

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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LArSoft v09_12_00 Release Notes

list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v09_12_00
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v09_04_00


Breaking Change

Most changes in this release are related to the resolution for #24328
This is a breaking change. The branch feature/gp_issue24328 is provided for experiment code.
The complete write up is here

feature/gp_issue24328 available for

Bug fixes

Updated dependencies

Change List

larsoft v09_12_00

lareventdisplay v09_00_17

larexamples v09_00_16

larpandora v09_03_08

larsimrad v09_00_16

larrecodnn v09_02_08

larwirecell v09_01_10

larana v09_00_17

larreco v09_04_07

larsim v09_07_04

larg4 v09_02_01

larevt v09_01_04

lardata v09_01_07

larcore v09_01_00

larpandoracontent v03_22_03

larsoftobj v09_04_00

lardataobj v09_00_06

lardataalg v09_03_04

larcorealg v09_00_02

larcoreobj v09_01_00

webevd v09_01_01

larbatch v01_54_01

larutils v1_27_03