

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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LArSoft v09_01_00 Release Notes

list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v09_01_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v09_00_02


New features

On SBND new geometry we’re changing the sizes of XARAPUCAS such that they are not longer the same as those of the ARAPUCAS. So now every time the dimensions need to be updated such that they reflect the actual size of the current optical detector.

sbndcode will need PR SBNSoftware/sbndcode#6

When searching for IDE from a Hit, the default time start is defined as hit->PeakTimeMinusRMS() in MCCheater::BackTracker. However, both the longitudinal and transverse diffusion will broaden the hit width in a more realistic simulation. As a result, 1-RMS is not enough to cover all charges of an IDE. I suggest that we can change this time window in the configuration. The default value is still 1-RMS, while we suggest 3.5-RMS when it’s necessary.

To change the default value, please add this line to your fhicl:

services.BackTrackerService.BackTracker.HitTimeRMS: 3.5

Bug fixes

Updated dependencies

Change List

larsoft v09_01_00

lareventdisplay v09_00_02

larexamples v09_00_02

larg4 v09_00_02

larpandora v09_00_02

larsimrad v09_00_02

larrecodnn v09_00_02

larwirecell v09_00_02

larana v09_00_02

larreco v09_00_02

larsim v09_01_00

larevt v09_00_02

lardata v09_00_02

larcore v09_00_00

larpandoracontent v03_19_02

larsoftobj v09_00_02

lardataobj v09_00_00

lardataalg v09_00_02

larcorealg v09_00_00

larcoreobj v09_00_00

webevd v09_00_02

larbatch v01_53_01

larutils v1_26_01