

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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LArSoft v06_26_01_02 Release Notes

list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v06_26_01_02
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v1_11_00_01


New features

Larevt includes a technical update to allow calibration services to search
for certain data files via $FW_SEARCH_PATH, instead of only via
absolute/relative path.

Bug fixes

Larsim includes the following bug fixes.

  1. Fix corsika space/time correlation bug.
  2. Fix space charge diffusion bug (issue 15131).
  3. Fix optical simulation bugs.

Updated dependencies

Change List

larsoft v06_26_01_02

lareventdisplay v06_02_14_02

larexamples v06_01_15_02

larpandora v06_08_00_02

larwirecell v06_00_13_02

larana v06_03_18_02

larreco v06_20_00_02

larsim v06_13_01_02

larevt v06_07_09_02

lardata v06_14_04_01

larcore v06_05_03

larpandoracontent v03_02_00

larsoftobj v1_11_00_01

lardataobj v1_11_00_01

larcoreobj v1_06_02