

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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Explicit code changes since v06_18_00

These are changes in larsoft v06_18_01.



diff --git a/larwirecell/LArInterface/ b/larwirecell/LArInterface/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce609e9..0000000
--- a/larwirecell/LArInterface/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-// Framework includes
-#include "art/Framework/Principal/Event.h"
-//#include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
-#include "art/Framework/Core/ModuleMacros.h" 
-#include "art/Framework/Core/EDProducer.h"
-#include "art/Framework/Principal/Handle.h" 
-#include "art/Framework/Services/Optional/TFileService.h"
-#include "art/Framework/Services/Registry/ServiceHandle.h"
-#include "messagefacility/MessageLogger/MessageLogger.h"
-#include "lardataobj/RawData/RawDigit.h"
-#include "lardataobj/RawData/raw.h"
-#include <numeric>     // iota
-#include "WireCellIface/SimpleFrame.h"
-#include "WireCellIface/SimpleTrace.h"
-#include "WireCellSigProc/OmnibusNoiseFilter.h"
-#include "WireCellSigProc/OneChannelNoise.h"
-#include "WireCellSigProc/CoherentNoiseSub.h"
-#include "WireCellSigProc/SimpleChannelNoiseDB.h"
-using namespace WireCell;
-using namespace std;
-//class TestTrace;
-namespace testalg {
-  class Test : public art::EDProducer {
-  public:
-    explicit Test(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset);
-    virtual ~Test();
-    void produce(art::Event &amp; evt);
-    void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset);
-    void beginJob();
-    void endJob();
-  private:
-    //******************************
-    //Variables Taken from FHICL File
-    //std::string       fRawDigitModuleLabel;   //label for rawdigit module
-  }; //end class Noise
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Test::Test(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset)
-    : EDProducer(){ 
-    this->reconfigure(pset); 
-    produces<std::vector<raw::RawDigit> >();
-  }
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Test::~Test(){}
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void Test::reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset){
-  }
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void Test::beginJob(){
-    art::ServiceHandle<art::TFileService> tfs;
-    //art::ServiceHandle<util::LArWireCellNoiseFilterService> larWireCellNF;
-    //larWireCellNF->print(17);
-  }
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void Test::endJob(){
-    art::ServiceHandle<art::TFileService> tfs;
-  }
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void Test::produce(art::Event &amp; evt){
-    art::Handle< std::vector<raw::RawDigit> > rawDigitHandle;
-    evt.getByLabel("daq",rawDigitHandle);
-    std::vector<raw::RawDigit> const&amp; rawDigitVector(*rawDigitHandle);
-    const unsigned int n_channels = rawDigitVector.size();
-    //skip empty events
-    if( n_channels == 0 )
-        return;
-    // S&amp;C microboone sampling parameter database
-    const double tick = 0.5*units::microsecond;
-    const int nsamples = 9595;
-    // Q&amp;D microboone channel map
-    std::vector<int> uchans(2400), vchans(2400), wchans(3456);
-    const int nchans = uchans.size() + vchans.size() + wchans.size();
-    std::iota(uchans.begin(), uchans.end(), 0);
-    std::iota(vchans.begin(), vchans.end(), vchans.size());
-    std::iota(wchans.begin(), wchans.end(), vchans.size() + uchans.size());
-    // Q&amp;D nominal baseline
-    const double unombl=2048.0, vnombl=2048.0, wnombl=400.0;
-    // Q&amp;D miss-configured channel database
-    vector<int> miscfgchan;
-    const double from_gain_mVfC=7.8, to_gain_mVfC=14.0,
-   from_shaping=1.0*units::microsecond, to_shaping=2.0*units::microsecond;
-    for (int ind=2016; ind<= 2095; ++ind) { miscfgchan.push_back(ind); }
-    for (int ind=2192; ind<= 2303; ++ind) { miscfgchan.push_back(ind); }
-    for (int ind=2352; ind< 2400; ++ind) { miscfgchan.push_back(ind); }
-    // hard-coded bad channels
-    vector<int> bad_channels;
-    for (unsigned int i=0;i!=wchans.size();i++){
-      if (i>=7136 - 4800 &amp;&amp; i <=7263 - 4800){
-   if (i != 7200- 4800 &amp;&amp; i!=7215 - 4800)
-     bad_channels.push_back(i+4800);
-      }
-    }
-    // Q&amp;D RC+RC time constant - all have same.
-    const double rcrc = 1.0*units::millisecond;
-    vector<int> rcrcchans(nchans);
-    std::iota(rcrcchans.begin(), rcrcchans.end(), 0);
-    //harmonic noises
-    vector<int> harmonicchans(uchans.size() + vchans.size());
-    std::iota(harmonicchans.begin(), harmonicchans.end(), 0);
-    vector<int> special_chans;
-    special_chans.push_back(2240);
-    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::mask_t h36kHz(0,169,173);
-    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::mask_t h108kHz(0,513,516);
-    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::mask_t hspkHz(0,17,19);
-    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::multimask_t hharmonic;
-    hharmonic.push_back(h36kHz);
-    hharmonic.push_back(h108kHz);
-    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::multimask_t hspecial;
-    hspecial.push_back(h36kHz);
-    hspecial.push_back(h108kHz);
-    hspecial.push_back(hspkHz);
-    // do the coherent subtraction
-    std::vector< std::vector<int> > channel_groups;
-    for (unsigned int i=0;i!=172;i++){
-    //for (int i=150;i!=151;i++){
-      std::vector<int> channel_group;
-      for (int j=0;j!=48;j++){
-   channel_group.push_back(i*48+j);
-      }
-      channel_groups.push_back(channel_group);
-    }
-    auto noise = new WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB;
-    // initialize
-    noise->set_sampling(tick, nsamples);
-    // set nominal baseline
-    noise->set_nominal_baseline(uchans, unombl);
-    noise->set_nominal_baseline(vchans, vnombl);
-    noise->set_nominal_baseline(wchans, wnombl);
-    // set misconfigured channels
-    noise->set_gains_shapings(miscfgchan, from_gain_mVfC, to_gain_mVfC, from_shaping, to_shaping);
-    // do the RCRC
-    noise->set_rcrc_constant(rcrcchans, rcrc);
-    // set initial bad channels
-    noise->set_bad_channels(bad_channels);
-    // set the harmonic filter
-    noise->set_filter(harmonicchans,hharmonic);
-    noise->set_filter(special_chans,hspecial);
-    noise->set_channel_groups(channel_groups);
-    //Define database object    
-    shared_ptr<WireCell::IChannelNoiseDatabase> noise_sp(noise);
-    auto one = new WireCellSigProc::OneChannelNoise;
-    one->set_channel_noisedb(noise_sp);
-    shared_ptr<WireCell::IChannelFilter> one_sp(one);
-    auto many = new WireCellSigProc::CoherentNoiseSub;
-    shared_ptr<WireCell::IChannelFilter> many_sp(many);
-    //define noisefilter object
-    WireCellSigProc::OmnibusNoiseFilter bus;
-    bus.set_channel_filters({one_sp});
-    bus.set_grouped_filters({many_sp});
-    bus.set_channel_noisedb(noise_sp);
-    //load waveforms into traces
-    ITrace::vector traces;
-    for(unsigned int ich=0; ich<n_channels; ich++){
-        const size_t n_samp =;
-        if( n_samp == 0 )
-          continue;
-   ITrace::ChargeSequence charges;
-   for( unsigned int s = 0 ; s < n_samp ; s++ ){
-       float q = (float);
-       charges.push_back(q);
-   }
-   unsigned int chan =;
-   WireCell::SimpleTrace* st = new WireCell::SimpleTrace(chan, 0.0, charges);
-   traces.push_back(ITrace::pointer(st));
-    }
-    //Load traces into frame
-    WireCell::SimpleFrame* sf = new WireCell::SimpleFrame(0, 0, traces);
-    IFrame::pointer frame = IFrame::pointer(sf);
-    IFrame::pointer quiet;
-    //Do filtering
-    bus(frame, quiet);
-    //Output results
-    std::unique_ptr<std::vector<raw::RawDigit> > filteredRawDigit(new std::vector<raw::RawDigit>);
-    std::vector< short > waveform;
-    auto quiet_traces = quiet->traces();
-    for (auto quiet_trace : *quiet_traces.get()) {
-       //int tbin = quiet_trace->tbin();
-       unsigned int ch = quiet_trace->channel();
-       auto quiet_charges = quiet_trace->charge();
-   int counter = 0;
-   waveform.clear();
-       for (auto q : quiet_charges) {
-       waveform.push_back(q);
-       counter++;
-   }
-   unsigned int n_samp = waveform.size();
-   filteredRawDigit->emplace_back( raw::RawDigit( ch , n_samp, waveform, raw::kNone) );
-    }
-    //filtered raw digits  
-    evt.put(std::move(filteredRawDigit));
-  }
-} //end namespace testalg
-#endif //TESTMODULE_H


diff --git a/larwirecell/LArInterface/ b/larwirecell/LArInterface/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae36738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/larwirecell/LArInterface/
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+#ifndef WIRECELLNOISEFILTERMODULE_H   // <--- this is not necessary since this file is not included...
+// Framework includes
+#include "art/Framework/Principal/Event.h"
+#include "art/Framework/Core/ModuleMacros.h" 
+#include "art/Framework/Core/EDProducer.h"
+#include "art/Framework/Principal/Handle.h" 
+#include "art/Framework/Services/Optional/TFileService.h"
+#include "art/Framework/Services/Registry/ServiceHandle.h"
+#include "messagefacility/MessageLogger/MessageLogger.h"
+#include "lardataobj/RawData/RawDigit.h"
+#include "lardataobj/RawData/raw.h"
+#include <numeric>     // iota
+#include "WireCellUtil/Units.h"
+#include "WireCellIface/SimpleFrame.h"
+#include "WireCellIface/SimpleTrace.h"
+#include "WireCellSigProc/OmnibusNoiseFilter.h"
+#include "WireCellSigProc/OneChannelNoise.h"
+#include "WireCellSigProc/CoherentNoiseSub.h"
+#include "WireCellSigProc/SimpleChannelNoiseDB.h"
+// Undefine the def in WireCellUtil/Units.h so we can regain the CLHEP definitions in the below header files
+// They don't have the "units" namespace...
+#include "larevt/CalibrationDBI/Interface/DetPedestalService.h"
+#include "larevt/CalibrationDBI/Interface/DetPedestalProvider.h"
+#include "larevt/CalibrationDBI/Interface/ChannelStatusService.h"
+#include "larevt/CalibrationDBI/Interface/ChannelStatusProvider.h"
+#include "lardata/DetectorInfoServices/DetectorPropertiesService.h"
+#include "larcore/Geometry/Geometry.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace WireCell;
+//using namespace std;
+namespace noisefilteralg {
+class WireCellNoiseFilter : public art::EDProducer {
+    explicit WireCellNoiseFilter(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset);
+    virtual ~WireCellNoiseFilter();
+    void produce(art::Event &amp; evt);
+    void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset);
+    void beginJob();
+    void endJob();
+    void DoNoiseFilter(const std::vector<raw::RawDigit>&amp;, std::vector<raw::RawDigit>&amp;) const;
+    //******************************
+    //Variables Taken from FHICL File
+    std::string       fDigitModuleLabel;   //label for rawdigit module
+    bool              fDoNoiseFiltering;
+    bool              fTruncateTicks;
+    size_t            fWindowSize;
+    size_t            fNumTicksToDropFront;
+    // services
+}; //end class Noise
+WireCellNoiseFilter::WireCellNoiseFilter(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset)
+    : EDProducer()
+    this->reconfigure(pset);
+    produces<std::vector<raw::RawDigit> >();
+void WireCellNoiseFilter::reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset){
+    fDigitModuleLabel    = pset.get<std::string>("DigitModuleLabel",    "daq");
+    fDoNoiseFiltering    = pset.get<bool>       ("DoNoiseFiltering",    true );
+    fTruncateTicks       = pset.get<bool>       ("TruncateTicks",       true );
+    fWindowSize          = pset.get<size_t>     ("WindowSize",          6400 );
+    fNumTicksToDropFront = pset.get<size_t>     ("NumTicksToDropFront", 2400 );
+void WireCellNoiseFilter::beginJob(){
+    art::ServiceHandle<art::TFileService> tfs;
+    //art::ServiceHandle<util::LArWireCellNoiseFilterService> larWireCellNF;
+    //larWireCellNF->print(17);
+void WireCellNoiseFilter::endJob(){
+    art::ServiceHandle<art::TFileService> tfs;
+void WireCellNoiseFilter::produce(art::Event &amp; evt)
+    // Recover services we will need
+    const lariov::DetPedestalProvider&amp;   pedestalValues     = art::ServiceHandle<lariov::DetPedestalService>()->GetPedestalProvider();
+    const detinfo::DetectorProperties&amp;   detectorProperties = *lar::providerFrom<detinfo::DetectorPropertiesService>();
+    larana/T0Finder/
+    art::Handle< std::vector<raw::RawDigit> > rawDigitHandle;
+    evt.getByLabel(fDigitModuleLabel,rawDigitHandle);
+    // Define the output vector (in case we don't do anything)
+    std::unique_ptr<std::vector<raw::RawDigit> > filteredRawDigit(new std::vector<raw::RawDigit>);
+    if (rawDigitHandle.isValid() &amp;&amp; rawDigitHandle->size() > 0)
+    {
+        const std::vector<raw::RawDigit>&amp; rawDigitVector(*rawDigitHandle);
+        if (fDoNoiseFiltering) DoNoiseFilter(rawDigitVector, *filteredRawDigit);
+        else
+        {
+            // Enable truncation
+            size_t startBin(0);
+            size_t stopBin(detectorProperties.NumberTimeSamples());
+            if (fTruncateTicks)
+            {
+                startBin = fNumTicksToDropFront;
+                stopBin  = fNumTicksToDropFront + fWindowSize;
+            }
+            raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t outputVector(detectorProperties.NumberTimeSamples());
+            for(const auto&amp; rawDigit : rawDigitVector)
+            {
+                if (rawDigit.NADC() < detectorProperties.NumberTimeSamples()) continue;
+                const raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t&amp; rawAdcVec = rawDigit.ADCs();
+                unsigned int channel  = rawDigit.Channel();
+                float        pedestal = pedestalValues.PedMean(channel);
+                std::copy(rawAdcVec.begin() + startBin, rawAdcVec.begin() + stopBin, outputVector.begin());
+                filteredRawDigit->emplace_back( raw::RawDigit( channel , outputVector.size(), outputVector, raw::kNone) );
+                filteredRawDigit->back().SetPedestal(pedestal,2.0);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //filtered raw digits  
+    evt.put(std::move(filteredRawDigit));
+void WireCellNoiseFilter::DoNoiseFilter(const std::vector<raw::RawDigit>&amp; inputWaveforms, std::vector<raw::RawDigit>&amp; outputWaveforms) const
+    // Recover services we will need
+    const lariov::ChannelStatusProvider&amp; channelStatus      = art::ServiceHandle<lariov::ChannelStatusService>()->GetProvider();
+    const lariov::DetPedestalProvider&amp;   pedestalValues     = art::ServiceHandle<lariov::DetPedestalService>()->GetPedestalProvider();
+    const geo::GeometryCore&amp;             geometry           = *lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>();
+    const detinfo::DetectorProperties&amp;   detectorProperties = *lar::providerFrom<detinfo::DetectorPropertiesService>();
+    const unsigned int n_channels = inputWaveforms.size();
+    // S&amp;C microboone sampling parameter database
+    const double tick     = detectorProperties.SamplingRate(); // 0.5 * units::microsecond;
+    const size_t nsamples = detectorProperties.NumberTimeSamples();
+    // Q&amp;D microboone channel map
+    std::vector<int> uchans(geometry.Nwires(0)), vchans(geometry.Nwires(1)), wchans(geometry.Nwires(2));
+    const int nchans = uchans.size() + vchans.size() + wchans.size();
+    std::iota(uchans.begin(), uchans.end(), 0);
+    std::iota(vchans.begin(), vchans.end(), vchans.size());
+    std::iota(wchans.begin(), wchans.end(), vchans.size() + uchans.size());
+    // Q&amp;D nominal baseline
+    const double unombl=2048.0, vnombl=2048.0, wnombl=400.0;
+    // Q&amp;D miss-configured channel database
+    std::vector<int> miscfgchan;
+    const double from_gain_mVfC=7.8, to_gain_mVfC=14.0,from_shaping=1.0*units::microsecond, to_shaping=2.0*units::microsecond;
+    for (int ind=2016; ind<= 2095; ++ind) { miscfgchan.push_back(ind); }
+    for (int ind=2192; ind<= 2303; ++ind) { miscfgchan.push_back(ind); }
+    for (int ind=2352; ind< 2400; ++ind)  { miscfgchan.push_back(ind); }
+    // Recover bad channels from the database
+    std::vector<int> bad_channels;
+    for(int channelIdx=0; channelIdx<nchans; channelIdx++) if (channelStatus.IsBad(channelIdx)) bad_channels.push_back(channelIdx);
+    // Q&amp;D RC+RC time constant - all have same.
+    const double rcrc = 1.0*units::millisecond;
+    std::vector<int> rcrcchans(nchans);
+    std::iota(rcrcchans.begin(), rcrcchans.end(), 0);
+    //harmonic noises
+    std::vector<int> harmonicchans(uchans.size() + vchans.size());
+    std::iota(harmonicchans.begin(), harmonicchans.end(), 0);
+    std::vector<int> special_chans;
+    special_chans.push_back(2240);
+    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::mask_t h36kHz(0,169,173);
+    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::mask_t h108kHz(0,513,516);
+    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::mask_t hspkHz(0,17,19);
+    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::multimask_t hharmonic;
+    hharmonic.push_back(h36kHz);
+    hharmonic.push_back(h108kHz);
+    WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB::multimask_t hspecial;
+    hspecial.push_back(h36kHz);
+    hspecial.push_back(h108kHz);
+    hspecial.push_back(hspkHz);
+    // do the coherent subtraction
+    std::vector< std::vector<int> > channel_groups;
+    for (unsigned int i=0;i!=172;i++){
+        //for (int i=150;i!=151;i++){
+        std::vector<int> channel_group;
+        for (int j=0;j!=48;j++){
+            channel_group.push_back(i*48+j);
+        }
+        channel_groups.push_back(channel_group);
+    }
+    auto noise = new WireCellSigProc::SimpleChannelNoiseDB;
+    // initialize
+    noise->set_sampling(tick, fWindowSize);
+    // set nominal baseline
+    noise->set_nominal_baseline(uchans, unombl);
+    noise->set_nominal_baseline(vchans, vnombl);
+    noise->set_nominal_baseline(wchans, wnombl);
+    // set misconfigured channels
+    noise->set_gains_shapings(miscfgchan, from_gain_mVfC, to_gain_mVfC, from_shaping, to_shaping);
+    // do the RCRC
+    noise->set_rcrc_constant(rcrcchans, rcrc);
+    // set initial bad channels
+    noise->set_bad_channels(bad_channels);
+    // set the harmonic filter
+    noise->set_filter(harmonicchans,hharmonic);
+    noise->set_filter(special_chans,hspecial);
+    noise->set_channel_groups(channel_groups);
+    //Define database object
+    std::shared_ptr<WireCell::IChannelNoiseDatabase> noise_sp(noise);
+    auto one = new WireCellSigProc::OneChannelNoise;
+    one->set_channel_noisedb(noise_sp);
+    std::shared_ptr<WireCell::IChannelFilter> one_sp(one);
+    auto many = new WireCellSigProc::CoherentNoiseSub;
+    std::shared_ptr<WireCell::IChannelFilter> many_sp(many);
+    //define noisefilter object
+    WireCellSigProc::OmnibusNoiseFilter bus;
+    bus.set_channel_filters({one_sp});
+    bus.set_grouped_filters({many_sp});
+    bus.set_channel_noisedb(noise_sp);
+    // Enable truncation
+    size_t startBin(0);
+    size_t stopBin(nsamples);
+    if (fTruncateTicks)
+    {
+        startBin = fNumTicksToDropFront;
+        stopBin  = fNumTicksToDropFront + fWindowSize;
+    }
+    //load waveforms into traces
+    ITrace::vector traces;
+    for(unsigned int ich=0; ich<n_channels; ich++)
+    {
+        if( < nsamples ) continue;
+        const raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t&amp; rawAdcVec =;
+        ITrace::ChargeSequence charges;
+        charges.resize(fWindowSize);
+        std::transform(rawAdcVec.begin() + startBin, rawAdcVec.begin() + stopBin, charges.begin(), [](auto&amp; adcVal){return float(adcVal);});
+        unsigned int chan =;
+        WireCell::SimpleTrace* st = new WireCell::SimpleTrace(chan, 0.0, charges);
+        traces.push_back(ITrace::pointer(st));
+    }
+    //Load traces into frame
+    WireCell::SimpleFrame* sf = new WireCell::SimpleFrame(0, 0, traces);
+    IFrame::pointer frame = IFrame::pointer(sf);
+    IFrame::pointer quiet;
+    //Do filtering
+    bus(frame, quiet);
+    //Output results
+    std::vector< short > waveform(fWindowSize);
+    auto quiet_traces = quiet->traces();
+    for (auto quiet_trace : *quiet_traces.get()) {
+        //int tbin = quiet_trace->tbin();
+        unsigned int channel = quiet_trace->channel();
+        auto quiet_charges = quiet_trace->charge();
+        // Recover the database version of the pedestal, we'll offset the waveforms so it matches
+        float pedestal = pedestalValues.PedMean(channel);
+        std::transform(quiet_charges.begin(), quiet_charges.end(), waveform.begin(), [pedestal](auto charge){return std::round(charge+pedestal);});
+        outputWaveforms.emplace_back( raw::RawDigit( channel , waveform.size(), waveform, raw::kNone) );
+        outputWaveforms.back().SetPedestal(pedestal,2.0);
+    }
+    return;
+} //end namespace WireCellNoiseFilteralg
+#endif //WireCellNoiseFilterMODULE_H


diff --git a/larwirecell/LArInterface/wirecellmodules.fcl b/larwirecell/LArInterface/wirecellmodules.fcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90af2f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/larwirecell/LArInterface/wirecellmodules.fcl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// from larreco/RecoAlg:
+#include "hitalgorithms.fcl"
+  module_type:         "WireCellNoiseFilter"
+  DigitModuleLabel:    "daq"                  # RawDigit producer
+  DoNoiseFiltering:    true                   # Filter noise, false = pass through
+  TruncateTicks:       false                  # Truncate the waveoforms?
+  WindowSize:          9600                   # Total size of waveform
+  NumTicksToDropFront: 0                      # Number ticks to drop from front


diff --git a/larwirecell/LArInterface/wirecellmodules_microboone.fcl b/larwirecell/LArInterface/wirecellmodules_microboone.fcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fad2929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/larwirecell/LArInterface/wirecellmodules_microboone.fcl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "wirecellmodules.fcl"
+microboone_wirecellnoisefilter:                     @local::wirecellnoisefilter
+microboone_wirecellnoisefilter.DoNoiseFiltering:    true
+microboone_wirecellnoisefilter.TruncateTicks:       true
+microboone_wirecellnoisefilter.WindowSize:          6400
+microboone_wirecellnoisefilter.NumTicksToDropFront: 2400



diff --git a/larsim/EventGenerator/MARLEY/ b/larsim/EventGenerator/MARLEY/
index 259f84b..6648eca 100644
--- a/larsim/EventGenerator/MARLEY/
+++ b/larsim/EventGenerator/MARLEY/
@@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ void evgen::MarleyGen::reconfigure_marley(const fhicl::ParameterSet&amp; p)

   fhicl::ParameterSet source_params = p.get<fhicl::ParameterSet>("source");

-  prepare_reactions(reactions);
+  prepare_reactions(reactions);


diff --git a/larsim/MCCheater/PhotonBackTracker.h b/larsim/MCCheater/PhotonBackTracker.h
index 28fe9ae..c222539 100644
--- a/larsim/MCCheater/PhotonBackTracker.h
+++ b/larsim/MCCheater/PhotonBackTracker.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace cheat{

     PhotonBackTracker(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset,
-       art::ActivityRegistry&amp;     reg);
+    art::ActivityRegistry&amp;     reg);

     void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const&amp; pset);
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace cheat{

     // method to return a subset of allhits that are matched to a list of TrackIDs
     const std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::OpHit>>> TrackIDsToOpHits(std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::OpHit>> const&amp; allhits,
-                                   std::vector<int> const&amp; tkIDs);
+                  std::vector<int> const&amp; tkIDs);

     // method to return the EveIDs of particles contributing ionization
     // electrons to the identified hit
@@ -99,43 +99,43 @@ namespace cheat{
     std::vector<double>  SimSDPsToXYZ(std::vector<sim::SDP> const&amp; ides);

     // method to return the XYZ position of the weighted average energy deposition for a given hit
-    std::vector<double>  OpHitToXYZ(art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> const&amp; hit);                  
+    std::vector<double>  OpHitToXYZ(art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> const&amp; hit);          

     // method to return the XYZ position of a space point (unweighted average XYZ of component hits).
 /*    std::vector<double> SpacePointToXYZ(art::Ptr<recob::SpacePoint> const&amp; spt,
-                   art::Event                  const&amp; evt,
-                   std::string                 const&amp; label);*/
+          art::Event                  const&amp; evt,
+          std::string                 const&amp; label);*/

     // method to return the XYZ position of a space point (unweighted average XYZ of component hits).
 /*    std::vector<double> SpacePointHitsToXYZ(art::PtrVector<recob::Hit> const&amp; hits);*/

     // method to return the fraction of hits in a collection that come from the specified Geant4 track ids 
     double              OpHitCollectionPurity(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                       std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits);
+              std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits);

     // method to return the fraction of all hits in an event from a specific set of Geant4 track IDs that are 
     // represented in a collection of hits
     double              OpHitCollectionEfficiency(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                       std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits,
-                       std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allhits);
+            std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits,
+            std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allhits);
     double              OpHitCollectionEfficiency(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                       std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits,
-                       std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allhits,
-                       geo::View_t                         const&amp; view);
+            std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits,
+            std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allhits,
+            geo::View_t                         const&amp; view);

     // method to return the fraction of charge in a collection that come from the specified Geant4 track ids 
     double              OpHitChargeCollectionPurity(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                         std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits);
+              std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits);

     // method to return the fraction of all charge in an event from a specific set of Geant4 track IDs that are 
     // represented in a collection of hits
     double              OpHitChargeCollectionEfficiency(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                             std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits,
-                             std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allhits);
+                  std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits,
+                  std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allhits);
     double              OpHitChargeCollectionEfficiency(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                             std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits,
-                             std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allhits,
-                             geo::View_t                         const&amp; view);
+                  std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; hits,
+                  std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allhits,
+                  geo::View_t                         const&amp; view);

     // method to return all EveIDs corresponding to the current sim::ParticleList
     std::set<int>       GetSetOfEveIDs();
@@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ namespace cheat{
     const std::vector<const sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecord*>&amp; OpDetBacktrackerRecords() const { return cOpDetBacktrackerRecords; } 

     void ChannelToTrackSDPs(std::vector<sim::TrackSDP>&amp; trackSDPs,
-             int channel,
-             const double hit_start_time,
-             const double hit_end_time);
+        int channel,
+        const double hit_start_time,
+        const double hit_end_time);



diff --git a/larsim/MCCheater/ b/larsim/MCCheater/
index 6e073c8..b6b5b6d 100644
--- a/larsim/MCCheater/
+++ b/larsim/MCCheater/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace cheat{

   PhotonBackTracker::PhotonBackTracker(const fhicl::ParameterSet&amp; pset,
-              art::ActivityRegistry&amp; reg)
+         art::ActivityRegistry&amp; reg)

@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ namespace cheat{
     // if that is the case, we'll take care of it later
       mf::LogWarning("PhotonBackTracker") << "failed to get handle to simb::MCParticle from "
-                   << fG4ModuleLabel
-                   << ", return";
+            << fG4ModuleLabel
+            << ", return";

@@ -82,31 +82,31 @@ namespace cheat{

     if( fo.isValid() ){
       for(size_t p = 0; p < pHandle->size(); ++p){
-   simb::MCParticle *part = new simb::MCParticle(pHandle->at(p));
-   fParticleList.Add(part);
-   // get the simb::MCTruth associated to this sim::ParticleList
-   try{
-     art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> mct =;
-     if(fMCTruthList.size() < 1) fMCTruthList.push_back(mct);
-     else{
-       // check that we are not adding a simb::MCTruth twice to the collection
-       // we know that all the particles for a given simb::MCTruth are put into the
-       // collection of particles at the same time, so we can just check that the 
-       // current art::Ptr has a different id than the last one put 
-       if(!(mct == fMCTruthList.back())) fMCTruthList.push_back(mct);
-     }
-     // fill the track id to mctruth index map
-     fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex[pHandle->at(p).TrackId()] = fMCTruthList.size() - 1;
-   }
-   catch(cet::exception &amp;ex){
-     mf::LogWarning("PhotonBackTracker") << "unable to find MCTruth from ParticleList "
-                   << "created in " << fG4ModuleLabel << " " 
-                   << "any attempt to get the MCTruth objects from "
-                   << "the backtracker will fail\n"
-                   << "message from caught exception:\n" << ex;
-   }   
+  simb::MCParticle *part = new simb::MCParticle(pHandle->at(p));
+  fParticleList.Add(part);
+  // get the simb::MCTruth associated to this sim::ParticleList
+  try{
+    art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> mct =;
+    if(fMCTruthList.size() < 1) fMCTruthList.push_back(mct);
+    else{
+      // check that we are not adding a simb::MCTruth twice to the collection
+      // we know that all the particles for a given simb::MCTruth are put into the
+      // collection of particles at the same time, so we can just check that the 
+      // current art::Ptr has a different id than the last one put 
+      if(!(mct == fMCTruthList.back())) fMCTruthList.push_back(mct);
+    }
+    // fill the track id to mctruth index map
+    fTrackIDToMCTruthIndex[pHandle->at(p).TrackId()] = fMCTruthList.size() - 1;
+  }
+  catch(cet::exception &amp;ex){
+    mf::LogWarning("PhotonBackTracker") << "unable to find MCTruth from ParticleList "
+          << "created in " << fG4ModuleLabel << " " 
+          << "any attempt to get the MCTruth objects from "
+          << "the backtracker will fail\n"
+          << "message from caught exception:\n" << ex;
+  }  
       }// end loop over particles to get MCTruthList  
     }// end if fo.isValid()

@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ namespace cheat{
     fParticleList.AdoptEveIdCalculator(new sim::EmEveIdCalculator);

     LOG_DEBUG("PhotonBackTracker") << "PhotonBackTracker has " << cOpDetBacktrackerRecords.size()
-                << " sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecords and " << GetSetOfTrackIDs().size()
-                << " tracks.  The particles are:\n"
-                << fParticleList
-                << "\n the MCTruth information is\n";
+           << " sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecords and " << GetSetOfTrackIDs().size()
+           << " tracks.  The particles are:\n"
+           << fParticleList
+           << "\n the MCTruth information is\n";
     for(size_t mc = 0; mc < fMCTruthList.size(); ++mc)
       LOG_DEBUG("PhotonBackTracker") << *(;

@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ namespace cheat{

     if(part_it == fParticleList.end()){
       mf::LogWarning("PhotonBackTracker") << "can't find particle with track id "
-                   << id << " in sim::ParticleList"
-                   << " returning null pointer";
+            << id << " in sim::ParticleList"
+            << " returning null pointer";
       return 0;

@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ namespace cheat{

     if(/* mct < 0 || */ mct > fMCTruthList.size() ) 
       throw cet::exception("PhotonBackTracker") << "attempting to find MCTruth index for "
-                     << "out of range value: " << mct
-                     << "/" << fMCTruthList.size() << "\n";
+            << "out of range value: " << mct
+            << "/" << fMCTruthList.size() << "\n";

     return fMCTruthList[mct];
@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ namespace cheat{

       // loop over the SDPMAP      
       for(auto mapitr = pdTimeSDPmap.begin(); mapitr != pdTimeSDPmap.end(); mapitr++){
-   // loop over the vector of SDP objects.
-   const std::vector<sim::SDP>&amp; sdpvec = (*mapitr).second;
-   for(size_t iv = 0; iv < sdpvec.size(); ++iv){ 
-     if( abs(sdpvec[iv].trackID) == id) sdps.push_back(sdpvec[iv]);
-   }
+  // loop over the vector of SDP objects.
+  const std::vector<sim::SDP>&amp; sdpvec = (*mapitr).second;
+  for(size_t iv = 0; iv < sdpvec.size(); ++iv){ 
+    if( abs(sdpvec[iv].trackID) == id) sdps.push_back(sdpvec[iv]);
+  }

       } // end loop over map from sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecord
     } // end loop over sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecords
@@ -221,14 +221,14 @@ namespace cheat{
     const double start = (pTime-pWidth)*1000-fDelay;
     const double end   = (pTime+pWidth)*1000-fDelay;

-     this->ChannelToTrackSDPs(trackSDPs, opHit->OpChannel(), start, end);
+    this->ChannelToTrackSDPs(trackSDPs, opHit->OpChannel(), start, end);

     return trackSDPs;

   const std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::OpHit>>> PhotonBackTracker::TrackIDsToOpHits(std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::OpHit>> const&amp; allOpHits, 
-                                          std::vector<int> const&amp; tkIDs)
+                       std::vector<int> const&amp; tkIDs)
     // returns a subset of the opHits in the allOpHits collection that are matched
     // to MC particles listed in tkIDs
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ namespace cheat{

       // loop over the ides and extract the track ids
       for(size_t i = 0; i < trackSDPs.size(); ++i) {
-   trackIDs.insert(trackSDPs[i].trackID);
+  trackIDs.insert(trackSDPs[i].trackID);

@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ namespace cheat{

   double PhotonBackTracker::OpHitCollectionPurity(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                     std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits)
+            std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits)
     // get the list of EveIDs that correspond to the opHits in this collection
     // if the EveID shows up in the input list of trackIDs, then it counts
@@ -397,10 +397,10 @@ namespace cheat{
       // don't double count if this opHit has more than one of the
       // desired track IDs associated with it
       for(size_t e = 0; e < opHitTrackIDs.size(); ++e){
-   if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end()){
-     desired += 1.;
-     break;
-   }
+  if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end()){
+    desired += 1.;
+    break;
+  }

     }// end loop over opHits
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ namespace cheat{

   double PhotonBackTracker::OpHitChargeCollectionPurity(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                       std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits)
+            std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits)
     // get the list of EveIDs that correspond to the opHits in this collection
     // if the EveID shows up in the input list of trackIDs, then it counts
@@ -432,10 +432,10 @@ namespace cheat{
       // don't double count if this opHit has more than one of the
       // desired track IDs associated with it
       for(size_t e = 0; e < opHitTrackIDs.size(); ++e){
-   if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end()){
-     desired += opHit->Area();
-     break;
-   }
+  if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end()){
+    desired += opHit->Area();
+    break;
+  }

     }// end loop over opHits
@@ -449,16 +449,16 @@ namespace cheat{

   double PhotonBackTracker::OpHitCollectionEfficiency(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                         std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits,
-                         std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allOpHits,
-                         geo::View_t                         const&amp; view)
+                std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits,
+                std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allOpHits,
+                geo::View_t                         const&amp; view)
      throw cet::exception("PhotonBackTracker")<<"This function is not supported. OpHits do not have type View.\n";

   double PhotonBackTracker::OpHitCollectionEfficiency(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                         std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits,
-                         std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allOpHits)
+                std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits,
+                std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allOpHits)
     // get the list of EveIDs that correspond to the opHits in this collection
     // and the energy associated with the desired trackID
@@ -478,11 +478,11 @@ namespace cheat{
       // also don't double count if this opHit has more than one of the
       // desired track IDs associated with it
       for(size_t e = 0; e < opHitTrackIDs.size(); ++e){
-   if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end() &amp;&amp;
-      opHitTrackIDs[e].energyFrac             >= fMinOpHitEnergyFraction){
-     desired += 1.;
-     break;
-   }
+  if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end() &amp;&amp;
+     opHitTrackIDs[e].energyFrac             >= fMinOpHitEnergyFraction){
+    desired += 1.;
+    break;
+  }
     }// end loop over opHits

@@ -498,15 +498,15 @@ namespace cheat{
       std::vector<sim::TrackSDP> opHitTrackIDs = this->OpHitToTrackID(opHit);

       for(size_t e = 0; e < opHitTrackIDs.size(); ++e){
-   // don't worry about opHits where the energy fraction for the chosen
-   // trackID is < 0.1
-   // also don't double count if this opHit has more than one of the
-   // desired track IDs associated with it
-   if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end() &amp;&amp;
-      opHitTrackIDs[e].energyFrac             >= fMinOpHitEnergyFraction){
-     total += 1.;
-     break;
-   }
+  // don't worry about opHits where the energy fraction for the chosen
+  // trackID is < 0.1
+  // also don't double count if this opHit has more than one of the
+  // desired track IDs associated with it
+  if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end() &amp;&amp;
+     opHitTrackIDs[e].energyFrac             >= fMinOpHitEnergyFraction){
+    total += 1.;
+    break;
+  }

     }// end loop over all opHits
@@ -519,15 +519,15 @@ namespace cheat{

   double PhotonBackTracker::OpHitChargeCollectionEfficiency(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                           std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits,
-                           std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allOpHits,
-                           geo::View_t                         const&amp; view)
+                std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits,
+                std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allOpHits,
+                geo::View_t                         const&amp; view)
      throw cet::exception("PhotonBackTracker")<<"This function is not supported. OpHits do not have type View.\n";
   double PhotonBackTracker::OpHitChargeCollectionEfficiency(std::set<int>                              trackIDs, 
-                           std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits,
-                           std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allOpHits)
+                std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; opHits,
+                std::vector< art::Ptr<recob::OpHit> > const&amp; allOpHits)
     // get the list of EveIDs that correspond to the opHits in this collection
     // and the energy associated with the desired trackID
@@ -547,11 +547,11 @@ namespace cheat{
       // also don't double count if this opHit has more than one of the
       // desired track IDs associated with it
       for(size_t e = 0; e < opHitTrackIDs.size(); ++e){
-   if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end() &amp;&amp;
-      opHitTrackIDs[e].energyFrac             >= fMinOpHitEnergyFraction){
-     desired += opHit->Area();
-     break;
-   }
+  if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end() &amp;&amp;
+     opHitTrackIDs[e].energyFrac             >= fMinOpHitEnergyFraction){
+    desired += opHit->Area();
+    break;
+  }
     }// end loop over opHits

@@ -567,15 +567,15 @@ namespace cheat{
       std::vector<sim::TrackSDP> opHitTrackIDs = this->OpHitToTrackID(opHit);

       for(size_t e = 0; e < opHitTrackIDs.size(); ++e){
-   // don't worry about opHits where the energy fraction for the chosen
-   // trackID is < 0.1
-   // also don't double count if this opHit has more than one of the
-   // desired track IDs associated with it
-   if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end() &amp;&amp;
-      opHitTrackIDs[e].energyFrac             >= fMinOpHitEnergyFraction){
-     total += opHit->Area();
-     break;
-   }
+  // don't worry about opHits where the energy fraction for the chosen
+  // trackID is < 0.1
+  // also don't double count if this opHit has more than one of the
+  // desired track IDs associated with it
+  if(trackIDs.find(opHitTrackIDs[e].trackID) != trackIDs.end() &amp;&amp;
+     opHitTrackIDs[e].energyFrac             >= fMinOpHitEnergyFraction){
+    total += opHit->Area();
+    break;
+  }

     }// end loop over all opHits
@@ -599,16 +599,16 @@ namespace cheat{

       throw cet::exception("PhotonBackTracker") << "No sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecord corresponding "
-                     << "to opDetNum: " << opDetNum << "\n";
+            << "to opDetNum: " << opDetNum << "\n";

     return opDet;

   void PhotonBackTracker::ChannelToTrackSDPs(std::vector<sim::TrackSDP>&amp;   trackSDPs,
-                    int channel,
-                    const double opHit_start_time,
-                    const double opHit_end_time)
+             int channel,
+             const double opHit_start_time,
+             const double opHit_end_time)

@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ namespace cheat{
       // first get the total energy represented by all track ids for 
       // this channel and range of tdc values
       for(size_t e = 0; e < simSDPs.size(); ++e)
-   totalE += simSDPs[e].energy;
+  totalE += simSDPs[e].energy;

       // protect against a divide by zero below
@@ -638,21 +638,21 @@ namespace cheat{
       // loop over the entries in the map and fill the input vectors

       for(size_t e = 0; e < simSDPs.size(); ++e){
-   if(simSDPs[e].trackID == sim::NoParticleId) continue;
-   sim::TrackSDP info;
-   info.trackID    = simSDPs[e].trackID;
-   info.energyFrac = simSDPs[e].energy/totalE;
-     = simSDPs[e].energy;
-   trackSDPs.push_back(info);
+  if(simSDPs[e].trackID == sim::NoParticleId) continue;
+  sim::TrackSDP info;
+  info.trackID    = simSDPs[e].trackID;
+  info.energyFrac = simSDPs[e].energy/totalE;
+     = simSDPs[e].energy;
+  trackSDPs.push_back(info);
     }// end try
     catch(cet::exception e){
       mf::LogWarning("PhotonBackTracker") << "caught exception \n"
-                   << e;
+            << e;

@@ -696,12 +696,12 @@ namespace cheat{
       z += weight * sdp.z;

     }// end loop over sim::SDPs
     // if the sum of the weights is still 0, then return
     // the obviously stupid default values
     if(w < 1.e-5)
       throw cet::exception("PhotonBackTracker") << "No sim::SDPs providing non-zero number of photons"
-                     << " can't determine originating location from truth\n";
+            << " can't determine originating location from truth\n";

     xyz[0] = x/w;
     xyz[1] = y/w;


diff --git a/larsim/MCCheater/photonbacktracker.fcl b/larsim/MCCheater/photonbacktracker.fcl
index b02c251..3934c9a 100644
--- a/larsim/MCCheater/photonbacktracker.fcl
+++ b/larsim/MCCheater/photonbacktracker.fcl
@@ -5,13 +5,7 @@ standard_photonbacktracker:
  G4ModuleLabel:            "largeant" # module that produced the sim::Particle and sim::SimChannel objects
  MinimumHitEnergyFraction: 0.1        # minimum fraction of energy a G4 trackID contributes to a hit to be 
                                       # counted in hit based efficiency and purity calculations
+ Delay:                    0          #This number is the difference between when light arrives at the detector, and the time recorded in OpHits. This number is experiment specific and should be set by each experiment. 

-jp250L_photonbacktracker:     @local::standard_photonbacktracker
-bo_photonbacktracker:         @local::standard_photonbacktracker
-argoneut_photonbacktracker:   @local::standard_photonbacktracker
-microboone_photonbacktracker: @local::standard_photonbacktracker
-dune35t_photonbacktracker:    @local::standard_photonbacktracker
-dunefd_photonbacktracker:     @local::standard_photonbacktracker



diff --git a/larreco/HitFinder/ b/larreco/HitFinder/
index b35c72a..3273bd0 100644
--- a/larreco/HitFinder/
+++ b/larreco/HitFinder/
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ namespace hit{
     size_t              fMaxMultiHit;              ///<maximum hits for multi fit
     int                 fAreaMethod;               ///<Type of area calculation
     std::vector<double> fAreaNorms;                ///<factors for converting area to same units as peak height
-    bool               fTryNplus1Fits;            ///<whether we will (0) or won't (1) try n+1 fits
+    bool               fTryNplus1Fits;            ///<whether we will (true) or won't (false) try n+1 fits
     double             fChi2NDFRetry;             ///<Value at which a second n+1 Fit will be tried
     double             fChi2NDF;                  ///maximum Chisquared / NDF allowed for a hit to be saved
     size_t              fNumBinsToAverage;         ///< If bin averaging for peak finding, number bins to average


diff --git a/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/PointIdAlg/PointIdAlg.cxx b/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/PointIdAlg/PointIdAlg.cxx
index ed5a357..15c78f8 100644
--- a/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/PointIdAlg/PointIdAlg.cxx
+++ b/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/PointIdAlg/PointIdAlg.cxx
@@ -235,15 +235,17 @@ bool nnet::DataProviderAlg::bufferPatch(size_t wire, float drift) const
    int d0 = fCurrentScaledDrift - halfSizeD;
    int d1 = fCurrentScaledDrift + halfSizeD;

+    int wsize = fWireDriftData.size();
    for (int w = w0, wpatch = 0; w < w1; ++w, ++wpatch)
        auto &amp; dst = fWireDriftPatch[wpatch];
-       if ((w >= 0) &amp;&amp; (w < (int)fWireDriftData.size()))
+       if ((w >= 0) &amp;&amp; (w < wsize))
            auto &amp; src = fWireDriftData[w];
+           int dsize = src.size();
            for (int d = d0, dpatch = 0; d < d1; ++d, ++dpatch)
-               if ((d >= 0) &amp;&amp; (d < (int)src.size()))
+               if ((d >= 0) &amp;&amp; (d < dsize))
                    dst[dpatch] = src[d];
@@ -299,12 +301,30 @@ bool nnet::DataProviderAlg::isInsideFiducialRegion(unsigned int wire, float drif
 // ------------------------------------------------------

+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------------ModelInterface---------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+std::string nnet::ModelInterface::findFile(const char* fileName) const
+    std::string fname_out;
+    cet::search_path sp("FW_SEARCH_PATH");
+    if (!sp.find_file(fileName, fname_out))
+    {
+        throw art::Exception(art::errors::NotFound)
+            << "Could not find the model file " << fileName;
+    }
+    return fname_out;
 // ------------------------------------------------------
 // -----------------MlpModelInterface--------------------
 // ------------------------------------------------------

 nnet::MlpModelInterface::MlpModelInterface(const char* xmlFileName) :
-   m(xmlFileName)
+   m(nnet::ModelInterface::findFile(xmlFileName).c_str())
    mf::LogInfo("MlpModelInterface") << "MLP model loaded.";
@@ -357,7 +377,7 @@ float nnet::MlpModelInterface::GetOneOutput(int neuronIndex) const
 // ------------------------------------------------------

 nnet::KerasModelInterface::KerasModelInterface(const char* modelFileName) :
-   m(modelFileName)
+   m(nnet::ModelInterface::findFile(modelFileName).c_str())
    mf::LogInfo("KerasModelInterface") << "Keras model loaded.";
@@ -649,6 +669,7 @@ bool nnet::TrainingDataAlg::setWireEdepsAndLabels(

        int best_pdg = pdgs[i0] &amp; nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kPdgMask;
        int vtx_flags = pdgs[i0] &amp; nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kVtxMask;
+       int type_flags = pdgs[i0] &amp; nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kTypeMask;
        float max_edep = edeps[i0];
        for (size_t k = i0 + 1; k < i1; ++k)
@@ -658,11 +679,13 @@ bool nnet::TrainingDataAlg::setWireEdepsAndLabels(
                max_edep = ek;
                best_pdg = pdgs[k] &amp; nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kPdgMask; // remember best matching pdg
+           type_flags |= pdgs[k] &amp; nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kTypeMask; // accumulate track type flags
            vtx_flags |= pdgs[k] &amp; nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kVtxMask;   // accumulate all vtx flags

        wEdep[i] = max_edep;

+        best_pdg |= type_flags;
        if (fSaveVtxFlags) best_pdg |= vtx_flags;
        wPdg[i] = best_pdg;
@@ -701,6 +724,32 @@ nnet::TrainingDataAlg::WireDrift nnet::TrainingDataAlg::getProjection(double x,
 // ------------------------------------------------------

+bool nnet::TrainingDataAlg::isMuonDecaying(const simb::MCParticle &amp; particle,
+    const std::unordered_map< int, const simb::MCParticle* > &amp; particleMap) const
+    bool hasElectron = false, hasNuMu = false, hasNuE = false;
+    int pdg = abs(particle.PdgCode());
+   if ((pdg == 13) &amp;&amp; (particle.EndProcess() == "FastScintillation")) // potential muon decay at rest
+   {
+       unsigned int nSec = particle.NumberDaughters();
+       for (size_t d = 0; d < nSec; ++d)
+       {
+           auto d_search = particleMap.find(particle.Daughter(d));
+           if (d_search != particleMap.end())
+           {
+               auto const &amp; daughter = *((*d_search).second);
+               int d_pdg = abs(daughter.PdgCode());
+               if (d_pdg == 11) hasElectron = true;
+               else if (d_pdg == 14) hasNuMu = true;
+               else if (d_pdg == 12) hasNuE = true;
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   return (hasElectron &amp;&amp; hasNuMu &amp;&amp; hasNuE);
 void nnet::TrainingDataAlg::collectVtxFlags(
    std::unordered_map< size_t, std::unordered_map< int, int > > &amp; wireToDriftToVtxFlags,
    const std::unordered_map< int, const simb::MCParticle* > &amp; particleMap,
@@ -729,26 +778,11 @@ void nnet::TrainingDataAlg::collectVtxFlags(

            case 13:   // mu+/-
-               if ((particle.EndProcess() == "FastScintillation")) // potential decay at rest
-               {
-                   unsigned int nSec = particle.NumberDaughters();
-                   for (size_t d = 0; d < nSec; ++d)
-                   {
-                       auto d_search = particleMap.find(particle.Daughter(d));
-                       if (d_search != particleMap.end())
-                       {
-                           auto const &amp; daughter = *((*d_search).second);
-                           int d_pdg = abs(daughter.PdgCode());
-                           if (d_pdg == 11)
-                           {
-                               //std::cout << "---> mu decay to electron" << std::endl;
-                               flagsEnd = nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kDecay;
-                               break;
-                           }
-                       }
-                   }
-               }
+               if (nnet::TrainingDataAlg::isMuonDecaying(particle, particleMap))
+               {
+                   //std::cout << "---> mu decay to electron" << std::endl;
+                   flagsEnd = nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kDecay;
+               }

            case 111:  // pi0
@@ -941,19 +975,49 @@ bool nnet::TrainingDataAlg::setEventData(const art::Event&amp; event,
                    int pdg = 0;
                    int tid = energyDeposit.trackID;
-                   if (tid < 0) { pdg = 11; tid = -tid; } // negative tid means it is EM activity
-                   auto search = particleMap.find(tid);
-                   if (search == particleMap.end())
+                   if (tid < 0) // negative tid means it is EM activity, and -tid is the mother
-                       mf::LogWarning("TrainingDataAlg") << "PARTICLE NOT FOUND";
-                       continue;
+                       pdg = 11; tid = -tid;
+                       auto search = particleMap.find(tid);
+                       if (search == particleMap.end())
+                       {
+                           mf::LogWarning("TrainingDataAlg") << "PARTICLE NOT FOUND";
+                           continue;
+                       }
+                       auto const &amp; mother = *((*search).second); // mother particle of this EM
+                       int mPdg = abs(mother.PdgCode());
+                        if ((mPdg == 13) || (mPdg == 211) || (mPdg == 2212))
+                        {
+                            if (energyDeposit.numElectrons > 10) pdg |= nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kDelta; // tag delta ray
+                        }
+                   }
+                   else
+                   {
+                       auto search = particleMap.find(tid);
+                       if (search == particleMap.end())
+                       {
+                           mf::LogWarning("TrainingDataAlg") << "PARTICLE NOT FOUND";
+                           continue;
+                       }
+                       auto const &amp; particle = *((*search).second);
+                       pdg = abs(particle.PdgCode());
+                        if (pdg == 11) // electron, check if it is Michel
+                        {
+                            auto msearch = particleMap.find(particle.Mother());
+                           if (msearch != particleMap.end())
+                           {
+                               auto const &amp; mother = *((*msearch).second);
+                               if (nnet::TrainingDataAlg::isMuonDecaying(mother, particleMap))
+                               {
+                                   pdg |= nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kMichel; // tag Michel
+                               }
+                           }
+                        }

-                   auto const &amp; particle = *((*search).second);
-                   if (!pdg) pdg = particle.PdgCode(); // not EM activity so read what PDG it is
-                   trackToPDG[energyDeposit.trackID] = abs(pdg);
+                   trackToPDG[energyDeposit.trackID] = pdg;

                    double energy = energyDeposit.numElectrons * electronsToGeV;
                    timeToTrackToCharge[time][energyDeposit.trackID] += energy;
@@ -962,6 +1026,7 @@ bool nnet::TrainingDataAlg::setEventData(const art::Event&amp; event,
            } // loop over time slices
        } // for each SimChannel

+        int type_pdg_mask = nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kTypeMask | nnet::TrainingDataAlg::kPdgMask;
        for (auto const &amp; ttc : timeToTrackToCharge)
            float max_deposit = 0.0;
@@ -974,11 +1039,11 @@ bool nnet::TrainingDataAlg::setEventData(const art::Event&amp; event,
                    max_pdg = trackToPDG[tc.first];
            if (ttc.first < (int)labels_deposit.size())
                labels_deposit[ttc.first] = max_deposit;
-               labels_pdg[ttc.first]     = max_pdg &amp; 0xFFFF;
+               labels_pdg[ttc.first]     = max_pdg &amp; type_pdg_mask;


diff --git a/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/PointIdAlg/PointIdAlg.h b/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/PointIdAlg/PointIdAlg.h
index 109af89..720fe78 100644
--- a/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/PointIdAlg/PointIdAlg.h
+++ b/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/PointIdAlg/PointIdAlg.h
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public:
    ModelInterface(void) { }

+    std::string findFile(const char* fileName) const;
 // ------------------------------------------------------

@@ -258,18 +258,28 @@ class nnet::TrainingDataAlg : public nnet::DataProviderAlg

+    enum EMask
+    {
+        kNone     = 0,
+        kPdgMask  = 0x00000FFF, // pdg code mask
+        kTypeMask = 0x0000F000, // track type mask
+        kVtxMask  = 0x0FFF0000  // vertex flags, still can use 0xFFFF0000 if more vtx types needed
+    };
+    enum ETrkType
+    {
+        kDelta  = 0x1000,      // delta electron
+        kMichel = 0x2000       // Michel electron
+    };
    enum EVtxId
-       kNone  = 0,
        kNuNC  = 0x0010000, kNuCC = 0x0020000,                      // nu interaction type
        kNuE   = 0x0100000, kNuMu = 0x0200000, kNuTau = 0x0400000,  // nu flavor
        kHadr  = 0x1000000,    // hadronic inelastic scattering
        kPi0   = 0x2000000,    // pi0 produced in this vertex
        kDecay = 0x4000000,    // point of particle decay
        kConv  = 0x8000000,    // gamma conversion
-       kVtxMask = 0x0FFF0000, // vertex flags, still can use 0xFFFF0000 if more vtx types needed
-       kPdgMask = 0x0000FFFF  // pdg code mask (pdg is saved in the same int as vtx flags)

     struct Config : public nnet::DataProviderAlg::Config
@@ -336,6 +346,10 @@ private:
        const std::unordered_map< int, const simb::MCParticle* > &amp; particleMap,
        unsigned int view) const;

+    bool isMuonDecaying(
+        const simb::MCParticle &amp; particle,
+        const std::unordered_map< int, const simb::MCParticle* > &amp; particleMap) const;
    std::vector< std::vector<float> > fWireDriftEdep;
    std::vector< std::vector<int> > fWireDriftPdg;


diff --git a/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/scripts/ b/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/scripts/
index e620236..c8229a1 100644
--- a/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/scripts/
+++ b/larreco/RecoAlg/ImagePatternAlgs/scripts/
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ def get_data(fname, drift_margin = 0, crop = True):
     A_pdg[deposit_th_ind] = 0
     tracks = A_pdg.copy()
     showers = A_pdg.copy()
-    tracks[(A_pdg &amp; 0xFFFF) == 11] = 0
+    tracks[(A_pdg &amp; 0x0FFF) == 11] = 0
     tracks[tracks > 0]   = 1
-    showers[(A_pdg &amp; 0xFFFF) != 11] = 0
+    showers[(A_pdg &amp; 0x0FFF) != 11] = 0
     showers[showers > 0] = 1
     return A_raw, A_deposit, A_pdg, tracks, showers


diff --git a/larreco/RecoAlg/TrackKalmanFitter.cxx b/larreco/RecoAlg/TrackKalmanFitter.cxx
index 19fe252..5bb6758 100644
--- a/larreco/RecoAlg/TrackKalmanFitter.cxx
+++ b/larreco/RecoAlg/TrackKalmanFitter.cxx
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ bool trkf::TrackKalmanFitter::fitTrack(const recob::Track&amp; track, const std::vec
   for (auto itertrack = fittedTrack.getTrackMap().rbegin(); itertrack != fittedTrack.getTrackMap().rend(); ++itertrack) {
     trkf::KHitTrack&amp; fwdTrack = itertrack->second;
     trkf::KHitWireX khit(dynamic_cast<const trkf::KHitWireX&amp;>(*fwdTrack.getHit().get()));//need a non const copy in case we want to modify the error
-    if (useRMS_) khit.setMeasError(khit.getMeasError()*khit.getHit()->RMS()*khit.getHit()->RMS()/(std::max(khit.getHit()->SigmaPeakTime()*khit.getHit()->SigmaPeakTime(),0.08333333333f)));

     boost::optional<double> pdist = prop_->noise_prop(trf,khit.getMeasSurface(),trkf::Propagator::BACKWARD,true);
     if (!pdist) {


diff --git a/larreco/TrackFinder/ b/larreco/TrackFinder/
index d6728d2..3bf23a1 100644
--- a/larreco/TrackFinder/
+++ b/larreco/TrackFinder/
@@ -197,6 +197,9 @@ trkf::KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter::KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter(trkf::KalmanFil

   produces<std::vector<recob::Track> >();
   produces<art::Assns<recob::Track, recob::Hit> >();
+  if (p_().options().trackFromPF()) {
+    produces<art::Assns<recob::PFParticle, recob::Track> >();
+  }

   //throw expections to avoid possible silent failures due to incompatible configuration options
   if (p_().options().trackFromPF()==0 &amp;&amp; p_().options().idFromPF())
@@ -209,7 +212,7 @@ trkf::KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter::KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter(trkf::KalmanFil
     throw cet::exception("KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter") << "Incompatible configuration parameters: cannot use dirFromVec=true with dirFromVtxPF=true." << "\n";
   unsigned int nPFroms = 0;
   if (p_().options().pFromCalo())   nPFroms++;
-  if (p_().options().pFromMSChi2())    nPFroms++;
+  if (p_().options().pFromMSChi2()) nPFroms++;
   if (p_().options().pFromLength()) nPFroms++;
   if (p_().options().pFromMC())     nPFroms++;
   if (nPFroms>1) {
@@ -251,6 +254,8 @@ void trkf::KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter::produce(art::Event &amp; e)

   if (p_().options().trackFromPF()) {
+    auto outputPFAssn = std::make_unique<art::Assns<recob::PFParticle, recob::Track> >();

     art::ValidHandle<std::vector<recob::PFParticle> > inputPFParticle = e.getValidHandle<std::vector<recob::PFParticle> >(pfParticleInputTag);
     assocTracks = std::unique_ptr<art::FindManyP<recob::Track> >(new art::FindManyP<recob::Track>(inputPFParticle, e, pfParticleInputTag));
@@ -297,8 +302,12 @@ void trkf::KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter::produce(art::Event &amp; e)
    for (auto const&amp; trhit: outHits) {
      outputHits->addSingle(aptr, trhit);
+   outputPFAssn->addSingle(art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle>(inputPFParticle, iPF), aptr);
+    e.put(std::move(outputTracks));
+    e.put(std::move(outputHits));
+    e.put(std::move(outputPFAssn));
   } else {

     art::ValidHandle<std::vector<recob::Track> > inputTracks = e.getValidHandle<std::vector<recob::Track> >(trackInputTag);
@@ -342,11 +351,9 @@ void trkf::KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter::produce(art::Event &amp; e)
    outputHits->addSingle(aptr, trhit);
+    e.put(std::move(outputTracks));
+    e.put(std::move(outputHits));
-  e.put(std::move(outputTracks));
-  e.put(std::move(outputHits));

 double trkf::KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter::setMomValue(art::Ptr<recob::Track> ptrack, const std::unique_ptr<art::FindManyP<anab::Calorimetry> >&amp; trackCalo, const double pMC, const int pId) const {



diff --git a/larana/OpticalDetector/OpHitFinder/UtilFunc.cxx b/larana/OpticalDetector/OpHitFinder/UtilFunc.cxx
index 8f6ec29..e09a8d8 100644
--- a/larana/OpticalDetector/OpHitFinder/UtilFunc.cxx
+++ b/larana/OpticalDetector/OpHitFinder/UtilFunc.cxx
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace pmtana {

     double bin_width = ((*res.second) - (*res.first)) / ((double)nbins);

-    if(nbins==1) return ((*res.first) + bin_width /2.);
+    if(nbins==1 || bin_width == 0) return ((*res.first) + bin_width /2.);

     //std::cout<<"Min: "<<(*res.first)<<" Max: "<<(*res.second)<<" Width: "<<bin_width<<std::endl;


diff --git a/larana/T0Finder/ b/larana/T0Finder/
index 9e1267a..4b4b4d8 100644
--- a/larana/T0Finder/
+++ b/larana/T0Finder/
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ private:
   double fWeightOfDeltaYZ;
   double fMatchCriteria;
   double fPEThreshold;
+  bool   fVerbosity;

   // Variables used in module.......
   std::vector<double> trackStart;
@@ -189,6 +190,8 @@ void lbne::PhotonCounterT0Matching::reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const &amp; p)
   fWeightOfDeltaYZ = (p.get< double > ("WeightOfDeltaYZ"   ) );
   fMatchCriteria   = (p.get< double > ("MatchCriteria"     ) );
   fPEThreshold     = (p.get< double > ("PEThreshold"       ) );
+  fVerbosity = (p.get< bool > ("Verbose",false) );

 void lbne::PhotonCounterT0Matching::beginJob()
@@ -219,7 +222,7 @@ void lbne::PhotonCounterT0Matching::beginJob()
                    20, 0, 100, 60, 0, 300); 
   hFitParam_Length = tfs->make<TH2D>("hFitParam_Length", "How fit correlates with track length; Fit correlation; Track Length (cm)", 50, 0, 250, 30, 0, 300);
   hPhotonT0_MCT0   = tfs->make<TH2D>("hPhotonT0_MCT0"  , "Comparing Photon Counter reconstructed T0 against MCTruth T0; Photon Counter T0 (us); MCTruthT0 T0 (us)", 1760, -1600, 16000, 1760, -1600, 16000);
-  hT0_diff_full    = tfs->make<TH1D>("hT0_diff_full"   , "Difference between MCTruth T0 and photon detector T0; Time difference (us); Number", 320, -1600, 1600);
+  hT0_diff_full    = tfs->make<TH1D>("hT0_diff_full"   , "Difference between MCTruth T0 and photon detector T0; Time difference (us); Number", 500, -2500, 2500);
   hT0_diff_zoom    = tfs->make<TH1D>("hT0_diff_zoom"   , "Difference between MCTruth T0 and photon detector T0; Time difference (us); Number", 320, -1.6, 1.6);

@@ -269,11 +272,12 @@ void lbne::PhotonCounterT0Matching::produce(art::Event &amp; evt)
     size_t NTracks  = tracklist.size();
     size_t NFlashes = flashlist.size();

-    std::cout << "There were " << NTracks << " tracks and " << NFlashes << " flashes in this event." << std::endl;
+    if (fVerbosity)
+      std::cout << "There were " << NTracks << " tracks and " << NFlashes << " flashes in this event." << std::endl;

     // Now to access PhotonCounter for each track... 
     for(size_t iTrk=0; iTrk < NTracks; ++iTrk) { 
-      std::cout << "\n New Track " << (int)iTrk << std::endl;
+      if (fVerbosity) std::cout << "\n New Track " << (int)iTrk << std::endl;
       // Reset Variables.
       BestFlashTime = BestFitParam = BestTrackCentre_X = BestTrackLength = 9999;
       BestTimeSepPredX = BestPredictedX = BestDeltaPredX = BestminYZSep = MCTruthT0 = 9999;
@@ -292,13 +296,13 @@ void lbne::PhotonCounterT0Matching::produce(art::Event &amp; evt)

       // Some cout statement about track properties.
-      ///*
-      std::cout << trackStart[0] << " " << trackEnd[0] << " " << TrackLength_X << " " << TrackCentre_X 
-       << "\n" << trackStart[1] << " " << trackEnd[1] << " " << TrackLength_Y << " " << TrackCentre_Y
-       << "\n" << trackStart[2] << " " << trackEnd[2] << " " << TrackLength_Z << " " << TrackCentre_Z
-       << "\n" << trkTimeStart  << " " << trkTimeEnd  << " " << trkTimeLengh  << " " << trkTimeCentre
-       << std::endl;
-      //*/
+      if (fVerbosity) {
+   std::cout << trackStart[0] << " " << trackEnd[0] << " " << TrackLength_X << " " << TrackCentre_X 
+         << "\n" << trackStart[1] << " " << trackEnd[1] << " " << TrackLength_Y << " " << TrackCentre_Y
+         << "\n" << trackStart[2] << " " << trackEnd[2] << " " << TrackLength_Z << " " << TrackCentre_Z
+         << "\n" << trkTimeStart  << " " << trkTimeEnd  << " " << trkTimeLengh  << " " << trkTimeCentre
+         << std::endl;
+      }
       // ----- Loop over flashes ------
       for ( size_t iFlash=0; iFlash < NFlashes; ++iFlash ) {
    //Reset some flash specific quantities
@@ -334,8 +338,10 @@ void lbne::PhotonCounterT0Matching::produce(art::Event &amp; evt)
    else if (fMatchCriteria == 2) FitParam = DeltaPredX;

    //----FLASH INFO-----
-   std::cout << "\nFlash " << (int)iFlash << " " << TrackCentre_X << ", " << TimeSepPredX << " - " << PredictedX << " = " << DeltaPredX << ", " << minYZSep << " -> " << FitParam << std::endl; 
+   if (fVerbosity) {
+     std::cout << "\nFlash " << (int)iFlash << " " << TrackCentre_X << ", " << TimeSepPredX << " - " << PredictedX << " = " 
+           << DeltaPredX << ", " << minYZSep << " -> " << FitParam << std::endl; 
+   }
    //----Select best flash------
    //double YFitRegion = (-1 * DeltaPredX ) + 80;
    //if ( minYZSep > YFitRegion ) continue;