LArSoft v06_26_01_09 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v06_26_01_09
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v1_11_00_04
- for MicroBooNE production
New features
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
- art v2_05_01
- nutools v2_10_00_01
Change List
larsoft v06_26_01_09
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larsoft v06_26_01_09
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : update build scripts
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : latest larbatch and larutils
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : update products
lareventdisplay v06_02_14_09
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v06_02_14_09
larexamples v06_01_15_05
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larexamples v06_01_15_05
larpandora v06_08_00_09
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larpandora v06_08_00_09
larwirecell v06_00_13_07
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v06_00_13_07
larana v06_03_18_09
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : add missing library
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larana v06_03_18_09
- 2017-12-06 Herbert Greenlee : Merge branch ‘v06_26_01_01_branch’ of ssh:// into v06_26_01_01_branch
- 2017-12-04 Tingjun Yang : Remove printout.
- 2017-12-04 Herbert Greenlee : Merge branch ‘v06_26_01_01_branch’ into feature/wketchum_MCHitAssnsUbooneMCC8
- 2017-12-04 Tingjun Yang : Add option to calculate PIDA using median instead of mean. Set it to false by default.
- 2017-12-01 Yun-Tse Tsai : version bump
- 2017-11-30 Usher, Tracy L : Necessary fhicl parameters to support pseudo tools
- 2017-11-30 Usher, Tracy L : Convert the module to use the pseudo tools, allows this to switch between different methods
- 2017-11-30 Usher, Tracy L : Add pseudo tools to handle the creation of hit<—>particle associations depending on method to be employed…
- 2017-11-30 Usher, Tracy L : Formatting so I can read before attempting modification to handle hit removal and trajcluster modes
- 2017-11-20 Yun-Tse Tsai : make the MCParticle producer configurable
- 2017-11-16 Wesley Ketchum : fixes to the truth matching modules, and add option for copying hit/mcparticle assns in the CRHitRemoval code. that should likely be moved to the utility class, as others may want to use it …?
- 2017-11-15 Wesley Ketchum : add in standalone hit, track, and shower to particle matching modules (track and shower ones use the hit one as input)
- 2017-11-14 Wesley Ketchum : change loop to fix seg fault?
- 2017-11-07 Yun-Tse Tsai : synchronize with origin/feature/yuntse_MCMatchHitAssn
- 2017-11-06 Yun-Tse Tsai : change the header from larcorealg to larcore
- 2017-11-06 Yun-Tse Tsai : checkout larana/T0Finder/ from origin/feature/yuntse_MCMatchHitAssn
- 2017-11-06 Wesley Ketchum : add small update/bug fix
- 2017-10-25 Andrzej Szelc : add updates from feature/wketchum_MCMatchHitAssn to the MCC8.4 release of larana
- 2017-10-25 Wesley Ketchum : add hit assns to mctruth matching module
larreco v06_20_00_09
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larreco v06_20_00_09
- 2017-12-06 Herbert Greenlee : Merge branch ‘v06_26_01_01_branch’ of ssh:// into v06_26_01_01_branch
- 2017-12-04 Tingjun Yang : Fix typo.
- 2017-12-04 Herbert Greenlee : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/feature/wketchum_ReduceMC_MCC8’ into v06_26_01_01_branch
- 2017-12-01 Yun-Tse Tsai : version bump
- 2017-12-01 Tingjun Yang : Add tag to turn on/off lifetime correction in calorimetryalg.
- 2017-11-28 Tingjun Yang : Fix bug. Do not continue if hit is associated to an invalid point.
larsim v06_13_01_05
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larsim v06_13_01_05
- 2017-11-06 Yun-Tse Tsai : checkout the header from origin/feature/yuntse_trackide
- 2017-11-06 Yun-Tse Tsai : add one variable for number of electrons collected at a wire for TrackIDE
larevt v06_07_09_05
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larevt v06_07_09_05
lardata v06_14_04_04
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : lardata v06_14_04_04
larcore v06_05_03_02
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larcore v06_05_03_02
larpandoracontent v03_07_02_05
larsoftobj v1_11_00_04
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v1_11_00_04
lardataobj v1_11_00_04
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : lardataobj v1_11_00_04
- 2017-11-06 Yun-Tse Tsai : include a new checksum
- 2017-11-06 Yun-Tse Tsai : checkout from origin/feature/yuntse_trackide
- 2017-11-06 Wesley Ketchum : include header guards
- 2017-10-25 Usher, Tracy L : Working on fixing the issue where the bytes written are not the expected bytes on readback, current suspect is the bool
- 2017-10-25 Usher, Tracy L : Forgot to define containers for the auxiliary class
- 2017-10-25 Usher, Tracy L : conflicts for xml resolved
- 2017-10-25 Usher, Tracy L : fix typo
- 2017-10-25 Usher, Tracy L : Add reference to the new association between hits and MCParticles
- 2017-10-25 Wesley Ketchum : add hit assns to mctruth matching module
larcoreobj v1_06_02_02
- 2017-12-12 Lynn Garren : larcoreobj v1_06_02_02
larbatch v01_34_02
- 2017-12-06 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_34_02 for larsoft v06_59_00
- 2017-12-06 Herbert Greenlee : Tweak multistage data selection.
- 2017-12-04 Herbert Greenlee : Fix memory override bug.
- 2017-11-29 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_34_01 for larsoft v06_58_00
- 2017-11-27 Herbert Greenlee : Allow to work sensibly with base stage.
- 2017-11-21 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_34_00 for larsoft v06_57_00
- 2017-11-21 Herbert Greenlee : Add project element.
- 2017-11-21 Herbert Greenlee : Add xml stage configuration overrides (issue 16469).
- 2017-11-17 Herbert Greenlee : Use batch metadata if available.
- 2017-11-17 Herbert Greenlee : Fix bug due to ProjectDef change.
- 2017-11-16 Herbert Greenlee : Add initializer.
- 2017-11-14 Herbert Greenlee : Add —recur option.
larutils v1_20_02
- 2017-12-06 Lynn Garren : larutils v1_20_02 for larsoft v06_59_00
- 2017-12-06 Thomas Junk : remove .upsfiles once we’re done with them
- 2017-12-06 Thomas Junk : fix missing _FQ in a loop test
- 2017-12-06 Thomas Junk : put back .upsfiles/dbconfig so ups declare works as expected
- 2017-12-06 Thomas Junk : change definition of DUNEPDSPRCE_DIR to point to the top level (so source and include make sense), and define a new DUNEPDSPRCE_FQ_DIR
- 2017-12-05 Thomas Junk : redo the sed -i — gave an extra copy of the table file on mac before replacement of the string
- 2017-12-05 Thomas Junk : don’t make .upsfiles
- 2017-12-01 Thomas Junk : replace the qualifier in the table file — some symbols need to be translated, others not
- 2017-12-01 Thomas Junk : disable parameter substitution in the table file here document
- 2017-12-01 Thomas Junk : tar up the upsfiles directory too
- 2017-12-01 Thomas Junk : follow more symlinks
- 2017-12-01 Thomas Junk : clean up, and restore some link-following options to the copy of header files
- 2017-11-30 Thomas Junk : remove recursive readlink — not allowed on mac
- 2017-11-30 Thomas Junk : capture stderr too
- 2017-11-29 Thomas Junk : print out g version
- 2017-11-29 Thomas Junk : mac doesn’t like cp -r -L though linux does
- 2017-11-29 Thomas Junk : Jenkins build script for JJ Russell’s access class