

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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LArSoft v08_59_00 Release Notes

list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v08_59_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v08_29_02


New features

contains interface to BxDecay0 generator

New Sim Filter using the sim::SimPhotonsLite data product

This request incorporates a new filter into the SimFilters/ directory. It is a module that replicates the functionality of the FilterSimPhotonTime filter except using sim::SimPhotonsLite instead of sim::SimPhotons as a data product.

I elected to write this as a new module (as opposed to porting FilterSimPhotonTime to handle both cases) because the code is minimal and mostly involves parsing the sim::SimPhotonsLite data product. Thus, porting FilterSimPhotonTime to handle both cases would mostly involve something like:

if (hasSimPhotons)

and so I thought it would be cleaner to just write a new module. In addition, FilterSimPhotonTime requires cutting on the energy of the photons, which is not possible using the sim::SimPhotonsLite data product, and so the filter would have to be reorganized to handle both data products.

Bug fixes

Updated dependencies

Change List

larsoft v08_59_00

lareventdisplay v08_12_22

larexamples v08_06_22

larg4 v08_14_06

larpandora v08_13_02

larrecodnn v08_06_02

larwirecell v08_12_16

larana v08_17_14

larreco v08_32_07

larsim v08_30_00

larevt v08_12_00

lardata v08_15_09

larcore v08_11_10

larpandoracontent v03_18_00

larsoftobj v08_29_02

lardataobj v08_11_02

lardataalg v08_13_14

larcorealg v08_22_02

larcoreobj v08_12_01

webevd v08_00_07

larbatch v01_52_02

larutils v1_26_01