

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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LArSoft v04_04_00 Release Notes

list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions


Changes since v04_03_03. This release will be used for the MicroBoone MCC6 reconstruction phase.

New features

larevt includes a new package, CalibrationDBI, which relies on libwda. This code is NOT compiled.

Bug fixes

Updated dependencies

Change List

larsoft v04_04_00

lareventdisplay v04_03_04

larexamples v04_03_04

larpandora v04_03_04

larana v04_04_00

larreco v04_03_04

larsim v04_03_04

larevt v04_04_00

lardata v04_03_04

larcore v04_03_03

larbatch v01_05_00

larutils v1_00_07