LArSoft v03_03_02 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions
Include changes in development since v03_03_01.
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
The head of develop for all larsoft packages now uses bug fix release cetbuildtools v4_03_01.
Change List
larsoft v03_03_02
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : larsoft v03_03_02
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : new file Calorimetry/TrackCalorimetryAlg.h
lareventdisplay v03_02_02
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v03_03_02
larexamples v03_02_02
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v03_03_02
larpandora v03_03_01
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v03_03_02
larana v03_02_03
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v03_03_02
- 2014-10-26 Wesley Ketchum : Merge branch ‘feature/wketchum_FindManyPCalo’ into develop
- 2014-10-26 Wesley Ketchum : fix a typo
- 2014-10-26 Wesley Ketchum : remove spacepoint parts, as I do not end up using them
- 2014-10-26 Wesley Ketchum : add in elemetns of the fhicl files
- 2014-10-26 Wesley Ketchum : function for making the calorimetry object
- 2014-10-26 Wesley Ketchum : add in a function to determine what direction track is going based on charge at track endpoints
- 2014-10-26 Wesley Ketchum : change the hit analysis part to use a multiset, so the outcome is sorted based on location in track
- 2014-10-26 Wesley Ketchum : updates to path length vector
- 2014-10-24 Wesley Ketchum : add in a vector to calculate fraction of path length traversed, for doing residual range later
- 2014-10-22 Wesley Ketchum : fill other vectors per hit, and add in CalorimetryAlg object and use it to get dEdx—-note, assuming area for all calculations here
- 2014-10-22 Wesley Ketchum : uncomment the track pitch part, and fix some typos
- 2014-10-22 Wesley Ketchum : add in retrieval of pitch from track object
- 2014-10-22 Wesley Ketchum : add in comparison class to find nearest trajectory point to each hit
- 2014-10-22 Wesley Ketchum : change detprop to non-const object, since ConvertXtoTicks can change detprop internally!!!
- 2014-10-22 Wesley Ketchum : start fleshing out the TrackCalorimetryAlg: set up the loops over tracks and planes, and start to map out looping over the hits to get track pitch
- 2014-10-21 Wesley Ketchum : start refactoring track calorimetry
larreco v03_02_03
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v03_03_02
- 2014-10-24 Herbert Greenlee : Add ability in Track3DKalmanHit to only store trajectory points corresponding to the preferred plane. When enabled, this produces smoother tracks. Enabled by default.
- 2014-10-24 Herbert Greenlee : Add some commented out debug messages.
- 2014-10-23 Herbert Greenlee : Fix distance calculation.
- 2014-10-23 Herbert Greenlee : Change some debugging output. Change slope cut from dx/dz to dx/ds.
- 2014-10-23 Gianluca Petrillo : DumpClusters and DumpTracks modules now write the name of the collection on output
- 2014-10-22 Gianluca Petrillo : LineMerger module: moved FindManyP query out of loop (issue #7058); also removed dependency on Geometry service and changed constantness of some elements and minor technical details.
- 2014-10-17 Herbert Greenlee : Update debugging output.
larsim v03_02_02
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v03_03_02
- 2014-10-23 Alex Himmel : Make the new x-axis in the y-z projection plots of the photon library analyzer configurable. Default behavior is unchanged. Needed since LBNE and MicroBooNE seem to prefer different orientations here.
larevt v03_02_02
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v03_03_02
lardata v03_02_02
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v03_03_02
- 2014-10-24 Herbert Greenlee : Add preferred plane as attribute of KGTrack. Add ability to only genearte trajectory points for hits from the preferred plane.
- 2014-10-24 Herbert Greenlee : Add print method and output stream operator for KGTrack.
- 2014-10-22 Wesley Ketchum : add option in Track::PitchInView for getting pitch at arbitrary point along trajectory, instead of only at beginning of track
- 2014-10-22 Wesley Ketchum : Revert “make const function for convert X to ticks and vice versa”
- 2014-10-22 Wesley Ketchum : make const function for convert X to ticks and vice versa
larcore v03_02_02
- 2014-10-28 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v03_03_02
- 2014-10-23 Tyler Alion : Change the use of std::string::find to its intended use in GeometryTest when testing pitches depending on detector.