LArSoft v04_32_01 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions
New features
- larevt feature/eberly_SIOVarrays
- larcore feature/gp_LocateVolumeByName
- larsim feature/mibass_LArG4KeepByVolume
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
Product |
Version |
Qualifiers |
Notes |
ifdhc |
v1_8_8 |
e9:p2710 |
ifdh_art |
v1_14_05 |
e9:nu:s26 |
nutools |
v1_19_00 |
e9 |
Change List
larsoft v04_32_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larsoft v04_32_01 for larsoft v04_32_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : update product versions
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larsoft v04_32_00 for larsoft v04_32_00
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : update product versions
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : update dependency database
lareventdisplay v04_13_03
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v04_13_03 for larsoft v04_32_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v04_13_02 for larsoft v04_32_00
larexamples v04_06_10
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larexamples v04_06_10 for larsoft v04_32_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larexamples v04_06_09 for larsoft v04_32_00
larpandora v04_09_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larpandora v04_09_01 for larsoft v04_32_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larpandora v04_09_00 for larsoft v04_32_00
- 2015-12-21 Andrew Blake : Merging in ‘feature/blake_separatePackages’ branch, which separates MicroBooNE-specific code into its own package (I plan to propagagate this into uboonecode, where it belongs!). I’ve also tidied the analyzer modules into their own package. What remains in the LArPandoraInterface package is the generic code that interfaces with Pandora.
- 2015-12-21 Andrew Blake : Add two additional packages: LArPandoraAnalysis and MicroBooNEPandora
- 2015-12-21 Andrew Blake : Move analyzer modules and MicroBooNE-specific code to separate packages, just leaving the generic code that interfaces with Pandora
- 2015-12-21 Andrew Blake : Move all MicroBooNE-specific code into a separate package - this package is intended for uboonecode
- 2015-12-21 Andrew Blake : Move (increasing number of) analyzer modules into a separate package
- 2015-12-21 Andrew Blake : Adding information on neutrino PFParticle to monitoring ntuple (wasn’t there before)
larana v04_16_08
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larana v04_16_08 for larsoft v04_32_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larana v04_16_07 for larsoft v04_32_00
- 2015-12-22 Alex Himmel : Merge branch ‘feature/aih_dynamic_flash_range’ into develop
- 2015-12-21 Alex Himmel : Remove the commented out previous code.
- 2015-12-21 Alex Himmel : Remove the TimeService::TriggerTime() (returns 0 in DUNE) from consideration when determining the minimum flash time in an event. When flash timestamps are absolute times instead of relative times this causes impossibly large vectors to be reserved, resulting in crashes.
larreco v04_27_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larreco v04_27_01 for larsoft v04_32_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larreco v04_27_00 for larsoft v04_32_00
- 2016-01-03 Robert Sulej : more protection for single segment building functions
- 2015-12-21 Tingjun Yang : A small change to make it not crash often on single TPC.
- 2015-12-21 Mike Wallbank : Fixed a couple of bugs and set default values for some fhicl parameters. NB: these parameters are for debugging purposes only, they have no use in standard running\! When the module is completely finishing they’ll be removed
- 2015-12-20 Mike Wallbank : Mostly-working algorithm — get pi0s ~70% of the time. Ready to merge into develop\!
- 2015-12-20 Mike Wallbank : Add new EMShower alg to the version merged with develop
- 2015-12-20 Mike Wallbank : New files from develop
- 2015-12-20 Mike Wallbank : Reverting back to cluster crawler in develop
- 2015-12-20 Mike Wallbank : More improvements to the EMShower algoirthm. Methods for constructing the track at the correct end of the shower have been improved
- 2015-12-16 Mike Wallbank : Improvements have reached the stage of almost working. Have demonstrated the new rewrite works\! Tomorrow I will generalise as much as possible to make it work for (hopefully) most events. Then I can finally merge back into develop\!
- 2015-12-14 Mike Wallbank : More attempts at improving the shower direction
- 2015-12-11 Mike Wallbank : Updates
- 2015-12-10 Mike Wallbank : Updates to branch
- 2015-12-10 Mike Wallbank : Updates to cluster crawler for my branch
- 2015-12-10 Mike Wallbank : …and back to the changed versions
- 2015-12-10 Mike Wallbank : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/wallbank_EMShowerImprovements
- 2015-12-10 Mike Wallbank : Reverted back to develop to try and resolve the problems with linecluster
- 2015-12-10 Mike Wallbank : Updates
- 2015-12-09 Mike Wallbank : Rewriting on the showering module
- 2015-12-08 Mike Wallbank : Improvements in the shower property finding
larsim v04_17_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larsim v04_17_01 for larsoft v04_32_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larsim v04_17_00 for larsoft v04_32_00
- 2016-01-06 Matthew Bass : Merge branch ‘feature/mibass_LArG4KeepByVolume’ of ssh:// into feature/mibass_LArG4KeepByVolume
- 2016-01-06 Matthew Bass : Further tuning for KeepParticlesInVolumes and code cleanup.
- 2016-01-03 Matthew Bass : Implemented auto-retrieval of WorldToLocal volume/node info.
- 2015-11-25 Matthew Bass : Added root geometry lib.
- 2015-11-25 Matthew Bass : Added fcl parameters and code to keep MCParticles that intersect volume(s)
- 2016-01-03 Matthew Bass : Implemented auto-retrieval of WorldToLocal volume/node info.
- 2016-01-03 Matthew Bass : Merge branch ‘feature/mibass_LArG4KeepByVolume’ of ssh:// into feature/mibass_LArG4KeepByVolume
- 2015-11-25 Matthew Bass : Added root geometry lib.
- 2015-11-25 Matthew Bass : Added fcl parameters and code to keep MCParticles that intersect volume(s)
- 2015-12-24 Katherine Woodruff : Merge branch ‘feature/kwoodruf_cryoEvents’ into develop
- 2015-12-24 Katherine Woodruff : Change cryostat filter default to false
- 2015-12-21 Gabriel Santucci : changes to to make it compatible with newer GENIE output
- 2015-11-25 Matthew Bass : Added root geometry lib.
- 2015-11-25 Matthew Bass : Added fcl parameters and code to keep MCParticles that intersect volume(s)
- 2015-11-19 Katherine Woodruff : Change dirt filter default to keep cryostat events
- 2015-11-18 Katherine Woodruff : Fixed dirt filter loop
- 2015-11-12 Katherine Woodruff : Change cryostat from cylinder to box
- 2015-11-11 Katherine Woodruff : Add option to save dirt events that enter cryostat
larevt v04_14_00
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larevt v04_14_00 for larsoft v04_32_01
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/eberly_SIOVarrays’ into release/v04_32_00
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larevt v04_13_09 for larsoft v04_32_00
- 2015-12-17 Brandon Eberly : Work around a bug in libwda
- 2015-12-16 Brandon Eberly : Can now retrieve double arrays from database
lardata v04_19_04
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : lardata v04_19_04 for larsoft v04_32_00
larcore v04_24_00
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larcore v04_24_00 for larsoft v04_32_00
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_LocateVolumeByName’ into release/v04_32_00
- 2015-12-18 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin’ into feature/gp_LocateVolumeByName
- 2015-12-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Added geometry function to return geometry nodes with their full path by exact volume name
- 2015-12-04 Gianluca Petrillo : Added geometry function to locate volumes by name (and its test)
larbatch v01_20_02
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘release/v04_32_00’
- 2015-12-28 Herbert Greenlee : Update product_deps for v01_20_02.
- 2015-12-21 Herbert Greenlee : Don’t call function addLayerTwo if we are sure that the file is not empty.
- 2015-12-21 Herbert Greenlee : Don’t do layer two check for stream output lists.
- 2015-12-21 Herbert Greenlee : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2015-12-21 Herbert Greenlee : Add informative message when adds layer two for a file in dCache.
larutils v1_04_06
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : larutils v1_04_06 for larsoft v04_32_00
- 2016-01-06 Lynn Garren : using nutools v1_19_00
- 2015-12-21 Lynn Garren : for s26
- 2015-12-21 Lynn Garren : more cleanup