Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v07_00_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v07_00_00
An example of how these modules are configured for testing purposes is: physics:{
producers: {
rns: { module_type: "RandomNumberSaver" }
larg4Main: { module_type: "larg4Main"
enableVisualization: false
macroPath: ".:./macros"
visMacro: "vis.mac"
elecDrift: { module_type: "SimDriftElectrons"
SimulationLabel: "larg4Main:LArG4DetectorServicevolTPCActive"
StoreDriftedElectronClusters: true
photonProp: { module_type: "PhotonLibraryPropagation"
DoSlowComponent: false
RiseTimeFast: 6
RiseTimeSlow: 1300
EDepModuleLabels: [ "larg4Main:LArG4DetectorServicevolTPCActive" ]