LArSoft v08_01_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v08_01_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v08_01_00
New features
- larpandora feature/sgreen_showerIdIndex
- This change fills shower id index for showers produced by the Pandora shower creation module, which makes it easier to access the showers in downstream modules.
- update to the detector clocks service to allow for more consistent handling of data and simulation trigger times from Wes
- lardata: feature/wketchum_OverlayG4RefCorrection
- lardataalg: feature/wketchum_OverlayG4RefCorrection
Bug fixes
- larreco feature/bb_TCFix - resolve #21556
Updated dependencies
- nutools v2_26_02
- “NuRandomService::createEngine” now returns a non-const reference to the created random engine instead of the random-number seed. This should allow all uses of getEngine to be removed.
- So far as we can tell, no experiment code uses the return value of createEngine.
- systematicstools v00_02_00
- nusystematics v00_02_02
Change List
larsoft v08_01_00
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larsoft v08_01_00 for larsoft v08_01_00
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : product versions
lareventdisplay v08_00_01
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v08_00_01 for larsoft v08_01_00
larexamples v08_00_01
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larexamples v08_00_01 for larsoft v08_01_00
larg4 v08_00_01
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larg4 v08_00_01 for larsoft v08_01_00
larpandora v08_01_00
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larpandora v08_01_00 for larsoft v08_01_00
- 2018-12-14 Steven Green : Adding the shower id index Pandora showers
larwirecell v08_00_01
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v08_00_01 for larsoft v08_01_00
larana v08_00_01
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larana v08_00_01 for larsoft v08_01_00
larreco v08_01_00
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larreco v08_01_00 for larsoft v08_01_00
- 2018-12-18 Bruce Baller : fix TrajCluster bug
larsim v08_00_01
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larsim v08_00_01 for larsoft v08_01_00
larevt v08_00_01
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larevt v08_00_01 for larsoft v08_01_00
lardata v08_00_01
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : lardata v08_00_01 for larsoft v08_01_00
- 2018-12-17 Adi Ashkenazi : Merge branch ‘master’ into feature/wketchum_OverlayG4RefCorrection updating lardata/feature/wketchum_OverlayG4RefCorrection with new larsoft version compatible with uboonecode v7_13_02
- 2018-11-29 Wesley Ketchum : add in G4RefTime correction option
larcore v08_00_00
larpandoracontent v03_14_03
larsoftobj v08_01_00
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v08_01_00 for larsoft v08_01_00
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : product versions
lardataobj v08_00_00
lardataalg v08_01_00
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : lardataalg v08_01_00 for larsoft v08_01_00
- 2018-12-17 Adi Ashkenazi : Merge branch ‘master’ into feature/wketchum_OverlayG4RefCorrection updating feature/wketchum_OverlayG4RefCorrection with newer larsoft version compatible with uboonecode v7_13_02
- 2018-11-29 Wesley Ketchum : add in G4RefTime correction option
larcorealg v08_00_00
larcoreobj v08_00_00
larbatch v01_47_02
larutils v1_23_08
- 2018-12-18 Lynn Garren : larutils v1_23_08 for larsoft v08_01_00
- 2018-12-14 Thomas Junk : only use the /grid/fermiapp setup script on macOS