dunetpc will need feature/imawby_dunefdCosmicRayRecoModule
This PR replaces the TrackInEMShower algorithm with the TrackMergeRefinement algorithm within Pandora. This PR accompanies the PR of the imawby_dunefdCosmicRayRecoModule branch to dunetpc (feature/imawby_dunefdCosmicRayRecoModule). It is important to mention that these PRs must be merged at the same time as this larpandoracontent PR removes some features that dunetpc depends on (this dependency is removed in the dunetpc PR referenced).
The TrackMergeRefinement algorithm (previously the TrackInEMShower algorithm) is a 2D hit clustering algorithm that attempts to better cluster cosmic ray muon tracks that have been split by large amounts of electromagnetic behaviour. In terms of code structure, the TrackInEMShower algorithm has been refactored into the TrackMergeRefinement algorithm which inherits from a newly created TrackRefinementBase algorithm. In terms of functionality, the TrackMergeRefinement algorithm primarily improves upon the TrackInEMShower algorithm by including a consideration of the detector gaps when searching for split muon tracks. This is essential to optimise the algorithm’s performance when removing the stitching procedure in the DUNE FD cosmic ray reconstruction which will be implemented in the accompanying dunetpc branch.
lardataalg PR 14
Dump LAr density in DetectorProperties unit test
larutils PR 6
New build script added for sbncode and sbnobj, based on script for sbnd. Tested and builds locally. Also updated buildSBND.sh to be executable as it wasn’t by default before.
larpandora PR 11
PR to include Space Charge Effect (SCE) corrections into the TrajPoint dEdx tool (although most of the work is done in the alg for extensibility). This builds on the work in larsoft v09_04_00. The input should already have spatial corrections applied by the SCECorrections module.
Specifically the corrections are:
Correct for the “squeezing” from SCE in the dx
Use the local electric field when calculating the recombination in conversion from dQ/dx -> dE/dx
Default behaviour is unchanged and experiments must choose to enable the corrections via fcl if they wish to use them.
Bug fixes
larcorealg PR 11
This should solve issue #25003.
Updated dependencies
Change List
larsoft v09_06_00
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larsoft v09_06_00 for larsoft v09_06_00
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : product versions
lareventdisplay v09_00_08
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v09_00_08 for larsoft v09_06_00
larexamples v09_00_08
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larexamples v09_00_08 for larsoft v09_06_00
larg4 v09_01_01
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larg4 v09_01_01 for larsoft v09_06_00
larpandora v09_02_00
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larpandora v09_02_00 for larsoft v09_06_00
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : Merge pull request #11 from PandoraPFA/feature/sce_v9
2020-09-30 AndyChappell : Merge pull request #7 from etyley/feature/etyley_sce_v9
2020-09-22 Edward Tyley : Added SCE corrections to TrajPoint dEdx tool. N.B. this requires input to have been corrected using SCECorrections module
larsimrad v09_00_08
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larsimrad v09_00_08 for larsoft v09_06_00
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : find headers
larrecodnn v09_01_03
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larrecodnn v09_01_03 for larsoft v09_06_00
larwirecell v09_01_03
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v09_01_03 for larsoft v09_06_00
larana v09_00_08
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larana v09_00_08 for larsoft v09_06_00
larreco v09_02_03
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larreco v09_02_03 for larsoft v09_06_00
larsim v09_04_01
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larsim v09_04_01 for larsoft v09_06_00
larevt v09_00_06
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larevt v09_00_06 for larsoft v09_06_00
lardata v09_01_01
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : lardata v09_01_01 for larsoft v09_06_00
larcore v09_00_01
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larcore v09_00_01 for larsoft v09_06_00
larpandoracontent v03_21_00
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : larpandoracontent v03_21_00 for larsoft v09_06_00
2020-10-07 Lynn Garren : v03_21_00 per branch name
2020-10-02 Andrew Chappell : Catch potential exception
2020-10-01 AndyChappell : Merge pull request #139 from imawby/feature/NoStitching