LArSoft v08_49_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v08_49_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v08_27_05
- changes in develop
- approved PRs
New features
- larreco PR 10 tbb GausHitFinder_module
- larrecodnn PR 2 refactored PointIdAlg to split apart model interfaces and new ML alg for waveform recognition
- larcoreobj PR 6 add in SampledDicts files for SamplingSource
- lardataobj PR 6 add VertexSlice Assns
Bug fixes
- larsim PR 12 Fixing a bug in MUSUN generator
Updated dependencies
- libwda v2_28_0 security update
- In this version we introduced another way to control the server certificate CA chain verification by providing the CA certs directory path via SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable. This is more convenient way compare to the CA certs bundle file we introduced earlier.
- We are doing this in accordance with the General requirement from DOE to transfer all off-site traffic to HTTPS. All the experiments must follow this. The deadline was March 31.
- nutools v3_06_03
- ifdh_art v2_10_04
- nugen v1_10_04
- nuevdb v1_02_04
- nusystematics v00_10_01
Change List
larsoft v08_49_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larsoft v08_49_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larsoft v08_48_02 for larsoft v08_49_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : product versions
lareventdisplay v08_12_10
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v08_12_10 for larsoft v08_49_00
larexamples v08_06_10
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larexamples v08_06_10 for larsoft v08_49_00
larg4 v08_12_08
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larg4 v08_12_08 for larsoft v08_49_00
larpandora v08_12_02
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larpandora v08_12_02 for larsoft v08_49_00
larrecodnn v08_02_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larrecodnn v08_02_00 for larsoft v08_49_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : additional whitespace cleanup
- 2020-04-06 mhlswang : implemented PR review comments from Kyle K
- 2020-04-03 mhlswang : new ML tool for recognizing signals in raw wire waveforms
- 2020-04-03 mhlswang : refactored tool version of PointIdAlg that splits model interfaces apart
- 2020-04-03 mhlswang : new version of EmTrackMichelId that uses tool interface in PointIdAlgTools
- 2020-04-03 mhlswang : restored previous version of PointIdAlg
larwirecell v08_12_09
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v08_12_09 for larsoft v08_49_00
larana v08_17_02
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larana v08_17_02 for larsoft v08_49_00
larreco v08_31_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larreco v08_31_00 for larsoft v08_49_00
- 2020-04-06 Lynn Garren : Merge pull request #10 from cerati/tbb-gaushitfinder
- 2020-04-02 Giuseppe Cerati : more compact and more efficient code, following Kyle’s suggestions on PR#10
- 2020-04-02 Giuseppe Cerati :
- 2020-04-02 Giuseppe Cerati : set input parameters as const where appropriate
- 2020-04-01 Giuseppe Cerati : add FillHists parameter
- 2020-04-01 Giuseppe Cerati : fill filteredHitVec only if required
- 2020-04-01 Giuseppe Cerati : fix bug that prevented proper setting of NDF
- 2020-02-12 Giuseppe Cerati : multi-threaded implementation of GausHitFinder module (from Sophie Berkman)
larsim v08_22_02
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larsim v08_22_02 for larsoft v08_49_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : Merge pull request #12 from vpec0/develop
- 2020-04-06 Viktor Pec : Merge branch ‘develop’ of into develop
- 2020-03-30 Viktor Pec : Fixing a decision on which XY face to generate muons based on their direction, so that they point inside of the generation box, not outside of it.
larevt v08_11_02
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larevt v08_11_02 for larsoft v08_49_00
lardata v08_15_02
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : lardata v08_15_02 for larsoft v08_49_00
larcore v08_11_03
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larcore v08_11_03 for larsoft v08_49_00
larpandoracontent v03_15_16
larsoftobj v08_27_05
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v08_27_05 for larsoft v08_49_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : product versions
lardataobj v08_10_06
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : lardataobj v08_10_06 for larsoft v08_49_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : Merge pull request #6 from wesketchum/wketchum_missing_VtxSliceAssnsDicts
- 2020-04-01 Wesley : add VertexSlice Assns
lardataalg v08_13_08
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : lardataalg v08_13_08 for larsoft v08_49_00
larcorealg v08_21_03
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larcorealg v08_21_03 for larsoft v08_49_00
larcoreobj v08_10_05
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : larcoreobj v08_10_05 for larsoft v08_49_00
- 2020-04-07 Lynn Garren : Merge pull request #6 from wesketchum/wketchum_SampledDicts
- 2020-04-06 Wesley : removeWhiteSpace
- 2020-04-06 Wesley : add in SampledDicts files for SamplingSource
larbatch v01_52_02
larutils v1_25_09