LArSoft v06_53_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v06_53_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v1_28_00
- changes to develop
- approved feature branches
New features
- larreco feature/rsulej_tf
- introduces a dependency on tensorflow
- larpandoracontent feature/jm_StitchingInstanceWirePitch
- resolves a problem noticed in dunetpc
- The issue is that recob::Tracks are not produced for cosmic-ray oriented reconstruction passes of detectors with more than one (what we call) drift volume. MicroBooNE is thus not affected, nor are any neutrino-oriented reconstructed passes (such as the DUNE FD test).
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
Product |
Version |
Qualifiers |
Notes |
tensorflow |
v1_3_0a |
e14:p2713d |
protobuf |
v3_3_1 |
e14 |
cetbuildtools |
v5_14_03 |
has support for ups v6 |
cetpkgsupport |
v1_13_00 |
has support for ups v6 |
Change List
larsoft v06_53_00
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v06_13_00
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larana v06_10_05
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larsoft v06_53_00 for larsoft v06_53_00
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : update versions
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : adding tensorflow
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : cetbuildtools v5_14_03 and cetpkgsupport v1_13_00
lareventdisplay v06_13_00
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v06_13_00 for larsoft v06_53_00
- 2017-10-09 Usher, Tracy L : Primarily these changes are to get the hits to display correctly in the 2D display with a multi-cryo, multi-tpc detector (e.g. ICARUS - and I’m surprised this didn’t show up in DUNE displays?). Also some formatting updates.
- 2017-10-09 Usher, Tracy L : Updates to try to get the x offsets correct, these specifically for a multi-TPC environment (e.g. ICARUS)
larexamples v06_07_04
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larexamples v06_07_04 for larsoft v06_53_00
larpandora v06_17_01
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larpandora v06_17_01 for larsoft v06_53_00
larwirecell v06_07_04
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v06_07_04 for larsoft v06_53_00
larana v06_10_05
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larana v06_10_05 for larsoft v06_53_00
larreco v06_42_00
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larreco v06_42_00 for larsoft v06_53_00
- 2017-10-11 Robert Sulej : change deps to the tf 1.3.0
- 2017-10-09 Robert Sulej : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/rsulej_tf
- 2017-10-09 Robert Sulej : go back to b4 for grid purposes
- 2017-10-05 baller : Tingjun fixed bug in NeutrinoPrimaryTjID Merge branch ‘feature/bb_TJWork’ into develop
- 2017-10-05 baller : Merge branch ‘feature/bb_TJWork’ of ssh:// into feature/bb_TJWork
- 2017-10-05 baller : Add comments
- 2017-10-05 Tingjun Yang : Improve printout for 2-plane geometry
- 2017-10-05 Tingjun Yang : Protect against the case where primID is 0.
- 2017-10-05 Robert Sulej : add total mc truth edep in gev
- 2017-10-05 Robert Sulej : move to batch processing
- 2017-09-29 Robert Sulej : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/rsulej_tf
- 2017-09-29 Robert Sulej : use b5 of tensorflow
- 2017-09-28 Robert Sulej : and now can use graphs with multiple outputs
- 2017-09-26 Robert Sulej : change to tf v1_3_0_b4
- 2017-09-22 Robert Sulej : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/rsulej_tf
- 2017-09-21 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/rsulej_tf’ of ssh:// into feature/rsulej_tf
- 2017-09-21 Lynn Garren : using tensorflow v1_3_0_b3 with Eigen_tf namespace
- 2017-09-20 Lynn Garren : using tensorflow v1_3_0_b2 with our build of protobuf
- 2017-09-20 Lynn Garren : using tensorflow v1_3_0_b0
- 2017-09-20 Robert Sulej : write patch directly to the batch buffer
- 2017-09-19 Robert Sulej : finish batch processing
- 2017-09-19 Robert Sulej : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/rsulej_tf
- 2017-09-19 Robert Sulej : change to buffer events outside network class
- 2017-09-18 Robert Sulej : one mem copy less on running sample by sample, start writing buffer for running samples parallelly
- 2017-09-16 Robert Sulej : glue all together and wait for the first model before debugging
- 2017-09-14 Robert Sulej : merge with develop head, add processing of a batch of inputs
- 2017-09-13 Lynn Garren : define TENSORFLOW
- 2017-09-04 Robert Sulej : remove tensorwlow
- 2017-09-04 Robert Sulej : add interface for TF graph
- 2017-09-04 Robert Sulej : commit after resolving merge conflicts
- 2017-09-01 Robert Sulej : merge with the head and setup tf 1_2_1_b3
- 2017-08-28 Lynn Garren : tensorflow v1_2_1_b3
- 2017-08-24 Lynn Garren : fix qualifier matrix
- 2017-08-23 Robert Sulej : setup dependecy on tensorflow, add first include (not yet doing anything useful)
larsim v06_31_04
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larsim v06_31_04 for larsoft v06_53_00
larevt v06_16_04
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larevt v06_16_04 for larsoft v06_53_00
lardata v06_31_00
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : lardata v06_31_00 for larsoft v06_53_00
- 2017-10-09 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_TrackProxy’ into develop (again)
- 2017-10-09 Gianluca Petrillo : Added support for recob::TrackTrajectory associated to Track proxy
- 2017-10-09 Gianluca Petrillo : Added proxy support to one-to-one associations.
- 2017-10-06 Gianluca Petrillo : Install DetectorInfo test executables
- 2017-09-28 Gianluca Petrillo : Minor documentation fixes to proxy.
- 2017-10-05 Gianluca Petrillo : DetectorPropertiesService test now prints some more information.
- 2017-10-05 Gianluca Petrillo : Fixed bug in DetectorPropertiesStandard initialization for test code.
larcore v06_15_01
larpandoracontent v03_08_01
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larpandoracontent v03_08_01 for larsoft v06_53_00
- 2017-10-11 Lynn Garren : v03_08_01
- 2017-10-06 John Marshall : Temporary workaround to cover usage of TrackParticleBuilding algorithm by a Pandora stitching instance.
larsoftobj v1_28_00
lardataobj v1_21_01
larcorealg v1_08_00
larcoreobj v1_16_00
larbatch v01_32_05
larutils v1_19_03
- 2017-10-12 Lynn Garren : larutils v1_19_03 for larsoft v06_53_00
- 2017-10-11 Lynn Garren : use explicit ups flavor –4
- 2017-10-10 Herbert Greenlee : Use ‘ups flavor –4’ for linux builds.