fix to detector outline drawing in 3D event display
TVMA in TrajCluster
TMVA_ShowerParent_BDT.weights.xml added to larreco
larreco feature/bb_TCWork
larana feature/yuntse_negTrackID_dev
The only change is a line in larana/T0Finder/AssociationsTools/, which enables the association between MCParticles and Hits including the MCParticles with a negative track ID.
adds an additional feature for doing photon simulation
larpandoracontent update
The main feature removes remaining logic that assumes the w and z coordinates are equivalent (as they are, in our treatment, for all detectors before we started to consider ICARUS, under Tracy’s guidance). The details are now hidden behind an interface, e.g. in an algorithm now call the YZtoW function of the LArTransformationPlugin, rather than providing a concrete w/z equivalent implementation.
Other small updates are minor/cosmetic and affect only the in-Pandora validation metrics (off in all default use-cases in LArSoft) and the names assigned to some Pandora worker instances.
No changes in output are expected, and none have been seen in our tests.
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
Change List
larsoft v06_83_00
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : larsoft v06_83_00 for larsoft v06_83_00
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : no source code manifest
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : update versions
lareventdisplay v06_21_00
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v06_21_00 for larsoft v06_83_00
2018-07-03 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_Display3Doutline’ into release/v06_83_00
2018-06-26 Gianluca Petrillo : Standard detector 3D drawer fixed for multiple TPC geometries.
larexamples v06_14_04
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : larexamples v06_14_04 for larsoft v06_83_00
larpandora v06_31_02
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : larpandora v06_31_02 for larsoft v06_83_00
larwirecell v06_14_04
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v06_14_04 for larsoft v06_83_00
larana v06_20_04
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : larana v06_20_04 for larsoft v06_83_00
2018-07-02 Yun-Tse Tsai : for the associations between MCParticles and Hits, include the MCParticles with negative trackIDs
larreco v06_64_00
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : larreco v06_64_00 for larsoft v06_83_00
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : larreco v06_64_00 for larsoft v06_83_00
2018-07-04 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/bb_TCWork’ into release/v06_83_00
2018-07-04 Tingjun Yang : Check for invalid vx2id.
2018-07-02 Gianluca Petrillo : Recovered previous version of SpacePointSolver
2018-06-28 Lynn Garren : adding BDT weights file
2018-06-27 baller : Use FW_SEARCH_PATH for TMVA reader.
2018-06-26 baller : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/bb_TCWork
2018-06-28 Jason Stock : Merge branch ‘feature/JStock_PhotonBackTrackerFlashMatchFix’ into develop
2018-06-28 Jason Stock : Quick fixes to PBT addressing issues raised by Pierre Lasorak with TrackSDPs (default backtracking tried to get btrs by OpChannel instead of by OpDet).
2018-06-27 Herbert Greenlee : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/v06_26_01_01_branch’ into develop
2018-06-19 Lynn Garren : larsim v06_13_01_10
2018-06-18 Herbert Greenlee : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/feature/mibass_NewFiltersMCC8’ into v06_26_01_01_branch
2018-06-18 Beatriz Tapia Oregui : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/btapia_hybridlibraryCB
2018-05-23 Beatriz Tapia Oregui : Hybrid Library ready to be published. It has been used so far with SP Far Detector 1x2x6 and DP ProtoDune DP geometry.
2018-05-23 Bea Tapia : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/develop’ into origin/feature/btapia_hybridlibraryCB
2018-05-14 Lynn Garren : larsim v06_13_01_09 for larsoft v06_26_01_01_branch
2018-05-10 Beatriz Tapia Oregui : Merge tag ‘LARSOFT_SUITE_v06_70_01’ into origin/feature/btapia_hybridlibraryCB
2018-05-10 Beatriz Tapia Oregui : Rearrangements to use in Dual Phase’s geometry.
2018-05-04 Matthew Bass : Added filters for filter neutrinos in crysotat and filtering events with no mc particles in them.
2018-04-26 Lynn Garren : larsim v06_13_01_08 for larsoft v06_26_01_01_branch
2018-02-07 Beatriz Tapia Oregui : added fit->Fill
2018-02-06 Beatriz Tapia Oregui : Status after CM 01/2018
2017-11-28 Chris Backhouse : Fix mistake in interpretation of ROOT’s expo() function.
2017-11-10 Chris Backhouse : Set up FNAL location for library.
2017-11-10 Chris Backhouse : Hacky module to create the hybrid library file from the regular libraries.
2017-11-10 Chris Backhouse : A few minor fixes. Things now work. Also add simple job to run the analyzer module.
2017-11-10 Chris Backhouse : Enable hybrid library construction in the service.
2017-11-10 Chris Backhouse : Initial attempt at implementing PhotonLibraryHybrid.
2017-11-10 Chris Backhouse : Use PhotonLibrary via the interface. Required dropping various “Set” methods from the service. No one seems to be using them anyway…
2017-11-10 Chris Backhouse : Add IPhotonLibrary interface and make PhotonLibrary implement it.
larevt v06_22_02
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : larevt v06_22_02 for larsoft v06_83_00
lardata v06_47_01
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : lardata v06_47_01 for larsoft v06_83_00
larcore v06_21_00
larpandoracontent v03_13_01
2018-07-05 Lynn Garren : larpandoracontent v03_13_01 for larsoft v06_83_00
2018-07-05 John Marshall : Merge branch ‘updates’
2018-07-05 John Marshall : Update version and change log.