LArSoft v08_46_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v08_46_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v08_27_02
- Updated dependencies
- Approved PR’s
New features
Bug fixes
- Calculate wire pitch for the correct plane. This bug fix was implememted but removed accidentally.
Updated dependencies
- art v3_05_00
- art_root_io v1_03_00
- canvas_root_io v1_05_02
- gallery v1_14_02
- ifdh_art v2_10_03
- artdaq_core v3_05_13
- nutools v3_06_02
- nugen v1_10_03
- nug4 v1_04_02
- nuevdb v1_02_03
- nurandom v1_04_02
- nusimdata v1_21_02
- geant4reweight v01_00_05
- artg4tk v09_08_00
- systematicstools v00_07_00
- nusystematics v00_10_00
Change List
larsoft v08_46_00
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larsoft v08_46_00 for larsoft v08_46_00
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : product versions
lareventdisplay v08_12_06
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : lareventdisplay v08_12_06 for larsoft v08_46_00
larexamples v08_06_06
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larexamples v08_06_06 for larsoft v08_46_00
larg4 v08_12_04
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larg4 v08_12_04 for larsoft v08_46_00
larpandora v08_11_06
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larpandora v08_11_06 for larsoft v08_46_00
larwirecell v08_12_06
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larwirecell v08_12_06 for larsoft v08_46_00
larana v08_16_06
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larana v08_16_06 for larsoft v08_46_00
larreco v08_29_01
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larreco v08_29_01 for larsoft v08_46_00
- 2020-03-13 Lynn Garren : Merge pull request #8 from yangtj207/feature/pitchfix
- 2020-03-10 Tingjun Yang : Recommit a bug fix that was accidentally removed.
larsim v08_20_02
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larsim v08_20_02 for larsoft v08_46_00
larevt v08_10_06
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larevt v08_10_06 for larsoft v08_46_00
lardata v08_14_05
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : lardata v08_14_05 for larsoft v08_46_00
larcore v08_11_02
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larcore v08_11_02 for larsoft v08_46_00
larpandoracontent v03_15_15
larsoftobj v08_27_02
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : Update canvas_root_io gallery and nusimdata tags
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : Update larcorealg version
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larsoftobj v08_27_02 for larsoft v08_46_00
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : product versions
lardataobj v08_10_05
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : Update larcorealg version
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : lardataobj v08_10_05 for larsoft v08_46_00
lardataalg v08_13_05
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : Update larcorealg version
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : lardataalg v08_13_05 for larsoft v08_46_00
larcorealg v08_21_02
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larcorealg v08_21_02 for larsoft v08_45_00
larcoreobj v08_10_04
- 2020-03-13 Patrick Gartung : larcoreobj v08_10_04 for larsoft v08_46_00
larbatch v01_52_02