LArSoft v07_06_02 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v07_06_02
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v07_03_01
New features
- larsim feature/chalt_dualphasechargedrift
- updates the in larsim to support charge drift in x, y and z. The physics of the electron drift is unchanged.
Bug fixes
- POT bug fix
- larsim feature/yatesla_MultipleSubrunPOT
Updated dependencies
Change List
larsoft v07_06_02
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larsoft v07_06_02 for larsoft v07_06_02
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : product versions
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : update dependency database
lareventdisplay v07_01_06
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v07_01_06 for larsoft v07_06_02
larexamples v07_00_09
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larexamples v07_00_09 for larsoft v07_06_02
larg4 v07_01_04
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larg4 v07_01_04 for larsoft v07_06_02
larpandora v07_01_06
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larpandora v07_01_06 for larsoft v07_06_02
larwirecell v07_01_02
larana v07_02_02
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larana v07_02_02 for larsoft v07_06_02
larreco v07_04_02
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larreco v07_04_02 for larsoft v07_06_02
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larreco v07_04_02 for larsoft v07_06_02
larsim v07_03_02
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larsim v07_03_02 for larsoft v07_06_02
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/chalt_dualphasechargedrift’ into release/v07_06_02
- 2018-09-25 Lauren Yates : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/yatesla_MultipleSubrunPOT
- 2018-09-23 Jason Stock : Opps. Forgot to remove line in makefile pointing to dune when I removed DUNE specific code to get ready for my merge.
- 2018-09-23 Jason Stock : Merge branch ‘develop’ of into develop
- 2018-09-23 Jason Stock : Removing code from MCCheater that is DUNE specific before merging with the common branch.
- 2018-09-21 Jason Stock : Adding checks to a couple functions that require access to the event. These checks will make innappropraite use of these functions fail gracefully (throw with an error message instead of segfault).
- 2018-09-21 Jason Stock : Fixing an issue with backtracker checks (still waiting on art updates for event caching and service event access).
- 2018-09-21 Christoph Alt : speeding up the code
- 2018-09-15 Jason Stock : Merge remote branch ‘origin/feature/JStock_ChannelCorrectedSDPEnergy’ into develop
- 2018-09-12 Jason Stock : Merge remote branch ‘origin/feature/JStock_RadioGenSignal’ into feature/JStock_ChannelCorrectedSDPEnergy
- 2018-09-12 Christoph Alt : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/chalt_dualphasechargedrift
- 2018-09-12 Christoph Alt : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/chalt_dualphasechargedrift
- 2018-09-12 Christoph Alt : Support charge drift in y and z
- 2018-09-11 Jason Stock : Minor changes for DivRec Backtracking.
- 2018-09-11 Jason Stock : Merge tag ‘LARSOFT_SUITE_v07_05_00’ into feature/JStock_ChannelCorrectedSDPEnergy
- 2018-09-08 Lauren Yates : Minor updates to POT counting for files with multiple subruns
- 2018-09-06 Lauren Yates : Adding support for POT counting in files with multiple subruns
- 2018-08-11 Jason Stock : Adding one more reference to DivRecs in CMake files
- 2018-08-11 Jason Stock : Changing directory for DivRecs.
- 2018-08-11 Jason Stock : Merge tag ‘LARSOFT_SUITE_v06_85_00’ into feature/JStock_ChannelCorrectedSDPEnergy
- 2018-08-11 Jason Stock : Adding DivRec controls TODO: make DivRec controls work for experiments without DivRecs (For now only implimented in DUNE).
- 2018-06-20 Jason Stock : Code for perchannel corrected smart function in PhotonBackTracker. This is poison. This code is very fragile, and should not be relied on.
- 2018-06-18 Jason Stock : Adding initial code for channel corrected energies in PhotonBacktracker.
larevt v07_00_08
lardata v07_00_08
larcore v07_00_02
larpandoracontent v03_14_02
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larpandoracontent v03_14_02 for larsoft v07_06_02
- 2018-09-20 Steven Green : Merge branch ‘updates’
- 2018-09-20 Steven Green : Update version and change log.
- 2018-09-20 Steven Green : Merge pull request #72 from StevenGreen1/feature/MetadataStitchedCosmics
- 2018-09-06 Steven Green : Reordered setting of IsClearCosmic metadata.
- 2018-09-06 Steven Green : Added IsClearCosmic label to metadata for stitched cosmic rays.
- 2018-08-23 Lynn Garren : larsoft v07_03_00
- 2018-08-22 Lynn Garren : larpandoracontent v03_14_01 for larsoft v07_03_00
- 2018-08-22 Lynn Garren : v03_14_01 with e17 default
larsoftobj v07_03_01
lardataobj v07_02_03
lardataalg v07_01_01
larcorealg v07_01_01
larcoreobj v07_00_01
larbatch v01_45_00
larutils v1_23_03
- 2018-09-26 Lynn Garren : larutils v1_23_03 for larsoft v07_06_02
- 2018-09-21 Thomas Junk : add a date printout, change ntries to 20, and sleep a minute between retries on the git clone
- 2018-09-21 Thomas Junk : try 100 times