LArSoft v03_04_04 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions
Changes in development since v03_04_03 and new art associations.
New features
- Adding an art associations. See below.
Change List
larsoft v03_04_04
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : product versions
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : changes in larpandora
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : larsoft v03_04_04 for larsoft v03_04_04
lareventdisplay v03_02_07
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v03_02_07 for larsoft v03_04_04
larexamples v03_02_07
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : larexamples v03_02_07 for larsoft v03_04_04
larpandora v03_04_00
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : larpandora v03_04_00 for larsoft v03_04_04
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/blake_particleSeeds’ into release/v03_04_04
- 2014-11-27 Andrew Blake : Merge branch ‘feature/blake_updateForLBNE’ into develop. This will remove the LBNE-specific .fcl and .xml files (which are being moved to lbnecode). I have also modified PFParticleTrackMaker to write out ART associations between tracks and hits, and to store better positions and directions in the recob::Track objects.
- 2014-11-27 Andrew Blake : Remove PandoraSettings_LBNE35t_Cosmic settings from scripts and move to lbnecode
- 2014-11-27 Andrew Blake : Remove the obsolete dependency on BackTracker service in CMakeLists
- 2014-11-27 Andrew Blake : Move LBNE .fcl files to lbnecode
- 2014-11-27 Andrew Blake : Modifying PFParticleTrackMaker Producer to write out ART associations between recob::Track and recob::Hit objects (as this seems to be the standard). Also adding directions to the trajectory points along the recob::Track objects (based on a simple linear fit, so more work to do here).
- 2014-11-22 Andrew Blake : Writing out recob::Seeds and their associations to recob::PFParticles
larana v03_03_04
- 2014-12-03 Lynn Garren : larana v03_03_04 for larsoft v03_04_04
- 2014-12-02 Ben Carls : Checking in for Tracy Usher, applies a fix that allows the module to work on events without cosmics
- 2014-11-25 Tingjun Yang : more FindMany out of a loop, clean up code
larreco v03_03_04
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : larreco v03_03_04 for larsoft v03_04_04
- 2014-11-26 Bruce Baller : Merge branch ‘feature/cctm’ into develop
- 2014-11-26 Bruce Baller : CCTrackMaker tweaks
- 2014-11-25 Bruce Baller : Merge branch ‘feature/cctm’ into develop
- 2014-11-25 Bruce Baller : Add new algorithm to CCTrackMaker
larsim v03_02_07
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : larsim v03_02_07 for larsoft v03_04_04
- 2014-12-01 Matthew Toups : Add comments to prodsingle_buildopticallibrary.fcl in photon library build tools.
- 2014-12-01 Matthew Toups : Add comments to in library build tools.
- 2014-12-01 Matthew Toups : Merge head of develop with minor edits to photon library build tool commits.
- 2014-12-01 Matthew Toups : Add some comments to library build tool script and fcl file.
larevt v03_02_07
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : larevt v03_02_07 for larsoft v03_04_04
lardata v03_04_00
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : lardata v03_04_00 for larsoft v03_04_04
- 2014-12-02 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/blake_particleSeeds’ into release/v03_04_04
- 2014-11-22 Andrew Blake : Adding an ART association between recob::PFParticle and recob::Seed