This pull request contains functionality for a new three view based matching reconstruction procedure for the delta rays and michel electrons within the cosmic ray reconstruction pass of pandora. This PR accompanies the PR of the feature/larpandoracontent_v03_23_00 branch to larpandora (LArSoft/larpandora#16). It is important to mention that these PRs must be merged at the same time as this larpandoracontent PR relies on the accompanied larpandora PR adding information to our LArMCParticle objects.
The new delta ray/michel electron reconstruction introduced in this pull request allows for a more sophisticated reconstruction than that which was achieved by the LArDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm. Here, delta ray/michel electron clusters are matched across views and tools are employed to modify the clusters making them more pure and complete. In the LArThreeViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm matches require three views and in the subsequent LArTwoViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm this is reduced to two views, allowing us to recover clusters in the remaining third view and optimising the DR/michel electron reconstruction efficiency. Following this, there is a LArOneViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm that creates delta ray/michel electron particles from any remaining clusters, using the parent cosmic ray to project into other views and making cluster merges where appropriate. Here is a presentation outlining these algorithms in more detail (
larpandora PR 16
This pull request contains a small modification to larpandora/LArPandoraInterface/LArPandoraInput.cxx which adds the simb::MCParticle process information to the pandora LArMCParticle object parameters.
This PR is a necessary companion to larpandoracontent PR 24
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
h5py v3_1_0d
fix table file bug that resulted in an incorrect PYTHONPATH
mrb v4_04_04
recognize garsoft
Change List
larsoft v09_24_00
2021-05-25 Lynn Garren : larsoft v09_24_00 for larsoft v09_24_00
2021-05-25 Lynn Garren : cmake is finicky
2021-05-25 Lynn Garren : product versions
2021-05-25 Lynn Garren : mrb v4_04_04 and hep_hpc_toolkit v0_14_01_02
lareventdisplay v09_01_09
larexamples v09_01_09
larpandora v09_06_00
2021-05-25 Lynn Garren : larpandora v09_06_00 for larsoft v09_24_00
2021-05-21 AndyChappell : Merge pull request #17 from imawby/feature/mc_updates
2021-01-15 Andrew Chappell : Add MC process to Pandora MC particles
larsimrad v09_01_09
larrecodnn v09_07_00
larwirecell v09_02_07
larana v09_02_05
larreco v09_06_05
larsim v09_13_02
larg4 v09_03_06
larevt v09_02_05
lardata v09_02_03
larcore v09_02_01
larpandoracontent v03_23_00
2021-05-25 Lynn Garren : larpandoracontent v03_23_00 for larsoft v09_24_00
2021-05-24 John Marshall : Merge branch ‘feature/IsobelDeltaRay’ into feature/larpandoracontent_v03_23_00
2021-05-24 Isobel Mawby : whitespace removal
2021-05-24 Isobel Mawby : clang formatting
2021-05-24 Isobel Mawby : Removal DR visualization tools
2021-05-21 AndyChappell : Merge pull request #165 from imawby/feature/DeltaRayPreClang
2021-05-03 Isobel Mawby : Account for empty calohitlists in GetClosestDistance and update DeltaRayMatchingContainer constructor
2021-04-30 Isobel Mawby : OneViewDeltaRayMatching PR update - creating a new DeltaRayMatchingContainers class