LArSoft v06_55_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v06_55_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v1_29_01
- changes to develop
- build with art 2.08.04
New features
Bug fixes
- #17898 resolved with art 2.08.04
- #17926
- #18002
Updated dependencies
Product |
Version |
Qualifiers |
Notes |
canvas |
v3_00_03 |
e14:nu |
Release Notes |
gallery |
v1_05_03 |
e14:nu |
Release Notes |
art |
v2_08_04 |
e14:nu |
Release Notes |
ifdh_art |
v2_03_05 |
e14:nu:s56 |
artdaq_core |
v1_07_12 |
e14:nu:s56 |
nusimdata |
v1_08_04 |
e14 |
nutools |
v2_16_06 |
e14 |
Release Notes |
Change List
larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larsoft v06_55_00 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : fix genie and dk2nu
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : update product versions
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : update dependency database
- 2017-10-24 Lynn Garren : ifdh_art v2_03_05
lareventdisplay v06_14_00
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v06_14_00 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-20 Tingjun Yang : Take into account particle generation time. Turn off cosmics in MCTruthVectors2D.
- 2017-10-20 Tingjun Yang : fix color code for track id text.
- 2017-10-20 Tingjun Yang : Display cluster id instead of index so we can see negative id.
larexamples v06_07_06
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larexamples v06_07_06 for larsoft v06_55_00
larpandora v06_17_03
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larpandora v06_17_03 for larsoft v06_55_00
larwirecell v06_08_01
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v06_08_01 for larsoft v06_55_00
larana v06_11_00
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larana v06_11_00 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-20 Nick Grant : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2017-10-19 Nick Grant : Update, MVAAlg.h and MVAAlg.cxx to get detector dimensions and calculate wire angles from geometry
larreco v06_44_00
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larreco v06_44_00 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-24 Lynn Garren : nutools v2_16_06
- 2017-10-22 Robert Sulej : remove cout
- 2017-10-22 Robert Sulej : move nu event dumping to dunetpc (specific to dune geo)
- 2017-10-21 Robert Sulej : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2017-10-20 Robert Sulej : align all wire offsets, cleanup code
- 2017-10-20 Robert Sulej : pass output node name as cmd line param
larsim v06_33_00
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larsim v06_33_00 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-21 Jason Stock : removing G4ModuleLable from ParticleInventoryService. It isn’t needed outside the service provider.
- 2017-10-20 Jason Stock : Finalizing fhicl validation in ParticleInventoryService and passthrough of a fhicl table to ParticleInventory
- 2017-10-20 Jason Stock : squash renaming a couple items
- 2017-10-20 Jason Stock : Making the ParticleInventoryService fhicl validation ready.
- 2017-10-19 Jason Stock : Bug Fix in the PrepEvent for the ParticleInventory service provider. Missing negation.
- 2017-10-19 Jason Stock : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/develop’ into feature/JStock_ParticleInventory
- 2017-10-19 Jason Stock : Making the TrackIdToEveTrackId function constant. (for use in BackTracker).
- 2017-10-19 Jason Stock : Adding TrackIdToEveTrackId function to ParticleInventory (Needed for new HitToEveId function in BackTracker).
- 2017-10-18 Jason Stock : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘remotes/origin/develop’ into feature/JStock_ParticleInventory
- 2017-10-18 Jason Stock : Final touches on some of the template methods. Implimenting last cleanup and data retrieval.
- 2017-10-17 Jason Stock : Adding in useful error handeling.
- 2017-10-17 Jason Stock : Update to ParticleInventory using reccomendations for Gianluca to clean up a couple points and begin adding fhicl validation support.
- 2017-10-13 Jason Stock : Bandaid for the ParticleInventoryService provider type until I can sit down with an expert and do it right.
- 2017-10-13 Jason Stock : Added larprovider type to ParticleInventoryService
- 2017-10-13 Jason Stock : Slight change in naming conventions to make functions which return pointers or vectors of pointers more explicit
- 2017-10-12 Jason Stock : Added header for Message Facility
- 2017-10-12 Jason Stock : Updating ParticleInventory functions to be const and making the cache objects mutable.
- 2017-10-12 Jason Stock : Fixed a bug. The run flag was backwards for realData vs Simulation.
- 2017-10-12 Jason Stock : Changing the use of the PartInv so that a pointer to the instance can be given to BackTracker and PhotonBackTracker.
- 2017-10-12 Jason Stock : removing fhicl support due to errors. I’ll need to talk to someone about the right way to configure ParticleInventory.
- 2017-10-12 Jason Stock : Making Particle Inventory fhcl configurable.
- 2017-10-12 Jason Stock : Reduce dependency on art. (Only art::Handle left).
- 2017-10-11 Jason Stock : Quick squash to clean up commits before sharing. Initial Commit of ParticleInventoryService.
larevt v06_16_06
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larevt v06_16_06 for larsoft v06_55_00
lardata v06_31_02
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : lardata v06_31_02 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-24 Lynn Garren : nutools v2_16_06
- 2017-10-24 Gianluca Petrillo : Track proxy metod name trajectory() (and related) renamed.
- 2017-10-24 Lynn Garren : virtual override for issue 18002
larcore v06_15_03
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larcore v06_15_03 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-24 Lynn Garren : art v2_08_04
larpandoracontent v03_08_01
larsoftobj v1_29_01
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v1_29_01 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : cmake v3_9_2
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : update product versions
- 2017-10-24 Lynn Garren : gallery v1_05_03
lardataobj v1_21_02
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : lardataobj v1_21_02 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-24 Lynn Garren : nusimdata v1_08_04
larcorealg v1_09_01
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larcorealg v1_09_01 for larsoft v06_55_00
larcoreobj v1_16_01
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larcoreobj v1_16_01 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-24 Lynn Garren : canvas v3_00_03
larbatch v01_32_06
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_32_06 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-06 Herbert Greenlee : Get validate-on-worker from stage rather than project in gui app.
larutils v1_20_01
- 2017-10-25 Lynn Garren : larutils v1_20_01 for larsoft v06_55_00
- 2017-10-24 Lynn Garren : adding s56 for art v2_08_04
- 2017-10-20 Tingjun Yang : Change ncores to 4 for mac builds for lariat.