LArSoft v06_50_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v06_50_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v1_27_00
- changes in develop
- approved feature branch
New features
- larreco feature/cerati_fitshowersmcc8_v2
- updates to and and associated fcl files
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
Change List
larsoft v06_50_00
- 2017-09-19 Lynn Garren : larsoft v06_50_00 for larsoft v06_50_00
- 2017-09-19 Lynn Garren : update product versions
lareventdisplay v06_12_02
- 2017-09-19 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v06_12_02 for larsoft v06_50_00
larexamples v06_07_01
larpandora v06_16_02
- 2017-09-19 Lynn Garren : larpandora v06_16_02 for larsoft v06_50_00
larwirecell v06_07_01
larana v06_10_02
- 2017-09-19 Lynn Garren : larana v06_10_02 for larsoft v06_50_00
larreco v06_40_00
- 2017-09-19 Lynn Garren : larreco v06_40_00 for larsoft v06_50_00
- 2017-09-19 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/cerati_fitshowersmcc8_v2’ into release/v06_50_00
- 2017-09-19 Robert Sulej : add info in the header
- 2017-09-19 Robert Sulej : ..and simplify
- 2017-09-19 Robert Sulej : add tanh to conv2d activations
- 2017-09-15 Giuseppe Cerati : fix white space
- 2017-09-15 Giuseppe Cerati : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/cerati_fitshowersmcc8_v2
- 2017-09-14 Tingjun Yang : Merge branch ‘feature/bckhouse_reco3d’ into develop
- 2017-09-14 Tingjun Yang : Update fcl file for ub.
- 2017-08-17 Giuseppe Cerati : remove duplicate
- 2017-08-17 Giuseppe Cerati : merges from mcc8 branch
larsim v06_31_01
larevt v06_16_01
lardata v06_28_01
larcore v06_15_00
larpandoracontent v03_07_05
larsoftobj v1_27_00
lardataobj v1_21_00
larcorealg v1_07_00
larcoreobj v1_16_00
larbatch v01_32_05
- 2017-09-20 Lynn Garren : cetbuildtools v5_14_00
- 2017-09-19 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_32_05 for larsoft v06_50_00
- 2017-09-18 Herbert Greenlee : Run helper scripts from local directory.
larutils v1_19_02