LArSoft v07_07_03 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v07_07_03
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v07_05_01
New features
- larpandora feature/asmith_simChannelLabels
- The main change in this branch is allowing the LArPandora module to have
separate module labels for SimChannels and MCParticles (whereas up to now,
LArPandora assumed these were produced by the same module).
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
Change List
larsoft v07_07_03
- 2018-10-17 Lynn Garren : larsoft v07_07_03 for larsoft v07_07_03
- 2018-10-17 Lynn Garren : larpandora v07_01_10
lareventdisplay v07_01_09
larexamples v07_00_12
larg4 v07_01_07
larpandora v07_01_10
- 2018-10-17 Lynn Garren : larpandora v07_01_10 for larsoft v07_07_03
- 2018-10-17 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/asmith_simChannelLabels’ into release/v07_07_03
- 2018-10-15 a-d-smith : cosmetic
- 2018-10-15 a-d-smith : cosmetic
- 2018-10-15 a-d-smith : Updated error message to be more instructive
- 2018-10-10 a-d-smith : Added new explicit label for SimChannels
larwirecell v07_02_02
larana v07_02_05
larreco v07_05_00
larsim v07_04_02
larevt v07_00_11
lardata v07_00_11
larcore v07_00_04
larpandoracontent v03_14_02
larsoftobj v07_05_01
lardataobj v07_02_04
lardataalg v07_02_02
larcorealg v07_02_01
larcoreobj v07_00_01
larbatch v01_46_01
larutils v1_23_04