LArSoft v06_84_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v06_84_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v1_49_00
- changes to develop
- approved feature branches
New features
- Dual Phase light simulation
- see talk
- feature/jsoto_SimDriftedElectronCluster in lardataobj
- feature/jsoto_dualphase_DriftedElectronClusters in larsim
- feature/jsoto_photoncounter_generalized in larana
- feature/jsoto_ExtendedPhotonLibrary in larsim
- resolve issue #19446
- lardataalg feature/russo_ticket_19446
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
- nutools v2_24_00
- add code to GENIE2ART to fill / retrieve GTruth.fGPhaseSpace from / into genie::EventRecord
- add to GENIEHelper the ability to set a rotation matrix when using atmospheric fluxes This is to handle the conflict in coordinates systems between the flux to the geometry.
- nusimdata v1_14_00
- add fGPhaseSpace to simb::GTruth object to record how to interpret fDiffXsec in same object
Change List
larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larsoft v06_84_00 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : update products
lareventdisplay v06_21_01
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v06_21_01 for larsoft v06_84_00
larexamples v06_14_05
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larexamples v06_14_05 for larsoft v06_84_00
larpandora v06_31_03
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larpandora v06_31_03 for larsoft v06_84_00
larwirecell v06_14_05
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v06_14_05 for larsoft v06_84_00
larana v06_21_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larana v06_21_00 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-17 Jose Alfonso Soto : Fixed the fhicl parameter reading function in simphotoncounter to make it retro-compatible.
- 2018-07-16 Jose Alfonso Soto : SimPhotonCounter parameter InputModule fixed to be vector of strings
- 2018-07-14 Jose Alfonso Soto : Merge branch ‘feature/jsoto_photoncounter_generalized’ of ssh:// into feature/jsoto_photoncounter_generalized
- 2018-07-14 Jose Alfonso Soto : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/jsoto_photoncounter_generalized
- 2018-07-13 Jose Alfonso Soto : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/jsoto_photoncounter_generalized
- 2018-06-29 Jose Alfonso Soto : PhotonCounter reads photons generated by more than one module, ie. S2 photons
- 2018-06-27 Jose Alfonso Soto : photon counter generalized to read simphotonslite from any module
larreco v06_64_01
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larreco v06_64_01 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larreco v06_64_01 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-16 Aidan Medcalf : Split MinRelativePeakHeight FHiCL parameter into two; added MergeMaxADC limit parameter; changed default FHiCL parameter values
larsim v06_52_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larsim v06_52_00 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/jsoto_ExtendedPhotonLibrary’ into release/v06_84_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/jsoto_dualphase_DriftedElectronClusters’ into release/v06_84_00
- 2018-07-17 Lynn Garren : remove dune specific fcl files
- 2018-07-17 Beatriz Tapia Oregui : Removed files that were accidentally added back. Added fhicl files to use the protoDune DP geometry within the Hybrid Library framework.
- 2018-07-16 Jose Alfonso Soto : Improvements in the time propagation feature of the extended photon library. Now the TF1 propagation functions are created when loading the library.
- 2018-07-16 Jose Alfonso Soto : Set up the option to read SimDriftedElectronClusters from the SimDriftElectrons module (needed for dual phase TPCs)
- 2018-07-11 Alex Himmel : Add a new option to the Photon Library Analyzer to build a projection for each individual optical detector. New options in the fhicl, but no change in the default behavior.
- 2018-07-11 Alex Himmel : Remove .DS_Store files
- 2018-07-11 Alex Himmel : Standardize indentation in Library Analyzer module
larevt v06_22_03
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larevt v06_22_03 for larsoft v06_84_00
lardata v06_47_02
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : lardata v06_47_02 for larsoft v06_84_00
larcore v06_21_01
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larcore v06_21_01 for larsoft v06_84_00
larpandoracontent v03_13_01
larsoftobj v1_49_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v1_49_00 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : update products
lardataobj v1_35_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : lardataobj v1_35_00 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-13 Jose Alfonso Soto : New data product: SimDriftedElectronCluster
lardataalg v1_02_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : lardataalg v1_02_00 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-13 Paul Russo : Make DetectorClocksStandardService use the configured default TriggerTime and BeamGateTime at construction.
larcorealg v1_24_00
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larcorealg v1_24_00 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-17 Gianluca Petrillo : Distribute GDML schema with LArTPCdetector geometry
larcoreobj v1_24_00
larbatch v01_42_02
- 2018-07-18 Lynn Garren : larbatch v01_42_02 for larsoft v06_84_00
- 2018-07-18 Herbert Greenlee : Update
- 2018-07-09 Herbert Greenlee : Remove ifdh force options.
larutils v1_22_08