

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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LArSoft v06_17_00 Release Notes

list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v06_17_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v1_08_02


New features


In going from R-2_10_X to R-2_12_0, more values were added to an enum, but in the middle of the list rather than at the end.

Because of the way the information is stored (essentially indexed by this enum), this lead to a mis-match in values stored for weights to how they were interpreted. The basic physics of the event is not affected, only the ability to reweight.

GENIE R-2_12_2 restores the order to the older values and puts the new ones at the end.

Bug fixes

Updated dependencies

Product Version Qualifiers Notes
nutools v2_09_00 e10 nutools:NuTools_Release_Notes#nutools-v2_09_00
genie v2_12_2 e10:r6  
dk2nu v01_04_01g e10:r6  

Change List

larsoft v06_17_00

lareventdisplay v06_02_04

larexamples v06_01_05

larpandora v06_04_00


larana v06_03_08

larreco v06_12_01

larsim v06_09_00

larevt v06_07_00

lardata v06_10_01

larcore v06_05_00

larsoftobj v1_08_02

lardataobj v1_08_00

larcoreobj v1_06_01

larbatch v01_25_00

larutils v1_11_00