LArSoft v07_13_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v07_13_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v07_08_00
- changes to develop
- approved feature branches
New features
- persist Pandora slices as recob::slice
- larpandora larpandoracontent feature/asmith_persistRecobSlicev07_11_00
- larg4 origin/feature/wenzel_ana
- The larg4 example code which now contains simple analyzers for SimEnergyDeposits, AuxDetHits and MCParticle.
- lar -c testlarg4.fcl
Bug fixes
- bug fix for #21394
- larsim feature/gputnam_MCSTReco_FV_fix
- larsim feature/herogers_SCE_xcorrection
- bug fix for ShiftEdepModule
- larana fMinTickDrift bug fixed in develop
Updated dependencies
- wirecell v0_10_5
- nutools v2_24_08
- ifdhc v2_3_9
- ifdh_art v2_06_13
Change List
larsoft v07_13_00
- 2018-12-05 Lynn Garren : fix version
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larsoft v07_13_00 for larsoft v07_13_00
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : product versions
lareventdisplay v07_02_01
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v07_02_01 for larsoft v07_13_00
larexamples v07_00_19
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larexamples v07_00_19 for larsoft v07_13_00
larg4 v07_05_00
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larg4 v07_05_00 for larsoft v07_13_00
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : remove unused libraries from link list
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘origin/feature/wenzel_ana’ into release/v07_13_00
- 2018-12-04 Hans-Joachim Wenzel : make sure we are using the correct units when analyzing the SimEnergyDeposits
- 2018-11-29 Hans-Joachim Wenzel : modules that loops over the AuxdetHits and makes some plots
larpandora v07_06_00
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larpandora v07_06_00 for larsoft v07_13_00
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/asmith_persistRecobSlicev07_11_00’ into release/v07_13_00
- 2018-11-19 loressa : Cosmetics
- 2018-11-17 a-d-smith : removed test couts
- 2018-11-15 a-d-smith : Modified slice production order to behave more intuitively
- 2018-11-15 a-d-smith : Added more doxygen comments
- 2018-11-12 a-d-smith : Updated doxygen comments
- 2018-11-07 a-d-smith : added slices to event dump output
- 2018-11-07 a-d-smith : Updated Pandora event dump to include various verbosity levels
- 2018-10-31 a-d-smith : Added recob Slices to the output of Pandora
larwirecell v07_05_01
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v07_05_01 for larsoft v07_13_00
larana v07_04_01
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larana v07_04_01 for larsoft v07_13_00
- 2018-11-29 Giuseppe Cerati : fix fMinTickDrift bug
larreco v07_10_01
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larreco v07_10_01 for larsoft v07_13_00
- 2018-12-04 Tingjun Yang : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/feature/rsf_tcshowerPFP’ into develop
- 2018-12-01 Rory Fitzpatrick : minor changes
- 2018-12-01 Rory Fitzpatrick : fixed CaloAlg references
larsim v07_09_00
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larsim v07_09_00 for larsoft v07_13_00
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/herogers_SCE_xcorrection’ into release/v07_13_00
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gputnam_MCSTReco_FV_fix’ into release/v07_13_00
- 2018-12-04 Hannah Rogers : Correct SCE x posisiton correction direction
- 2018-12-04 gputnam : fix typo in comment
- 2018-12-04 gputnam : add doxygen comment to variables defining volume box
- 2018-12-04 gputnam : Merge tag ‘v07_07_01’ into feature/gputnam_MCSTReco_FV_fix
- 2018-11-28 gputnam : Add comment to update
- 2018-11-28 gputnam : Fix fiducial volume definition in MCRecoPart. Fiducial volume is now defined as a box that extends to include all TPC’s in the detector. This removes implicit coupling to MicroBooNE and fixes saving of MCTrack points in (e.g.) SBND and ICARUS. (Note: Should FV definition be all cryostats instead of all TPCs?).
larevt v07_02_01
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larevt v07_02_01 for larsoft v07_13_00
lardata v07_01_01
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : lardata v07_01_01 for larsoft v07_13_00
larcore v07_00_05
larpandoracontent v03_14_03
- 2018-12-04 Lynn Garren : larpandoracontent v03_14_03 for larsoft v07_13_00
- 2018-12-04 Steven Green : Merge branch ‘updates’
- 2018-12-04 Steven Green : Update version and change log.
- 2018-11-28 Multi-algorithm pattern recognition : Merge pull request #74 from loressa/feature/SliceIndex
- 2018-11-28 loressa : Updated numbering convention for slice indexes to match how output to LArSoft is handled in larpandora
- 2018-11-14 Multi-algorithm pattern recognition : Merge pull request #73 from StevenGreen1/feature/CompilerFix
- 2018-11-06 Steven Green : Refactoring bdt beam particle id class to resolve compiler error on MacOS.
larsoftobj v07_08_00
lardataobj v07_06_00
lardataalg v07_02_07
larcorealg v07_03_00
larcoreobj v07_00_01
larbatch v01_47_01
larutils v1_23_07