LArSoft v09_12_00 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v09_12_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v09_04_00
- changes in develop
- approved PRs
Breaking Change
Most changes in this release are related to the resolution for #24328
This is a breaking change. The branch feature/gp_issue24328 is provided for experiment code.
The complete write up is here
- larcoreobj PR 9
- larcorealg PR 12
- lardataalg PR 18
- larcore PR 6
- lardata PR 12
- larevt PR 10
- larsim PR 56
- larreco PR 24
- larexamples PR 5
- lareventdisplay PR 10
feature/gp_issue24328 available for
- ArgoNeuT: argoneutcode
- DUNE: dunetpc
- ICARUS: sbncode, icarusalg, icaruscode
- SBND: sbncode, sbndcode
- MicroBooNE: uboonecode, ubana, ubcrt, ubcv, ubevt, ublite, ubraw, ubreco, ubsim
Bug fixes
- lardataalg PR 19
- Fix OpDetWavedform dumper console output
- The ADC count range printout was wrong, it’s now fixed.
Updated dependencies
Change List
larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larsoft v09_12_00 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : product versions
lareventdisplay v09_00_17
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : lareventdisplay v09_00_17 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_issue24328’ into release/v09_12_00
- 2020-12-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/develop’ into feature/gp_issue24328
- 2020-12-14 Gianluca Petrillo : Configuration updates related to issue #24328
larexamples v09_00_16
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larexamples v09_00_16 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_issue24328’ into release/v09_12_00
- 2020-12-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/develop’ into feature/gp_issue24328
- 2020-12-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Configuration updates related to issue #24328
larpandora v09_03_08
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larpandora v09_03_08 for larsoft v09_12_00
larsimrad v09_00_16
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larsimrad v09_00_16 for larsoft v09_12_00
larrecodnn v09_02_08
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larrecodnn v09_02_08 for larsoft v09_12_00
larwirecell v09_01_10
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larwirecell v09_01_10 for larsoft v09_12_00
larana v09_00_17
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larana v09_00_17 for larsoft v09_12_00
larreco v09_04_07
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larreco v09_04_07 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_issue24328’ into release/v09_12_00
- 2020-12-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/develop’ into feature/gp_issue24328
- 2020-12-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Configuration updates related to issue #24328
larsim v09_07_04
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larsim v09_07_04 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_issue24328’ into release/v09_12_00
- 2020-12-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/develop’ into feature/gp_issue24328
- 2020-12-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Configuration updates related to issue #24328
larg4 v09_02_01
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larg4 v09_02_01 for larsoft v09_12_00
larevt v09_01_04
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larevt v09_01_04 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_issue24328’ into release/v09_12_00
- 2020-12-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/develop’ into feature/gp_issue24328
- 2020-12-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Configuration updates related to issue #24328
lardata v09_01_07
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : lardata v09_01_07 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_issue24328’ into release/v09_12_00
- 2020-12-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/develop’ into feature/gp_issue24328
- 2020-12-14 Gianluca Petrillo : More configuration updates related to issue #24328
- 2020-12-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Configuration updates related to issue #24328
larcore v09_01_00
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larcore v09_01_00 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2020-12-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Configuration updates related to issue #24328
- 2020-12-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Fix to unit test.
- 2020-11-23 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/develop’ into feature/gp_issue24328
- 2020-11-23 Gianluca Petrillo : Adopted some suggestions from review.
- 2020-11-23 Gianluca Petrillo : Geometry information from legacy RunData has its own version now
- 2020-11-23 Gianluca Petrillo : Fixed some typos and an unnecessary header inclusion.
- 2020-11-12 Gianluca Petrillo : Added geometry check unit test.
- 2020-11-12 Gianluca Petrillo : Added unit tests for geometry version check.
- 2020-10-08 Gianluca Petrillo : Alternative implementation of GeometryConfigurationWriter.
- 2020-10-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Replaced geometry reload on new run with configuration compatibility check.
larpandoracontent v03_22_03
larsoftobj v09_04_00
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larsoftobj v09_04_00 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : product versions
lardataobj v09_00_06
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : lardataobj v09_00_06 for larsoft v09_12_00
lardataalg v09_03_04
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : lardataalg v09_03_04 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-06 Lynn Garren : Merge branch ‘feature/gp_issue24328’ into release/v09_12_00
- 2020-12-17 Lynn Garren : Merge pull request #19 from PetrilloAtWork/feature/gp_OpDetWaveformDumperOutput
- 2020-12-17 Gianluca Petrillo : Fix OpDetWavedform dumper console output.
- 2020-10-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Standardized DetectorClocksStandardTriggerLoader.h include guard
- 2020-12-15 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/develop’ into feature/gp_issue24328
- 2020-12-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Configuration updates related to issue #24328
larcorealg v09_00_02
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larcorealg v09_00_02 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2020-11-23 Gianluca Petrillo : Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/develop’ into feature/gp_issue24328
- 2020-11-12 Gianluca Petrillo : Update for issue #24328 breaking change
larcoreobj v09_01_00
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : larcoreobj v09_01_00 for larsoft v09_12_00
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : GeometryConfigurationInfo is declared as a struct
- 2020-11-23 Gianluca Petrillo : Added support for version 1 of geo::GeometryConfigurationInfo.
- 2020-11-23 Gianluca Petrillo : Added `noexcept` specifier.
- 2020-10-07 Gianluca Petrillo : Added data product with geometry information for configuration checks.
webevd v09_01_01
- 2021-01-07 Lynn Garren : webevd v09_01_01 for larsoft v09_12_00
larbatch v01_54_01
larutils v1_27_03