LArSoft v03_07_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions
- Changes since v03_06_00
- deconvolution and signal shaping as approved Jan. 13 for this release
- Bezier track updates
New features
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
Product |
Version |
Qualifier |
Notes |
artextensions |
v1_00_01 |
e6:s6 |
contains a random number seed service |
larsoft_data |
v0_03_02 |
new file for MicroBooNE |
Change List
larsoft v03_07_00
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : artextensions
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : add artexternals and larutils
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : update dependency list
lareventdisplay v03_03_02
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v03_03_02 for larsoft v03_07_00
- 2015-01-16 Wesley Ketchum : change drawing for bezier tracks to use bezierformat … I really dont want to change everything else
larexamples v03_02_12
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : larexamples v03_02_12 for larsoft v03_07_00
larpandora v03_06_00
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : larpandora v03_06_00 for larsoft v03_07_00
- 2015-01-20 Andrew Blake : Add true particle length to PFParticle analysis module
- 2015-01-19 Andrew Blake : Updating for v3 of LBNE geometry
- 2015-01-19 Andrew Blake : Merge branch ‘feature/blake_AddLBNE4APA’ into develop, enabling reconstruction of the LBNE Far Detector 4-APA geometry, and simplifying Pandora interfaces (TODO: Move LBNE code to lbnecode… this is on my to-do list).
- 2015-01-19 Andrew Blake : Updating helper functions in Pandora interface
- 2015-01-19 Andrew Blake : Adding LBNE 4-APA reconstruction, and simplifying Pandora helper functions. (TODO: Move LBNE code to lbnecode and MicroBooNE code to uboonecode)
- 2015-01-16 Andrew Blake : Updating Pandora settings file: set final output at end of cosmic script
- 2015-01-16 Andrew Blake : Remove hard-coded detector height from geometry helpers
- 2015-01-15 Andrew Blake : Merge branch ‘feature/feature/blake_particleTracks’ into develop, which adds an option to output recob::Track objects, and also orders all output objects according to sorting functions.
- 2015-01-15 Andrew Blake : tidying up pandoramodules_microboone.fcl
- 2015-01-15 Andrew Blake : Add recob::Track to Pandora output (switched off by default)
- 2015-01-15 Andrew Blake : Adding recob::Track to analysis ntuple, and recob::Shower to ART/Pandora interface
- 2015-01-15 Andrew Blake : Quietening warning messages when MC particles aren’t inputted into Pandora
- 2015-01-15 Andrew Blake : Modifying Cluster and ParticleFlowObject helpers in LArPandoraAlgorithms to return a set of trajectory points for a given reconstructed track. Also, adding new sorting functions for hits.
larana v03_03_10
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : larana v03_03_10 for larsoft v03_07_00
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/wketchum_BezierTrack’ into release/v03_07_00
- 2015-01-20 Thomas Warburton : Correct the fcl parameters for TrackModuleLabel and SpacePointModuleLabel for lbne35t
- 2015-01-16 Wesley Ketchum : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/develop’ into feature/wketchum_BezierTrack
- 2015-01-15 Alex Himmel : Move LBNE-specific files into lbnecode.
- 2015-01-08 Wesley Ketchum : just add some useful comments
- 2015-01-06 Wesley Ketchum : change calorimetry to use particular product instance
larreco v03_06_00
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : larreco v03_06_00 for larsoft v03_07_00
- 2015-01-16 Wesley Ketchum : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/develop’ into feature/wketchum_BezierTrackFix
- 2015-01-07 Wesley Ketchum : remove some couts, and make all the instance labels good
- 2015-01-07 Wesley Ketchum : bunch of cout statements for debugging
- 2015-01-06 Wesley Ketchum : add in creation og ub_style tracks in bezier tracker
larsim v03_05_00
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : larsim v03_05_00 for larsoft v03_07_00
- 2015-01-20 Tingjun Yang : Add option to move particles to a new plane.
- 2015-01-15 Brandon Eberly : Fixed bug in particle filter in which some particles that intersect the cryostat were not kept for simulation
- 2015-01-14 Gianluca Petrillo : Added module to dump content of raw::RawDigit on screen
larevt v03_04_00
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : larevt v03_04_00 for larsoft v03_07_00
- 2015-01-14 Gianluca Petrillo : Removed MicroBooNE-specific geometry configuration from test modules
lardata v03_07_00
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : lardata v03_07_00 for larsoft v03_07_00
- 2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/wketchum_BezierTrackFix’ into release/v03_07_00
- 2015-01-20 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/jyoti_XinSignalShaping’ into release/v03_07_00
- 2015-01-16 Wesley Ketchum : removed a cout statement and fixed a resurrected bug
- 2015-01-16 Wesley Ketchum : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/develop’ into feature/wketchum_BezierTrackFix
- 2015-01-13 Xin Qian : test
- 2015-01-09 Xin Qian : Clean up the ResetDecon
- 2015-01-09 Wesley Ketchum : add in correction piece for getting end point of track more precisely
- 2015-01-08 Xin Qian : slightly update of SignalShaping
- 2015-01-07 Xin Qian : Modify Shaping Service to save Response function
- 2015-01-07 Wesley Ketchum : remove some cout statements
- 2015-01-07 Wesley Ketchum : fix to a bug in the vector sizes
- 2015-01-07 Xin Qian : add reset deconvolution kernel in SignalShaping
- 2015-01-07 Wesley Ketchum : bunch of cout debugging statements
- 2015-01-06 Wesley Ketchum : add GetTrack method
- 2015-01-06 Xin Qian : change back
- 2015-01-06 Xin Qian : receive time offset
larcore v03_05_00
larbatch v01_02_00
2015-01-21 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_02_00 for larsoft v03_07_00
2015-01-20 Tingjun Yang : Use gridftp as IFDH_OPT for Production role.
2015-01-20 Tingjun Yang : Add