Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v06_40_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v1_21_00
The MemoryTracker ignoreTotal parameter has been deprecated since art v2_04_01 and is now completely removed. A one line command will edit nearly all fcl files appropriately.
find $PWD -name "*.fcl" | xargs perl -wapi\~ -e 's&MemoryTracker:(\s*)\{\s*ignoreTotal\s*:\s*1\s*\}&MemoryTracker:$1\{ \}&;'
The MemoryTracker parameter printSummaries has been dropped.
With art 2.07, services that need to be reconfigurable via the EventDisplay service must now inherit from the evdb::Reconfigurable base class. See the nutools v2_14_00 release notes
Such changes are necessary ONLY for services that are intended to be reconfigurable via the event display. Implementing multi-threading in art has introduced various constraints, one of which involves disabling implicit reconfiguration of services, which was supported in previous versions.
Product | Version | Qualifiers | Notes |
nutools | v2_14_00 | e14 | nutools:NuTools_Release_Notes#nutools-v2_14_00 |
nusimdata | v1_08_00 | e14 | |
ifdh_art | v2_01_06 | e14:nu:s50 | |
artdaq_core | v1_07_08 | e14:nu:s50 | |
art | v2_07_03 | e14:nu | art:Release Notes 2.07.03 |
canvas | v2_00_02 | e14:nu | |
root | v6_08_06g | e14:nu | |
cetbuildtools | v5_09_01 |