nutools geniehelper now uses the ifdh_art service instead of calling ifdhc directly.
add an “IFDH: {}” line to the services block of appropriate prodgenie fcl files.
New features
consistency update for the SVM-based track/shower Id in Pandora
dunetpc and larpandora
move EventWeight from uboonecode to larsim
larsim, uboonecode
This is a breaking change for users of uboonecode. The fix is to merge the feature branch into your copy of uboonecode.
propagate the new BackTrackerMatching data product into the larpandora Producer and Analyser modules
build larbatch as current
Bug fixes
larreco - resolve #19067
this bug fix also included a change to data products
Updated dependencies
nutools v2_18_01 with NOvA updates
dk2nu is now dk2nugenie and dk2nudata so data products can be accessed via gallery
Change List
larsoft v06_69_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larsoft v06_69_00 for larsoft v06_69_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : update versions
2018-02-14 Lynn Garren : fix oversight
lareventdisplay v06_17_03
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v06_17_03 for larsoft v06_69_00
larexamples v06_10_03
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larexamples v06_10_03 for larsoft v06_69_00
larpandora v06_24_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larpandora v06_24_00 for larsoft v06_69_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/blake_truthmatching_asmith’ into release/v06_69_00
2018-02-19 Andrew Blake : Analyzer modules will switch to BackTracker truth-matching if SimChannels are not present.
2018-02-19 Andrew Smith : removed the skeleton neutrino id module and the associated LArPandoraSlices class
2018-02-19 loressa : Updates needed for consistency after 3D implementation of SVM-based track/shower Id
2018-02-19 Andrew Smith : Automatically try to use hit to mcparticle associations if simchannels are not available
2018-02-18 Andrew Blake : Add an optional switch for TrackCreation and ShowerCreation modules to try to make tracks and showers for all PFParticles.
2018-02-18 Andrew Blake : Add functionality to perform reco/truth matching using back-tracker information
2018-02-18 Andrew Blake : Add an option to use bcak-tracker reco/truth matching in all LArPandoraAnalysis analyzer modules. Also, add separate labels for tracks and showers (to accommodate their production by separate modules), remove the separate label for clusters, and remove checks on seeds altogether. LArPandoraAnalysis analyzer modules will now look for PFParticle/T0 associations rather than Track/T0 associations.
larwirecell v06_10_03
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v06_10_03 for larsoft v06_69_00
larana v06_17_01
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larana v06_17_01 for larsoft v06_69_00
larreco v06_55_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larreco v06_55_00 for larsoft v06_69_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : use nutools v2_18_02
2018-02-21 baller : Add histograms
2018-02-21 baller : Add histograms
2018-02-21 baller : Add histograms
2018-02-21 baller : Comment out UpdateTjEnvironment
2018-02-21 baller : Use new TP Environment variable
2018-02-21 baller : Add study histograms. Evaluate 2D PID. Removed kalman track fit histograms.
2018-02-21 baller : Add study histograms. Evaluate 2D PID. Removed kalman track fit histograms.
2018-02-21 baller : Add study histograms. Evaluate 2D PID. Removed kalman track fit histograms.
2018-02-21 baller : Use Point2_t.
2018-02-21 baller : Add TP Environment bitset. Add Tj NeedsUpdate bool - replacement for fUpdateTrajOK in TrajClusterAlg.
2018-02-21 baller : Add TP Environment bitset. Add Tj NeedsUpdate bool - replacement for fUpdateTrajOK in TrajClusterAlg.
2018-02-21 baller : Add TP Environment bitset. Add Tj NeedsUpdate bool - replacement for fUpdateTrajOK in TrajClusterAlg.
2018-02-21 baller : Add TP Environment bitset. Add Tj NeedsUpdate bool - replacement for fUpdateTrajOK in TrajClusterAlg.
2018-02-21 baller : Add TjDirection and UpdateTjEnvironment. Add protection in MCSThetaRMS. Debug print improvements
2018-02-21 baller : Add TjDirection and UpdateTjEnvironment
2018-02-19 baller : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/bb_TJWork
2018-02-19 baller : Work on TruVxCounts
2018-02-19 baller : Work on TruVxCounts
2018-02-19 baller : Add code to debug hit -> MCParticle associations
2018-02-19 baller : Remove commented line
2018-02-16 baller : Backed out version update when trying to merge with v06_67_01
2018-02-16 baller : Move CheckHiMultHits. Temporary code to debug MCParticle - hit associations commented out.
2018-02-14 baller : Comment out writing SpacePoints - needs work.
2018-02-14 baller : Simplify filling ShowerPoints
2018-02-14 baller : Name change
2018-02-14 baller : Improve printing.
2018-02-14 baller : Add another trim points condition.
2018-02-14 baller : Comment out TP3 code - needs work
2018-02-14 baller : Comment out TP3 code - needs work
2018-02-14 baller : Add FTBChg algorithm
2018-02-14 baller : Add FTBChg algorithm
2018-02-14 baller : Add FTBChg algorithm
2018-02-10 baller : Reconcile Giuseppe’s fixes to make PFParticle - shower associations with local changes. Hopefully done correctly…
2018-02-10 baller : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/bb_TJWork
2018-02-10 baller : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/bb_TJWork
2018-02-10 baller : Add final check to ensure that all PFParticles have a start vertex.
2018-02-10 baller : Tweak delta-ray tag for LArIAT
2018-02-10 baller : Commit Tp3 changes before updating versions
2018-02-10 baller : Commit Tp3 changes before updating versions
2018-02-10 baller : Remove Tp3 Fit variables
2018-02-06 baller : Check for IsValid before writing SpacePoints
2018-02-06 baller : Add DirectionFixed to PFPstruct
2018-02-06 baller : Work on Tp3 finding
2018-02-06 baller : Work on Tp3 finding
2018-02-06 baller : Add utility functions
2018-02-06 baller : Add utility functions
2018-01-30 baller : Add TestBeam mode. Temporarily disable stuff for development
2018-01-30 baller : Add TestBeam mode.
2018-01-30 baller : Add TestBeam mode
2018-01-30 baller : Add TestBeam mode
2018-01-30 baller : Add TestBeam mode
2018-01-26 baller : Add check for valid Tj ID. Optionally set non-MC-matched hits invalid for testing.
2018-01-26 baller : Add check for valid Tj ID
2018-01-26 baller : Add check for valid Tj ID
2018-01-26 baller : Check for bogus Tj ID
2018-01-26 baller : Removed spurious code that doesn’t do much and was poorly constructed.
2018-01-26 baller : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/bb_TJWork
2018-01-26 baller : Comment out suspicious code in UpdateTraj.
2018-01-25 baller : Merge branch ‘feature/bb_TJWork’ of ssh:// into feature/bb_TJWork
2018-01-25 baller : Comment out code to fill a wire signal vector for use in checking if a signal exists at a point. The code works but doesn’t exactly do what is needed.
2018-01-25 baller : Remove unused references.
2018-01-25 baller : Reduce minPts to 2.
2018-01-25 baller : Removed unused reference
2018-01-23 baller : Protect against bad reference variable. Fix bug in AttachTrajTovertex.
2018-01-23 baller : Protect against bad reference variable
2018-01-23 baller : 3D match InShower Tis
2018-01-23 baller : Don’t clobber high score vertices on InShower Tis
2018-01-23 baller : Remove RecoVx2Count and simplify TruVxCounts
2018-01-23 baller : Remove RecoVx2Count and simplify TruVxCounts
2018-01-23 baller : Change hard cuts
2018-01-23 baller : Only create a neutrino PFParticle if 3D matching is enabled
2018-01-22 Giuseppe Cerati : add protection against no ss.ParentID
2018-01-22 baller : Write SpacePoints to the event
2018-01-22 baller : Remove track and space point variables.
2018-01-20 baller : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/bb_TJWork
2018-01-20 baller : Change some defaults
2018-01-20 baller : Allow using the old or new backtrackers.
2018-01-20 baller : Allow using the old or new backtrackers.
2018-01-20 baller : code cleanup
larsim v06_41_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larsim v06_41_00 for larsoft v06_69_00
2018-02-20 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/mdeltutt_evtwgt_migration’ into release/v06_69_00
2018-02-14 Marco Del Tutto : clean up and document more
2018-02-12 Marco Del Tutto : adjusting fcls - ub fcls are in uboonecode, here keep only the general config for genie reweight, and an example for running
2018-02-09 Marco Del Tutto : Core of EventWeight migrated from uboonecode to larsim
larevt v06_18_03
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larevt v06_18_03 for larsoft v06_69_00
lardata v06_39_03
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : lardata v06_39_03 for larsoft v06_69_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : use nutools v2_18_02
2018-02-16 Giuseppe Cerati : add elmass
larcore v06_17_01
larpandoracontent v03_10_00
larsoftobj v1_40_01
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v1_40_01 for larsoft v06_69_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : update versions
lardataobj v1_28_02
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : lardataobj v1_28_02 for larsoft v06_69_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : use nusimdata v1_10_00
larcorealg v1_17_01
larcoreobj v1_21_00
larbatch v01_37_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_37_00 for larsoft v06_69_00
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘develop’ into release/v06_69_00
2018-02-21 Herbert Greenlee : Add back status 65 exception for art versions before v2_01.
2018-02-21 Lynn Garren : declare larbatch current
2018-02-20 Herbert Greenlee : Make failure to declare histogram files nonfatal.
2018-02-17 Herbert Greenlee : Tweak tarball extraction.
2018-02-17 Herbert Greenlee : Untar .txt files also.
2018-02-16 Herbert Greenlee : Add some protections against unmatched wildcards.
2018-02-15 Herbert Greenlee : Fix bug in condor_lar with missing subrun dir. Increase jobsub timeout to 1 hour
2018-02-14 Herbert Greenlee : Don’t crash if output tarball is unextractable.
2018-02-14 Herbert Greenlee : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
2018-02-14 Herbert Greenlee : Only make one tarball on batch worker.