LaRsoft v02_03_00 Release Notes
This release is the same as v02_02_01, except that it is built with xrootd v3_3_4a and root v5_34_18d. Note that building with a new root drives new releases of genie, pandora, art, nutools, and ifdh_art.
By request, larsoft v02_03_00 uses art v1_09_04, which is identical to v1_09_03 except for the release of root.
larsoft v02_03_00
- lareventdisplay v02_03_00
- larexamples v02_03_00
- larana v02_03_00
- larreco v02_03_00
- larpandora v02_03_00
- larsoft_data v0_00_04
- ifdh_art v1_4_2b
lareventdisplay v02_03_00
larexamples v02_03_00
larpandora v02_03_00
- larsim v02_03_00
- pandora v00_16a
larana v02_03_00
larreco v02_03_00
- larsim v02_03_00
- nutools v1_02_05
larsim v02_03_00
- larevt v02_03_00
- genie_xsec R-2_8_0
- genie_phyopt R-2_8_0
larevt v02_03_00
lardata v02_03_00
- larcore v02_03_00
- nutools v1_02_05
larcore v02_03_00
- art v1_09_04 (new)
- geant4 v4_9_6_p03b