LArSoft v05_15_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions
- changes to develop since v05_14_01
- use nutools v1_24_05
New features
- nutools v1_24_05 requires some associated changes
- larsim feature/brebel_HadronScattering
- replace magfield.fcl with magfield_larsoft.fcl
- lariatsoft, uboonecode, and dunetpc need to edit fcl files
- TrajClusterAlg
- Hits are now sorted by WireID instead of assuming that they were already sorted by upstream code.
- Secondly, code that creates a list of bad events which is only used when comparing truth with reconstruction has been removed.
Breaking Change
- The magfield configuration is now found in magfield_larsoft.fcl, which is provided by lardata.
- Experiments should change instances of magfield.fcl in their configurations to magfield_larsoft.fcl. That configuration is controlled by LArSoft and removes a dependency on configurations from nutools. The change allows for the LArSoft geometry volume naming convention to be automatically used for configuration of the magnetic field service.
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
Product |
Version |
Qualifiers |
Notes |
nutools |
v1_24_05 |
e9 |
Release Notes |
mrb |
v1_07_03 |
Change List
larsoft v05_15_00
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_23_01
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : larsoft v05_15_00 for larsoft v05_15_00
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : update product versions
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : update dependency database
lareventdisplay v05_08_00
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v05_08_00 for larsoft v05_15_00
- 2016-07-12 Brian Rebel : git push origin develop Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2016-07-12 Brian Rebel : change no_mag to no_mag_larsoft to use the correct name for the world volume, i.e. volWorld.
- 2016-07-12 dorota : fix how theparticle trajectories are displayed in Ortho3D
- 2016-07-10 dorota : correct time offset to draw particle trajectories in multiple tpc
larexamples v05_08_01
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : larexamples v05_08_01 for larsoft v05_15_00
- 2016-07-12 Gianluca Petrillo : Updated README files
- 2016-07-12 Gianluca Petrillo : Added missing installation directives
- 2016-07-06 Patrick Gartung : larsoft v05_14_01
- 2016-07-06 Gianluca Petrillo : Minor changes.
- 2016-07-06 Gianluca Petrillo : Implemented configuration validation for AnalysisExample
larpandora v05_09_10
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : larpandora v05_09_10 for larsoft v05_15_00
larana v05_09_07
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : larana v05_09_07
larreco v05_14_00
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : larreco v05_14_00 for larsoft v05_15_00
- 2016-07-12 Bruce Baller : Merge branch ‘feature/bb_TCWork’ into develop
- 2016-07-12 Bruce Baller : Add hit sorting.
- 2016-07-12 Bruce Baller : Add hit sorting. Add hit order check in FillWireHitRange
- 2016-07-11 Brian Rebel : Oops - forgot that the range based for-loop changed the type of itr. Fixed now.
- 2016-07-11 Brian Rebel : Remove call to MagneticField::UseField as it is unnecessary. The MagenticField::FieldAtPoint returns a vector whose contents are (0,0,0) if no field is present, which is sufficient for the purposes of this module.
- 2016-07-08 Chao Zhang : add event and trigger info to celltree
larsim v05_15_00
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : larsim v05_15_00 for larsoft v05_15_00
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/brebel_HadronScattering’ into release/v05_15_00
- 2016-07-12 Brian Rebel : Add new file for configuring magnetic fields, lardata/Utilities/magfield_larsoft.fcl
- 2016-07-12 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2016-07-12 Brian Rebel : change no_mag to no_mag_larsoft to use the correct name for the world volume, i.e. volWorld.
- 2016-07-10 Brian Rebel : Changes to allow the storage of hadron scattering processes.
- 2016-07-10 Brian Rebel : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into feature/brebel_HadronScattering
- 2016-07-08 Brian Rebel : changes to store the scattering process for hadrons.
- 2016-07-05 Brian Rebel : fix formatting to look right with Xcode
larevt v05_07_05
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : larevt v05_07_05 for larsoft v05_15_00
lardata v05_10_00
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : lardata v05_10_00 for larsoft v05_15_00
- 2016-07-12 Brian Rebel : change to format of configuration for nutools v1_24_05
- 2016-07-12 Brian Rebel : Add new file for configuring magnetic fields, lardata/Utilities/magfield_larsoft.fcl
- 2016-07-12 Brian Rebel : change no_mag to no_mag_larsoft to use the correct name for the world volume, i.e. volWorld.
larcore v05_08_02
larbatch v01_23_01
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘release/v05_15_00’
- 2016-07-12 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_23_01
- 2016-07-11 yuntse : Don’t unnecessarily require a kerberos ticket in some instances.
- 2016-07-06 yuntse : Revert to using a version of safeopen in proper.
- 2016-07-06 Herbert Greenlee : Add more backward compatibility.
- 2016-07-05 Herbert Greenlee : Add more backward compatibility functions needed by pubs.
- 2016-07-05 Herbert Greenlee : Add backward compatibility.
- 2016-07-01 Herbert Greenlee : Remove obsolete functions.
- 2016-07-01 Herbert Greenlee : Fix function call in wrong module.
- 2016-07-01 Herbert Greenlee : Update comment.
- 2016-07-01 Herbert Greenlee : Add ability to extract sam metadata from artroot files using xrootd.
- 2016-07-01 Herbert Greenlee : Fix more typos and streamline.
- 2016-07-01 Herbert Greenlee : Remove buggy -v option from hadd.
- 2016-07-01 Herbert Greenlee : Fix typos.
- 2016-06-27 Herbert Greenlee : Eliminate various “safe” i/o methods in favor os larbatch_posix functions.
- 2016-06-20 Herbert Greenlee : Add debugging information.
- 2016-06-20 Herbert Greenlee : Fix typo.
- 2016-06-19 Herbert Greenlee : More grid updates.
- 2016-06-19 Herbert Greenlee : Grid tool updates.
- 2016-06-18 Herbert Greenlee : Adjust refactoring.
- 2016-06-18 Herbert Greenlee : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/develop’ into feature/greenlee_posix
- 2016-06-18 Herbert Greenlee : Migrate functions to
- 2016-06-13 Herbert Greenlee : Add larbatch_utilities.
- 2016-06-13 Herbert Greenlee : Add larbatch_utilities.
- 2016-06-10 Herbert Greenlee : Add posix-like interfaces for access files using grid tools.
larutils v1_06_05