LArSoft v02_03_02 Release Notes
list of LArSoft releases
larsoft v02_03_02
- 2014-07-30 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v02_03_02
lareventdisplay v02_03_01
larexamples v02_03_01
larpandora v02_03_02
- 2014-07-25 Andrew Blake : Calculate recob::Cluster variables (rather than using default constructor)
larana v02_03_02
- 2014-07-30 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v02_03_02
- 2014-07-30 Anne Schukraft : created a particleid fcl file for uboone
- 2014-07-30 Anne Schukraft : correct comment on calibration constants
- 2014-07-30 Anne Schukraft : new calibration constants based on MCC4 (area)
larreco v02_03_02
- 2014-07-30 Lynn Garren : for larsoft v02_03_02
- 2014-07-29 Sowjanya Gollapinni : adding algorithm to calculate muon/proton momentum for a given track range using CSDA/NIST range-KE tables
- 2014-07-28 Wesley Ketchum : some comments, and use time service correctly
- 2014-07-25 Michelle Stancari : Modifications for lbne/35ton. (1) use wire number instead of DAQ channel number (2) use plane-dependent wire spacing
- 2014-07-25 Eric Church : Fix the key stitching 2D histogram hnktrkids3
- 2014-07-22 Eric Church : Add use of CommonComponentStitch method, debug, remove extra comment lines…
larsim v02_03_01
larevt v02_03_01
lardata v02_03_01
larcore v02_03_00