we have recently included some improvements in the semi-analytic fast optical mode we developed alternative to the optical library method. The modifications are: including the SBND semi-analytic model with full border corrections, adding the visible mid third border corrections for DUNE & swapping most of the hard coded detector dimensions to methods using the geometry service instead.
For these last updates we have created the branch feature/semi_ugr_mcr for the packages sbndcode, dunetpc and larsim.
larpandoracontent stitching changes important for ProtoDUNE production
2019-07-09 loressa : Replaced double loop in SelectLingestStitch
2019-07-05 loressa : Fixed indentation
2019-07-04 loressa : Updates following PR review
2019-07-03 loressa : Stylish corrections
2019-07-03 loressa : Reduce vector of potential stitches to two to keep stitching across CPA now that APA hits are availalbe. This is a short term fix, prior to extend stitches across APAs in addition
larsoftobj v08_16_00
2019-07-18 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v08_16_00 for larsoft v08_26_00
2019-07-17 Lynn Garren : product versions
lardataobj v08_04_05
2019-07-18 Lynn Garren : lardataobj v08_04_05 for larsoft v08_26_00
lardataalg v08_08_00
2019-07-18 Lynn Garren : lardataalg v08_08_00 for larsoft v08_26_00