

Software for Liquid Argon time projection chambers

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LArSoft v09_27_00_04 Release Notes

list of LArSoft releases
Download instructions for larsoft v09_27_00_04
Download instructions for just larsoftobj v09_06_01_03


Working with mrb 5 and cetbuildtools 8

Switching to cetmodules explicitly will require more extensive changes.

To that end, mrbsetenv will complain if the repoisitories are not listed in optimal order in $MRB_SOURCE/CMakeLists.txt.

Anytime you change the contents of $MRB_SOURCE, including a fresh start, you must run mrb uc AFTER running mrbsetenv:

mrb uc

Once this is done, you do not need to do it again unless you add or remove a package from $MRB_SOURCE.

New features

Updates for experiment code

CI tests pass

trigger --build-delay 0 --cert /tmp/x509up_u1147 --version ci_mrb5 --workflow argoneutcodestandalone_wf --revisions "argoneutcode@feature/team_for_art_v3_09" 

Updated dependencies

Change List

larsoft v09_27_00_04

lareventdisplay v09_01_14_04

larexamples v09_01_13_04

larpandora v09_07_00_04

larsimrad v09_01_13_04

larrecodnn v09_08_00_04

larwirecell v09_02_10_04

larana v09_02_10_04

larreco v09_06_10_04

larsim v09_14_02_04

larg4 v09_03_09_04

larevt v09_02_08_04

lardata v09_02_06_04

larcore v09_02_02_04

larpandoracontent v03_24_00_04

larsoftobj v09_06_01_03

lardataobj v09_01_04_03

lardataalg v09_04_05_03

larcorealg v09_01_02_03

larcoreobj v09_02_01_03

webevd v09_05_07_04