LArSoft v08_33_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v08_33_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v08_19_00
- changes in develop
- approved feature branches
New features
- PD Simulation Refactoring for new LArG4
- dunetpc feature/wgu_refact
- ubevt muve_pdsim_refactor
- lardataobj feature/muve_pdsim_refactor
- larsim feature/muve_pdsim_refactor
- larg4 feature/muve_pdsim_refactor
- larwirecell feature/muve_pdsim_refactor
- lardata and larreco feature/cerati_gshf-larsoft-icarus-develop
- improve Mike’s Levemberg-Marquardt gaussian fitter so that it can be used efficiently in ICARUS (with 7x speedups)
- larpandoracontent feature/larpandoracontent_v03_15_08
- Refactoring of vertex selection algorithms (no change in functionality) and addition of a new algorithm to “cheat” the vertex selection algorithm in MC studies, if wished.
- Rename of on algorithm EventValidation algorithm -> NeutrinoEventValidation algorithm for clarity (cosmetic).
- A fix to ensure agreement between the selected interaction vertex position and the reconstructed particles.
Bug fixes
- larreco branch feature/gp_Issue23457
- larsim feature/pgreen_semi_ugr_mcr
- semi-analytic fast optical simulation visible border effect corrections bug fix
Updated dependencies
Change List
larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larsoft v08_33_00 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : product versions
- 2019-10-17 Lynn Garren : mrb v3_03_01 with hub
lareventdisplay v08_08_18
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v08_08_18 for larsoft v08_33_00
larexamples v08_02_23
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larexamples v08_02_23 for larsoft v08_33_00
larg4 v08_05_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larg4 v08_05_00 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-17 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/muve_pdsim_refactor’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-17 Wei Mu : update SimEnergyDeposit interface
- 2019-10-17 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/muve_pdsim_refactor’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-01 Wei Mu : update interface for SimEnergyDeposit
larpandora v08_07_22
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larpandora v08_07_22 for larsoft v08_33_00
larwirecell v08_07_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v08_07_00 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-17 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/muve_pdsim_refactor’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-17 Wei Mu : update SimEnergyDeposit interface
- 2019-10-17 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/muve_pdsim_refactor’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-01 Wei Mu : update the interface for SimEnergyDeposit
larana v08_10_18
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larana v08_10_18 for larsoft v08_33_00
larreco v08_20_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larreco v08_20_00 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-21 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_Issue23457’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-21 Gianluca Petrillo : Making the cut on trajectory point position optional.
- 2019-10-21 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_Issue23457’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-21 Gianluca Petrillo : Make the cut on trajectory point position configurable.
- 2019-10-17 Giuseppe Cerati : small fixes, plus add boundaries to fit parameters
- 2019-10-17 Giuseppe Cerati : optionally restrict fitting to N sigma around peak
larsim v08_14_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larsim v08_14_00 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-21 Lynn Garren : remove unused variables
- 2019-10-21 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/muve_pdsim_refactor’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-17 Wei Mu : update PD simulation
- 2019-10-10 Patrick Green : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/pgreen_semi_ugr_mcr
- 2019-10-09 Patrick Green : semi-analytic fast optical simulation visible border effect corrections bug fix
- 2019-10-01 Wei Mu : PD simulation refactor
larevt v08_06_12
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larevt v08_06_12 for larsoft v08_33_00
lardata v08_09_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : lardata v08_09_00 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-17 Giuseppe Cerati : add parameter boundaries for MarqFitAlg
larcore v08_05_02
larpandoracontent v03_15_08
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larpandoracontent v03_15_08 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-18 John Marshall : Merge branch ‘updates’
- 2019-10-18 John Marshall : Update version and change log.
- 2019-10-18 John Marshall : Merge pull request #99 from PandoraPFA/feature/AdjustVertexPosition
- 2019-10-16 John Marshall : If no 3D hits, leave vertex where it was.
- 2019-10-14 John Marshall : Ensure daughterClusterList3D is sorted in a well-defined manner.
- 2019-10-11 John Marshall : Add vertex list name configuration option.
- 2019-10-11 John Marshall : Relocate vertex-moving functionality.
- 2019-10-11 John Marshall : Ensure agreement between interaction vertex position and at least one pfo (largest in no other vertex-associated pfos).
- 2019-10-18 John Marshall : Merge branch ‘feature/EventValidationCosmetics’ into old_master
- 2019-09-02 StevenGreen1 : Protecting constructor and destructor of EventValidationBaseAlgorithm.
- 2019-09-02 StevenGreen1 : Renaming EventValidationAlgorithm NeutrinoEventValidationAlgorithm.
- 2019-10-18 John Marshall : Merge branch ‘feature/VertexRefactoring’ into old_master
- 2019-10-10 Steven Green : Require mc particle list name to be defined in cheating vertex selection algorithm.
- 2019-10-09 Steven Green : Only persist best vertex in cheating vertex selection algorithm if it exists.
- 2019-10-09 Steven Green : Adding read settings to cheating vertex selection algorithm.
- 2019-10-08 Steven Green : Refactoring the vertex selection algorithms.
- 2019-10-07 loressa : Tabulation fixes
- 2019-10-07 loressa : New vertex cheating mode, using the best vertex candidate (3D vertex candidate created closer to true position), rather than the true vertex position
larsoftobj v08_19_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v08_19_00 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : mrb v3_03_01 with hub
lardataobj v08_06_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : lardataobj v08_06_00 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-17 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/muve_pdsim_refactor’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-17 Wei Mu : update SimEnergyDeposit interface
- 2019-10-17 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/muve_pdsim_refactor’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-01 Wei Mu : add 3 attributes to SimenergyDeposit
lardataalg v08_08_08
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : lardataalg v08_08_08 for larsoft v08_33_00
larcorealg v08_14_04
larcoreobj v08_05_05
larbatch v01_51_08
larutils v1_24_05
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘develop’ into release/v08_33_00
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : calculated larsoftobj version
- 2019-10-22 Lynn Garren : larutils v1_24_05 for larsoft v08_33_00
- 2019-10-17 Lynn Garren : modernize
- 2019-10-16 Lynn Garren : just supply the larsoft version