LArSoft v07_01_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v07_01_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v07_01_00
- changes in develop
- approved feature branch
- full e17 support
New features
- improvements to LazyVector
- lardataobj
- larsim feature/gp_LazyVector
Known issues
- larana test temporarily disabled until the macOS problem is fixed
Updated dependencies
- caffe v1_0k for both e15 and e17
- tensorflow v1_3_0d for both e15 and e17
- protobuf v3_5_2
Change List
larsoft v07_01_00
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : tensorflow no longer uses the python qualifier
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larsoft v07_01_00 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : update dependency database
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : update versions
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : building tensorflow for e17
lareventdisplay v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v07_00_02 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : find headers
larexamples v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larexamples v07_00_02 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : find headers
larg4 v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larg4 v07_00_02 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : find headers
larpandora v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larpandora v07_00_02 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : find headers
larwirecell v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v07_00_02 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : find headers
larana v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larana v07_00_02 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : find headers
- 2018-08-07 Lynn Garren : disable larana tests which have a child process problem
larreco v07_01_00
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larreco v07_01_00 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larreco v07_01_00 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : find headers
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : tensorflow v1_3_0d
- 2018-08-07 baller : Bug fixes for ProtoDUNE Merge branch ‘feature/bb_restruct’ into develop
- 2018-08-07 baller : Split slices into sub-slices in each TPC
- 2018-08-07 baller : Bug fixes
- 2018-08-07 baller : Bug fixes
- 2018-08-07 baller : Bug fixes
- 2018-08-07 baller : Bug fixes
- 2018-08-07 baller : Bug fixes
- 2018-08-07 Christoph Alt : Hit start and end time is now the actual start and end time of the hit instead of the start and end time of the group of hits. Also fixed some cout’s.
- 2018-08-07 Christoph Alt : Corrected description of .fcl parameters
- 2018-08-06 baller : Remove incorrect check of cryostat - tpc.
- 2018-08-06 baller : Check validity of input hits.
- 2018-08-06 baller : Check validity of input hits.
- 2018-08-06 baller : Check validity of input hits.
- 2018-08-06 Christopher Backhouse : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2018-08-06 Christopher Backhouse : Fix bug in initialization of space charge interaction terms.
- 2018-08-05 Tingjun Yang : Add slice-spacepoint association.
- 2018-08-05 Tingjun Yang : Fix compiling error in e15.
- 2018-08-05 Usher, Tracy L : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2018-08-04 Usher, Tracy L : oops, last commit was meant to be this one… recover the missing 3D hit from missed wire combination
- 2018-08-04 Usher, Tracy L : Recover the missing wire combination
- 2018-08-04 Usher, Tracy L : Move the output of the Convex Hull module into its own output object (still in the internal Cluster3D representation) in order to make easier to recover all the output information (and differentiate from other methods)
- 2018-08-03 baller : Comment out PFParticle - Slice associations for now.
- 2018-08-03 baller : Merge bug fixes Merge branch ‘feature/bb_restruct’ into develop
- 2018-08-03 baller : Use Vector2_t.
- 2018-08-03 baller : Fix bug and add PFParticle -> Slice assn
- 2018-08-03 Christopher Backhouse : Fix a bug in bad collection wire handling. Require one of the crossing induction wires to be unexplained anywhere, rather than the pair to be unexplained. This is symmetric with the requirement made for bad induction wires. Ought to reduce ghost hits further, appears to have very little effect in practice.
- 2018-08-02 Usher, Tracy L : Merge branch ‘feature/usher_cluster3dclean’ into develop
- 2018-08-02 Usher, Tracy L : Implement new cluster breaking strategies - break by gap, break by vertex, break by defect and break in half
larsim v07_01_00
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larsim v07_01_00 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : find headers
- 2018-08-06 Gianluca Petrillo : Small optimization of photon library load time
- 2018-08-04 Jason Stock : Merge branch ‘feature/JStock_PBT_FlashToHitAssnsRevision’ into develop
- 2018-08-04 Jason Stock : Fixes for the spammy PhotonBackTracker initialization messages.
larevt v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larevt v07_00_02 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : find headers
lardata v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : lardata v07_00_02 for larsoft v07_00_02
larcore v07_00_00
larpandoracontent v03_13_02
larsoftobj v07_01_00
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v07_01_00 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : update versions
lardataobj v07_01_00
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : lardataobj v07_01_00 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-06 Gianluca Petrillo : LazyVector: added methods to preallocate storage.
- 2018-08-03 baller : Add PFParticle - Slice associations
lardataalg v07_00_00
larcorealg v07_00_00
larcoreobj v07_00_00
larbatch v01_43_00
larutils v1_22_10
- 2018-08-08 Lynn Garren : larutils v1_22_10 for larsoft v07_00_02
- 2018-08-08 Herbert Greenlee : Remove “_offline” from tarball version.
- 2018-08-06 Herbert Greenlee : Check OS+qual combination.
- 2018-08-04 Herbert Greenlee : Skip unsupported flavors.
- 2018-08-04 Herbert Greenlee : Skip e-qualified builds on macos.
- 2018-08-04 Herbert Greenlee : Merge branch ‘develop’ of ssh:// into develop
- 2018-08-04 Herbert Greenlee : Add qualifier “offline.”