplay |
AtomicNumberService |
larexamples |
On Kyle’s local branch; not yet pushed to remote |
AuxDetGeometry |
larcore |
BackTrackerService |
larsim |
ColorDrawingOptions |
lareventdisplay |
DatabaseUtil |
lardata |
DefaultOpDetResponse |
larana |
On Kyle’s local branch; not yet pushed to remote |
DetectorClocksServiceStandard |
lardata |
Implements DetectorClocksService |
DetectorPropertiesServiceStandard |
lardata |
Implements DetectorPropertiesService |
EvdLayoutOptions |
lareventdisplay |
Geometry |
larcore |
InfoTransfer |
lareventdisplay |
lardata |
LArG4Detector |
larg4 |
LArG4Parameters |
larsim |
LArPropertiesServiceStandard |
lardata |
Implements LArPropertiesService |
LArVoxelCalculator |
larsim |
MCTruthEventAction |
larg4 |
MicrobooneOpDetResponse |
larana |
On Kyle’s branch; not yet pushed to remote |
OpDigiProperties |
larana |
ParticleInventoryService |
larsim |
ParticleListAction |
larg4 |
PhotonBackTrackerService |
larsim |
PhotonCalibratorServiceStandard |
larreco |
PhotonVisibilityService |
larsim |
RawDrawingOptions |
lareventdisplay |
RecoDrawingOptions |
lareventdisplay |
RootGraphicsEnablingService |
larpandora |
SIOVChannelStatusService |
larevt |
SIOVDetPedestalService |
larevt |
SIOVElectronicsCalibService |
larevt |
SIOVPmtGainService |
larevt |
ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService |
larexamples |
ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService |
larexamples |
SimpleChannelStatusService |
larevt |
Implements ChannelStatusService |
SimulationDrawingOptions |
lareventdisplay |
SpaceChargeServiceStandard |
larevt |
Implements SpaceChargeService |
StandardGeometryHelper |
larcore |
Implements ExptGeoHelperInterface |
Tool | Repository | Thread-safe | Notes |
CandHitMorphological |
larreco |
No | Implements ICandidateHitFinder |
CandHitDerivative |
larreco |
No | Implements ICandidateHitFinder |
CandHitStandard |
larreco |
Yes | Implements ICandidateHitFinder |
PeakFitterMarqdt |
larreco |
Yes | Implements IPeakFitter |