2015-08-12 Tingjun Yang : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/tjyang_duneification
2015-08-12 Tracy Usher : Include a test on last candidate peak for the “refit” case to suppress lots of root info messages that arrived with the real data
2015-08-11 Tingjun Yang : Do not subtract pedestal saved in the raw digit.
2015-08-11 Robert Sulej : adjust validation to new disabiguation
2015-08-10 Robert Sulej : minor change in track tagging
2015-08-09 Robert Sulej : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh://cdcvs.fnal.gov/cvs/projects/larreco into develop
2015-08-09 Robert Sulej : configurable minimum size of clusters used to initialize tracks
2015-08-07 Tingjun Yang : Replace lbne with dune.
2015-08-05 Mike Wallbank : MW: Updated the parameter describing the maximum cluster separation for merging so that the separation is found by considering all hits in both clusters
larsim v04_09_01
2015-08-13 Lynn Garren : larsim v04_09_01 for larsoft v04_19_00
2015-08-13 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/tjyang_duneification’ into release/v04_19_00
2015-08-12 Christoph Rudolf Von Rohr : Merge branch ‘feature/crohr_hitbox’ into develop
2015-08-12 Christoph Rudolf Von Rohr : Implemented the GetIntersections member to BoxBoundedGeo; it calculates the intersection of a box volume with a given trajectory
2015-08-12 Christoph Rudolf Von Rohr : Added a second ContainsPosition function with TVectro3 as an input
2015-07-29 Christoph Rudolf Von Rohr : Started implementing GetBoxEntryPoint function
2015-07-27 Christoph Rudolf Von Rohr : Added GetEntryPoint function in BoxBoundedGeo.h and added empty BoxBoundedGeo.cxx
2015-08-04 Lynn Garren : larcore v04_15_00 for larsoft v04_18_00
2015-07-31 Brian Rebel : check in both GeometryCore and AuxDetGeometryCore that the gGeoManager has not already been set. If that is the case in either, import the gdml file and then lock the geometry to prevent loading any additional files
2015-07-25 Gianluca Petrillo : Fixed a minor bug in the name selector
2015-07-25 Gianluca Petrillo : Replaced the parser of geometry tests to be run. FHiCL configuration may be affected.
2015-07-25 Gianluca Petrillo : Added class to parse a list of names to accept or reject from configuration (used for example in a test to learn which checks to run and which ones to skip)
2015-07-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Changing AuxDetGeometry art service and provider from inheritance to containment model
2015-07-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Severed the links between AuxDetGeometry and AuxDetGeometryCore
2015-07-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Removed unnecessary included headers
2015-07-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Fixed include paths
2015-07-15 Brian Rebel : first commit of new files related to AuxDetGeometry navigation. The objects defined by these files are analogs to the traditional Geometry navigation objects.
2015-08-07 Tingjun Yang : Replace lbne with dune.
2015-08-06 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘feature/brebel_AuxDetGeometry’ into develop
2015-07-31 Brian Rebel : check in both GeometryCore and AuxDetGeometryCore that the gGeoManager has not already been set. If that is the case in either, import the gdml file and then lock the geometry to prevent loading any additional files
2015-07-31 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘feature/brebel_AuxDetGeometry’ of ssh://cdcvs.fnal.gov/cvs/projects/larcore into feature/brebel_AuxDetGeometry
2015-07-31 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh://cdcvs.fnal.gov/cvs/projects/larcore into feature/brebel_AuxDetGeometry
2015-07-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Changing AuxDetGeometry art service and provider from inheritance to containment model
2015-07-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Severed the links between AuxDetGeometry and AuxDetGeometryCore
2015-07-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Removed unnecessary included headers
2015-07-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Fixed include paths
2015-07-15 Brian Rebel : first commit of new files related to AuxDetGeometry navigation. The objects defined by these files are analogs to the traditional Geometry navigation objects.
larbatch v01_13_00
larutils v1_02_02
2015-08-13 Lynn Garren : larutils v1_02_02 for larsoft v04_19_00