

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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LArSoft v08_00_00 Release Notes

list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v08_00_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v08_00_00


Breaking Changes

Feature branches for experiment code

The feature branches for larsoft v08_00_00_rc2 were based on larsoft v07_12_00. We have updated the feature branches, and in many cases provided a new feature branch based off the head of develop. Look first for feature/team_for_art_v3_final and use that branch if it exists, otherwise use feature/team_for_art_v3. The full list is below.

Updated dependencies

Change List

larsoft v08_00_00

lareventdisplay v08_00_00

larexamples v08_00_00

larg4 v08_00_00

larpandora v08_00_00

larwirecell v08_00_00

larana v08_00_00

larreco v08_00_00

larsim v08_00_00

larevt v08_00_00

lardata v08_00_00

larcore v08_00_00

larpandoracontent v03_14_03

larsoftobj v08_00_00

lardataobj v08_00_00

lardataalg v08_00_00

larcorealg v08_00_00

larcoreobj v08_00_00

larbatch v01_47_02

larutils v1_23_07